Sunday, October 15, 2017


Hong Kong mandarin - very competitive. Not much opportunity to rest.

Parable of talents warns about wasting away time.

No growth in the comfort zone (no comfort in the growth zone)

Organizing talent from a touch or hoarding, trying to make everything fit, being able to organize and create a home of Order like the temple.

Our talent should be used to improve as a missionary it helps the mission as a whole improve.

Looking at a great group of missionaries. We tend to not see ouselves as missionaries.

Fear keeps us from doing things not good enough, only it actually keeps us from doing anything good at all, as well.

Might have been happy.

Stairway to Heaven, but a highway to hell. Actually it is a toll road.

Do you hate roses cause they have thorns .or do you love thorns because they have roses?

Blessings surely will come but, some will require patience.

Tonight at 6 pm stake center will mention ward boundry change.

Night think that we are significant or are not anything more than just ourselves, but that IS enough.

Music does not enhance our worship but is a significant part of it.

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