Sunday, October 30, 2016

Brain dump

If a friend doesn't  respect your standards they are not worth having as a friend.

Talk about prayer.

A little girl sang ""Gethsemane".

We ought to forsake the things that this world esteems.

The way we take care of our bodies sets us apart from others.

Women of the church or women of God will never be worldly women. But, there are enough of those.

Columbia rejected their president cause he would not be strong against the rebel this boils down to being about forgiving.

"Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that..."

Forgivness and repentance are often performed by the same person who sees the correct perspective. Often we need to forgive to see that we need to repent.

When someone we are counting on betrays us...this often happens when a couple divorces.

Satan wants family to be destroyed because he assumes everythong will fall apart.

Liken being angry to eatting a jalapeño, it can overwhelm any previously eatten grapes, per se.

Count your blessings.

Leopards don't change their spots...but, I do not work with leopards. :)

A man rose to the things expected of them.

We must learn to see people not as they are, but what they may become.

Surprised that atheists get married because it is ordained of God.

Paleontologist  could not be together unless they were married, so they had a marriage of convenience.

People who had no religious training of any sort, but they still are monogomous and in families.

James E Faust was sealed for a couple who were never married. And that is the whole concern that people will have the chsnce to be married but they never were on the earth.

Is it safe to say that sealing must be performed on earth? Yes, temple ordinances must be performed on earth which is why earth life is so important.

Everytjing before she was re baptized and so it is all forgiven

As Latter-day Saints, we are living with an eternal perspective, not just for the moment. However, we can receive blessings in this life as a result of being married for eternity. Some of those blessings are as follows...

The descision of eternal companion should be done to be sure that this one must NOT be wrong.

Your eternal family is your spouse.

Most men admit that they would be an entirely different person because they have a wife and family.

Veteran party to honor all are invited.

Stake conference nov 20.

Sis Oscarson's talk from women's conference.

The great peril of life is a great teminder that this is the FULNESS OF TIMES.

Bedrock understanding of the Doctrine of Christ.

We want to raise a SIN resistant generation, it can be done in the home despite what ocurrs outside of it.

Because of temple work and the understanding of such wecwill have the power of God to be with us.

It is good to go do initiatories because we get reminded of incredible blessings.

Do not have any part of vile things and there is a promise that accompanies this charge it is promised thatvthe Lord will be our guide and stay.

We need more and more good to overcome the evil.

Internet and large and spacious building were very similar. Someone commented then are we saying to avoid the internet all together? The reply was no. Emphatically.


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