When the Lord speaks to our minds, but other times he speaks to our hearts and he sends feelings, manifested if ways specific to the individual.
Stake conference is for us to recieve instructions.
This starts with a prayer, that we have been promised we will be heard and answered.
The general authority promises us and informs us of how to request and recieve from God who will not and has not ever left us here alone.
Book of Mormon is straightforward a concise record. 2nd Nephi 32, read. Steadfastness is Christ is needful and essential to us in this and all stakes.
It is possible to have a testimony and not be converted.
People are only converted truly of Christ, not awesome programs or people in the church.
The type of faith demonstrated by the woman who was healed by touching the garment of the Lord. What seperated her from the masses is that the others came to observe but she came to be healed.
"I love the Savior and I want to be like him."
Parents do a great job teaching about tithing, but do not teach about fast offering.
This needs to be taught to children so that they may benefit from the observance of a fast offering.
The comfort, peace, joy and strength we receive in response to paying a fast, many examples have been given, but each much do it to see how it blesses their lives.
It is pure religion to care for those in need, this is something that we can do with our fast offering.
Paying a fast and doing visiting/home teaching shows God and ourselves who we are.
If you feel that you cannot afford to give, it has,been testified that we cannot afford to not give it. What we need is not money anyway.
It is important to realize and recall that the Lord knows and loves those we desire to help.
Give youth a chance to do hard things.
As we focus on the source of light and pay attention, it will develop like any other talent.
Struggle goes back and forth, but when you are converted you know and are steadfast flip flopping stops.
It is significant in the story of the rich young ruler that the Lord beheld him, because that is so ...
Topics of general authorities is exactly what the Lord wants to say to the church.
It is all going to work out, it will be fine and all experiences will benefit us.
If we do not know why we do a thing do it until you do.
It strikes me that in the definition of faith has a picture of Jesus Christ and it ralks alot about having faith in Jesus Christ, it seems to me that it is the only thing worth having faith in to the point that Jesus Christ has been absorbed into the definition of the word.
Sometimes we do miracles unbeknownst to us in the first place.
Hope is manifest in confidence, and helps you conquer discouragement.
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Hope is a thing that is inherited not earned.
It is not sybolic of coming to christ.
But, even our faith in Jesus Christ is taught through Joseph Smith.
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