Gifts of Christmas
The divine gift of repentance.
Parable of the pudding cup. As a kid she thought it was the best desert compared to a half of a browned Apple, not even sure if it has any pudding. But, expected to be great, it is easy and instant, but instead of a three layer chocolate cake. We compare that pudding cup to the cake that must be waited for but requires a lot of work.
When we love, really love someone, that is an expression of love.
Part of repentance requires that me make a commitment.
When we see something so beautiful we forget what we went through. Though Satan tries to make it seem like the trial is it an we will always remember it. But, the story told about a member of the Donner party. We get to experience the great joy of regular repentance and that is what will last.
Gift of forgiveness -
First word : let go, peace, happiness, Jesus Christ, harder than it seems.
There are things that we endure, that very few will have to. And they survived.
Story the epitome forgiveness was the story of the Amish and the milkman.
And story of 44 yr old woman was nearly killed by a frozen turkey. What an awesome opportunity she had!
Discouraged is worse than sick, from It's a Wonderful Life.
Missionaries still have their missionary halo.
Tuesday 14 time management and organization.
Next week time changes to 9am
Bednar's talk about Faith.
Joseph asked which to join not which was true.
Do not pray to ask the missionaries to do our work, but be willing to work ourselves.
We are nervous about sharing with our friends out of a fear of rejection. But, we ought not fear but go ahead and act, because those who we fear to offend will be offended, but will respect us.
We do not do more than invite. The spirit teaches.
Life event usually makes a person more receptive to the gospel much like those who need the atonement to fix something will grasp the significance.
A sister mentioned how things happened one step at a time.
Sometimes, a field is not ready to harvest, but we can "sew the seeds".
Hastening the work we can show others how we love them.
People wonder and think a great deal about why they are loved. And we build trust when we love them.
Action. Pray to know what to do. That is what Joseph Smith prayed about.
Most of us, We do not need to ask if the church is true, or false.
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