When we do the things we are commanded exactly we will feel better. This includes media.
A challenge to listen to only church music.
Church as an employer...start each assignment with a prayer, and pictures of Jesus are everywhere.
Death is 2nd biggest fear. Public speaker is biggest.
Wife is network administrator and he is a musician.
Served a mission in SaoPaulo, too.
We are all building our own personal house, we use "primary answers" for blueprints.
A righteous person is judged as such by how often they repent.
We come to points where we can NOT go forward, and the world says get out, but in the doctrine of our church is that of Jesus Christ because we can actually repent and go onward, no matter what we do. It might be very hard, but that allows for growth. (ETHER 12:27)
Two cool things. A man stepped forward when a boy stepped in mud and said, "Let's get you cleaned up."
Annswer briefly and redirect to missionary.
Know the Articles of faith.
We are trying to be saints, re:name of the church "... latter-day saints"
Each word of revelation should not be added to that book, but they can be bound together. It is said often in the scriptures that it should not be added to. It is referring to that tevelation is complete in itself.
We do not follow what others do. It is not done in other churches then why is it in the Bible. (1Cor 15:29)
Earthly ordinances that must be done in the Earth.
Paradise and prison before Christ was ressurrected?
Rhetoric - perfected by the Greeks. How you said it has so much more than what you said.
It is important to use the name of the church and not Mormons.
Things in our church are always done in the name of Jesus Christ.
Post illumination affliction. Where you review the awesome things and then realize how far behind we are than what we should be doing.
The General authorities do not have a job, and they are constantly working things out with God in our behalf.
When we feel so good,
that is how God sees us.
I cannot tell you how long it is because it never ended. The hike was straight up...it was,trecherpus, they honestly were not sure if they could do it.
But, when they reached the top, it was joyous, "mountain top" moment. Once you get up, you realize that you can do it together, but you have to get down.
Tomorrow is forever hopeful, we get to do over.
How do we keep the feeling of being hopeful?
We write it down...it is good to remember.
Remember what brought you there in the first place, remember to do it again.
Know that the otherside is cheering for you.
Keeping photos around to remind you.
While on a high prepare for much worse than it is, then it seems better.
Service makes you feel better.
When we serve our loved ones when we get angry we should do something together. If it backfires. Like boy she was so angry and then he got mad about, loosing socks when laundry is folded.
Satan wants to ruin your relationship.
"Lord blesses those who want to improve." HAVE THE DESIRE TO DO GOOD.
Do not harm others ability.
Awesome moment when, a woman whispered that her husband was such a good husband.
There are people living today who are cheering for you.
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