Sunday, November 8, 2015

Brain dump

When you honestly love those in your class they will understand that and respond accordingly. Nothing is conveyed as powerfully as love and genuine concern for others.

The concern for others can displace the concern for self.

Take action. It is sign of faith. The children of Israel  started crossing the red sea before it parted.

Obedience produces results, Christ being the ultimate example of this, never being anything but humility and sincerity.

Manage your resources, we are in servitude to our debts.

Work, take resonsibility.

Solve problems. Brother of Jared provides the best example of how he turned to the Lord for his solution.

We will be blessed in all of our affairs if we serve diligently in the temple.

We can solve our own problems.

Unity is important.  Zion.

Communication requires listening. Prayer provides lift.

Integrity means doing what is tight regardless.

Seek learning and wisdom.

My mouth gets dry and I swear so much,  so I apologize if I have to put my foot in my mouth.

Peter was asked to go be a disciple not a fisher. God does not need fish.

Sunday School-

Post mortal Spirit World. Mortal life is very temporary, so pur wants and happiness shifts.

We are  eternal beings. We are all children of Heavenly Father.

We are born on earth to get mortal bodies and learn to live by faith.

Heaven was seen as a place not flying around.

Feelings are so real they are as certain as,our other senses, because the spirit world is around us.

Family relationships are also important. President Jedediah M. Grant, a counselor to Brigham Young, saw the spirit world and described to Heber C. Kimball the organization that exists there: “He said that the people he there saw were organized in family capacities. … He said, ‘When I looked at families, there was a deficiency in some, … for I saw families that would not be permitted to come and dwell together, because they had not honored their calling here’”

Unrealized dreams when people die it is the same as when we get old or suffer a terrible malady, but ww have a hope.

Relief society spiritual and temporal well being.

It is important that we keep our thinking straight, my brothers and sisters. Let us ever keep in mind that all material things are but a means to an end, that the end is spiritual, although the Lord is anxious and willing to bless his people temporally. He has so indicated in many of the revelations. He has pointed out, time and time again, that we should pray over our crops, over our livestock, over our households, our homes, and invoke the Lord’s blessings upon our material affairs. And he has promised that he will be there and ready and willing to bless us. …

Moses 3, everything was spiritual first.

Spiritual clue by four.

The Lord's hand was in everything to get us here, though it was not really a place they would have otherwise chosen.

We pray alot for temporal, but those prayers can be answered, too.

Ours is a gospel of work—purposeful, unselfish and rendered in the spirit of the true love of Christ. Only thus may we grow in godly attributes. Only thus may we become worthy instruments in the hands of the Lord for blessing others through that power which can lead to changing the lives of men and women for the better.
We should be humbly grateful for this challenge, this heritage, this opportunity for service and its abundant rewards. How fortunate are those who may follow the Lord’s plan to develop this power and use it for the blessing of others. That is what the Christ did. That is what we are privileged to do.

Do work with the kids to successfully teach work.

family helps eachother to financially allow what is needed.

Grinch story, reminds us that your money just sitting there if you are keeping it how can it be used to help?

Food storage is like the ark in how it was valued at the time.

Have the food storage discussion.

And the thing Lena said in her primary program aboit why she is thankful that sje listened to the prophet.

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