Think of someone who did something marvelous for us growing up. This can be forgotten, but what Jesus did for us will never be forgotten, and we commemorate it weekly.
We might feel like a child being told to eat our vegtables when we consider keeping all of our commandments.
Compare how we feel.about how we are doing to a traffic light.
Nothing specific to say, but
Self image is so important because when we are judged it will not matter what others percieve of us.
No matter what we try to accomplish, the adversary will be there trying to increase our doubt.
Take responsibility for yourself. Opposed to just being there.
Take responsibility for your own health. It is your instrument.
Be wholeheartedly (obedient) chosing the right.
Be quick to use atonement as needed. Focus on what our Heavenly Father wants for you.
Be good at forgiving. Maybe you are to forgive others to develop a perspective for you.
Accept trials as part of mortal experience.
"I get candy if I don't cry."
It is a testimony that the gospel is true because with so many diverse topics, such outstandinly brilliant things are true and understood and spoken of, and I am so delighted to hear them and know that that much is true.
"Miracles are wrought through prayer."
Jesus is Joshua in Hebrew.
Christ was he annoited as such, who gave him that title.
Lucifer would tell us what to do and we would not have a choice, so everyone would be saved, but we would not have choices and he would be ursurping our father in heaven.
And when he and he and his followers. Left he said ,"Big Macs won't hurt much."
Rev. 12:11 how we overcame the war. JST is in footnote and is more correct.
Peter was Hung upsidedown cause he did not feel worthy.
The followers of Satan, know everything still.
Can we still defeat them the same way?
Mormon church is a bit scarier because it is not just a go and forget. Basically it requires a whole lot of dedication and accordingly we need to seriously consider.
When things are done in unity more is possible.
When healed, first you must be cleaned or righted in spirit.
Service is not just about doing something for others, but help them feel the love to the point that they want to help others too.
Story of Mexican ward who came together to give a gift of service as their gift to the savior for Christmas.
We are a much better people and we can serve by sharing so much better the things we have.
There are things children need to learn to do things, especially to help mother.
Service is about priorities.
Service starts a righteous tradition.
I noticed the service mindedness when I moved here.
Sin is selfish, but service turns out to others.
"Men are that they might have joy." This joy comes from service.
Maybe service brings us closer to feeling what it would be like to be in his prescence. *His spirit is in service, and when we serve we feel it and desire that so much.
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