The way to become " " is specific to how the gospel nourishes our spiritual DNA.
The gospel is EFY, especially for you. You do not need a special summer camp to realize that God loves you and how to apply it to your life.
Sister Markaye Moss
Parable of the pearl of great price, and how it teaches the principle of sacrifice.
Book of Mormon is true, this is not recieved in a miraculous, life changing way, but by a strong feeling influence.
I needed answers and found them on the scriptures, but often need to sacrifice other things to make room for the things of God, and most importantly to have the spirit so that those needed answers csn be brought to our heart.
Covenants made in the temple give us the power we need.
A family never were sealed and some members died. And it can be too late, but this sealing can be likened to the pearl of greatest price, and should be sought after
Gregg Perry - parables mentioned, and how we get the opportunity to come partake of sacrament, the whole meeting is something we partake of. It is like a pearl of great price.
Sacrifice a rich man might offer to give up his riches, but more is needed, like a bishop who sacrifices so much more to "follow" christ.
Both tithing and word of wisdom are temporal laws.
Tithing is spiritual law or else poor would not be required to pay it, but they are allowed the blessings.
Both wow and tithing are prepratory laws, that are to allow us to be ready to recieved a later principle as it is given.
All the Lord's commandments are spiritual. Blessings are given predicated upon principles given, so why cannot we all run without getting weary.
Maybe, it was a blessing recoeved when we did not use.
Answer is that although the answers are not swift or how we expect even thpugh they are sure.
"We purify our bodies so the Spirit of the Lord can dwell with us."
"Glass Castle" a great book and movie about effects on self and others.
Also any addictive substance causes us to loose agency.
Drinking coke is bad but in degree of effects to the body. So, one can get a temple recommend.
Addictive substances effect our bodies in ways that might not be universal, so, the WOW is a lowest common denominator.
Dark chocolate is not caffeine.
We should eat meat sparingly.
Worked to death, do NOT run faster than is needful.
14 year old learn new languages because they have not eatten as many cheeseburgers.
I used to run without getting tired at all, but now I cannot do that... but I was blessed.
Teacher was told by doctors that he had terminal cancer, but stake president said that he would not die.
There are just as many horrible things that can be "ingested" like our phones through means other than our phones that deliver evil or addictive substances through our eyes.
Sometimes blessing are recieved through others, the blessing of the word of wisdom.
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