Monday, April 2, 2012

The reason defined

It is becoming so clear to me now, the things that were no way explained that must have an explination. Well, inventing expinations is a talent of mine. I'd have made a great Greek.

I get it, oh, duh, embarrassing, yeah, but remaining silent is stupid. I see that others really wanted to know more and so I told them some of my very own big fish stories, And yeah, I have trouble even admitting several of my aims to myself because, I'm scizofrenic! No, that would be too easy to figure out and an easy explination. I do not like to admit things that make me who I am because they sound so rediculous. I hint and cryptically speak my mind all the while hiding why in plain sight, but people think I am too deep so they are distracted like amagicians trick, everyone is fooled, I am just a farce. there is no secret worth discovering though y'all want to know, huh? Well, keep guessing. when I mentioned how videos seemed to follow a trend of just disclosing enough to pique interest with a hint of uncovering more, if... but, you never do, anyway Brandall said that he thought that was more intriguing than just parading around revealing everything. So, I thought that was what I wanted to do keep something a secret but reveal enough to hint at what isn't known, with no intention of ever revealing enough, but then I heard the song from "Chess" about how eventually there would be nothing to hide and there would be nothing then because everything was forged upon that expectation to know more, you cannot keep a secret from someone who is "bent" on finding out. It will eventually come out.

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