Nov. 19, 2016
If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him... -Rev 3:20
It is notable that one does not just open the door, but to one who they recognize the voice of.
This session is the greatest meeting of the church.
It is important to remember that we will be instructed by special witnesses of the Lord.
Mission presidents of the past have all relocated permanently to this area. Ogden, UT
Building bridges to other cultures and religion need to unite and realize similarities as children of God.
Great work is being done because of kindred spirit shown and recipients desire to know more.
A reminder that the Lord is mindful of us, the fact that things that we only speak of to the Lord are coincidentally answered through others.
Likened the church and gospel with a romantic relationship, that we somehow know what we should do.
"Baptism is not like waving a magic conversion wand." -Sis. Driscoll.
Like a relationship we must press forward despite divorce or other potential setbacks.
Like love, we may experience pain, it will not be easy.
Testimony cannot be taken away.
A big fear of LDS men divorcing is that they become inactive.
"We graduated at the same time, she from kindergarten I from high school."
Atonement leaves no trace.
I do not know how it works, but it does.
The savior does not say, "oh no not you again"
Power in inviting others, if they do not accept at least they have a choice to make.
Coincidences are God's way of being anonymous.
"No righteous desire will go unfufilled."
Look up quote by David Bednar regarding how the goal if to provide children a home to be born and love in.
If atonement can help a man who had lived a particularly rough life, then it can erase anything.
"Why would anyone come to church on Sat. Night?" Come and experience it...
Important to send written invitations to people.
I was asked to invite the inviters... when people receive written letters, they will feel the love of the writer.
If I was not already baptized I would have, because of a person's countanance?
A man mentioned a talk about not "The" savior, but her savior.
Invite to cone unto christ.
Other invitations were mentioned like Ishmael and his daughters.
Make your life an invitation. And do not be afraid to give them.
Dc52 a pattern to not be decieved.
Not good for man to be alone, men need is interesting to study that word.
Joseph Smith TRANSLATED the book not wrote it.
If you regularly study the Book of Mormon, you will not fall astray.
If the Savior were here today, he would likely be in the pentatentaries. In a prison spirit was felt so strongly.
Family history is a lifeline to heaven. In that prison that felt like the temple it housed computers for indexing. It was the closest they could get to the temple.
A helpmeet is an equal and humbling.... his wife said "you may be Dr. Larsen at work and President Larsen at church but, I just need a garbageman".
In defense of Joseph Smith, he asked a boy to write a similar book.
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