"No right way to do the wrong thing."
Spend time thinking about what it means that the church is for everyone.
Story about leaning on a stranger in the elevator.
Discover your talent and then use it to serve others.
Service can and should be a way of life. It is a great thing to do as a family.
The act of serving can be a good and bonding time. Through it we are able to grow.
St. Francis said that quote I attributed earlier to Jason Stehli and now Brock Aldrich shared it.
Ogden tabernacle tonight. Pioneer devotional. At 7pm?
We are allowed so few vices, this one is mine (regarding diet coke).
"Too often we trade what we need for what we want right now."
"Was it worth it?" Sonetimes a child might do a thing and get disciplined and loose the thing that they truly wanted.
Building and iron rod picture. Reminds me of the stiry of the rich man asking tge savior what he should do.
The iron rod is the word of God. Try to carefully keep it in your day.
The entire lesson to me is about not being a people pleaser...and it makes me feel apologetic about the strictness of the way.
What does it mean when it says for "mature" audiences.
"Let the fire of the covenent burn inside you and be unquenchable."
No spiritual power in doing what is convenient (Regarding callings, etc.)
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