Sunday, May 4, 2014

Brain dump

Note: This does not include some significant things that were said, and it has not been edited or reviewed yet but I must make space on my phone to accomodate other information.

Wednesday at 7pm stake center. By Country Hollow, choose 2 out of 3 classes.

A story about a father recieving revelation for his family and he is not even a member.

My heart has found a home.

Heavenly father is always there when we need him. -Sister Joseph

It is awesome to hear about our children from an unbiased source.

Jackson mission, but he is stationed in Shreveport.

Plan of salvation arms us with the truth that this life is not the end and we will be with our families again.

These were given to them according to their individual needs, capacities, and assignments.

Missionaries were given gifts as their assignment requires.

Assignments, spiritual gifts. Especially important in the gathering.

Gardening tips - 13th at 7

What was valuable to bring?
Photos and important papers.

Every life has different stories, but they all end up in the same destination. Each journey tells a great story.

Some stories or accounts of journeies help us to hear and know things, it helps us on the way. This is what the scriptures do for us.

It reminds me of the thing someone told me about how different the story is to the teller than it is percieved by the listener.

Each of us took that step daunting as it may have been, to live our journey. (Likened in my mind to jumping off a speeding train like Uchtdorf's sister).

Lord loves us as we are and not as the way the world see's us. Our JR is eager to help.

Even those we do not particularly like were eager to take part as well.

56 Even before they were born, they, with many others, received their first lessons in the world of spirits and were prepared to come forth in the due time of the Lord to labor in his vineyard for the salvation of the souls of men.

Real love of Christ is a pure absolutely true language.

Love was fluently spoken by all and might spark a thing in others.

Be of Good Cheer. Remember that you are a child of God. Be happy regardless of what we must endure. We really ought to be so happy to do so, just remember your divine nature. Be an inspiration to others.

Story about a young man who did not go to church even, but prayed so hard and Heavenly Father actually told him what needed to be done. And that was to remove his leg. He has no doubt. His journey will assist others.

Lots of what odd, we get to see in stories of others the things (truths) that we need. Like Sis Monk who concluded that things happen for a reason.

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