Sunday, December 15, 2013

Partial brain dump

“We are all dependent upon Jesus Christ, upon his coming into the world to open the way whereby we might secure peace, happiness, and exaltation.”

Presentation given of the Holy Land changes the demeanor of those speaking of it.

I just remembered that mostly it was the nature of God and how important it is to understand that was thoroughly discussed

God said that he created Adam in his own image and Adam said if his son Seth that he was created in his own image. Jesus Christ was born on earth and so God has a body of flesh and bones.

We were called "God makers" and seen negatively because of this doctrine. But, what parent doesn't want his child to grow up to be an adult, we all will. It is plain.

It has been commented on how hymns really effect us.

Eternal life or Bust.

Enduring to the end equated to "suck it up until further notice."

How did Jesus learn of his mission, which he clearly understood.

I remember at one point I was bearing my testimony of the godhead and became tear and was asked not to cry. Please, ever again, it is very distracting.

Most of the time when we do things we cannot think about the worldly acceptance of the thing.

Exultation is the goal not the destination.

There were so many things said this morning that I felt very strongly. I wrote it down and it was deleted, maybe that is that faith in Jesus Christ overshadow everything much as this lesson is on a higher degree of significance.

Open your mouth and it will be filled.

… I say to the Latter-day Saints, if any of you are sleepy, read the words of the Savior spoken when He was upon the earth in regard to the ten virgins, five of whom were wise, and took oil in their lamps, and when the Bridegroom came there was only one-half prepared to go out to meet Him.

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