Sunday, June 1, 2014

Brain dump

Stretching process brings knowledge of things that are true.

If you miss a class you miss the spirit that that teacher has to share.
Each was called by God himself to be a teacher, to teach the things that you need.

As soon as sister Joseph started speaking Mary started to listen.

Heavenly Father is mindful of all of his children, he is planting all sorts of seed, maybe through you just being kind.

Joined church while in the military and was suprised to learn there was some others members in the barracks nearby to take him to church.

Sunday School

Baptism is the first act of service, like Paul, before he could even begin his mission, he was told to go wash away his sins by anaias.

Christ showed how to do it, it was obedient, and it was done so that he he could serve his mission.

Baptismal prayer must be exact.

We serve better when we are obedient....

It is an outward act, we share it with others.

Reasons we are baptized:
Show obedience
Remission of sins
Become a member or a disciple. (becoming a member means suffering one another's burdens
Enter into the Celestial Kingdom
Gift of Holy Ghost - how is it difference to light of Christ, we might loose the light if we disobey the Holy Ghost.

Immediacy. How would you explain Holy Ghost to someone who will be gaining it.

Like Disney a ticket as season pass whereas anyone can get a ticket.

Holy Ghost is like a premium pass.

It is a gift you can call upon. Imeddiately.

George Pace told how we often get the Holy Ghost much later than baptism.

To bear on anothers burdens, we need to put off self.

Immersion represents death and burial of sins then as we rise out of the water we are reborn, it represents the ressurrection.

Lastly, baptism gives us a new begining

Relief Society -

We must learn to wait on the Lord.

He hears and answers, really, and uses the scriptures.

20 And when the Jews heard these things they were angry with him; yea, even as with the prophets of old, whom they had cast out, and stoned, and slain; and they also sought his life, that they might take it away. But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance.

Listen when you pray:

(Three answers)

I know a better way.

A great story about a woman who was praying to know what to do, and got no answer but just did a thing but she thought.

A woman who prayed and it took over 40 years for her sister to return to the church although she had prayed so hard. The answer was not immediate.

Heavenly Father obviously knows the best what his children need and is best.

Story of praying to know what to do, husband said it felt wrong, and brother in law said it feels wrong. This was evidence that the Lord was aware of the situation and people and what to do, and we have a knowledge of that thing.

Peaceful feeling that was accompanying the No. The surety was all important, Important to read your journal.

A story comes to mind about Elder Holland's travel with his son. And how we are allowed to do the wrong thing so that we might KNOW what we ought to do.

Do not overlook the Lord's timing.

Story of an impression that comes to others to be an answer to the prayers of others.

"Stay worthy." You might struggle, but your reward will come. The Lord rewards goodness.

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