Joseph was going to the rest room and he wanted me to look away, but instead of smaying that he said, " why don't you go look in the mirror? You like to do that, right."
Then he drew a road and it looked like a tumble weed but, he asked me what it was, I guessed wrong and told me actually it was a the road.
Imagine you would get 10 laws only ten, would you include keeping the Sabbath day Holy?
"The small island kingdom of Tonga lies immediately next to the international dateline, so it is the first country in the world to greet the Sabbath day. It is a small country and, in the counting of the world, a poor country. But years ago a wise Tongan king decreed that the Sabbath would be kept holy in Tonga forever.
Modern civilization has come in many ways to Tonga. If one goes to the capital of Nuku’alofa on a weekday, he finds the usual heavy traffic of trucks and cars and the bustle of thousands of shoppers making their regular purchases from well-stocked stores and markets. One sees people line up to view the latest movies and to rent videos. One can watch modern buses whisk tourists off to catch their jet planes, or observe the speed and clarity of a satellite call to the United States. The streets are crowded and business is good. You might wonder, “What is so different about this town from hundreds of others like it throughout the world?”
But when Sunday dawns on the kingdom of Tonga, a transformation takes place. If one goes downtown, he sees deserted streets—no taxis or buses or crowds of people. All the stores, all the markets, all the movie theaters, all the offices are closed. No planes fly, no ships come in or out, no commerce takes place. No games are played. The people go to church. Tonga is remembering to keep the Sabbath day holy.
It is significant that the first country in the world to greet the holy Sabbath keeps the Sabbath holy.
Does the Lord love and bless those who keep the Sabbath day holy? I testify that he does in eternally meaningful ways."
People who go to worship in nature. "We worship the creator not the creations."
If we do not do things on Sunday we will spend time with our families.
There is a story where a person's faith was on trial, and they reached their quota of steps, but needed to go home.
Car dealerships must be closed on Sunday because they need a rest. It reminds me of how I do better work if I take a break.
You pay a price for working on Sunday though it is not observable by the world.
What about things that are not accountable by anyone else.
Sacrament is a great thing with blessing to aour lives that can be a day to look forward to.
Go out and look for those who have less and need help and help them. This is the best way to get up from and make an exit from the pitty party.
Need to be grateful for what you have, and thankful that you have your trials, and not someone else's.
"As you ... serve, a new dimension will be added to your life."
Of the good things that a man achieved they were not "the obserable" things, but the ways that he was able to serve his people.
Missionaries are extremely happy because of the service they are giving.
When we serve it is not to get an observable thank you or reaction. So it is hard to be do it because we want to serve, likened to how women want their husbands to do something for us, but because they want to do it.
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