Relief Society Enrichment
Virginia Alexander - grow potatoes in a bucket.
Share seed potatoes if you don't use that many, maybe find someone to share.
Denise Samples has buckets. Or ask grocer.
Dx52 12 best tomatoes
Friendly, well, if you share your food.
God planted a garden.
D&C things from the earth are for the benefit of man. Made to be used.
Spencer W. kimball talked a lot about gardening. And orchards.
Commendable, friendship and neighborlyness of sharing that comes from gardening.
No one ever lost his shirt from rolling up sleeves.
Why garden?
We learn by doing. And to share and be prepared. It may be necessary.
The Lord and prophet wants us to know those things.
What would you do to start a garden?
We start by laying things out on paper.
Taking a master gardener class does not make you a master gardener.
Virginia has rhubarb, if you want any.
Vegtables like sun.
Legumes are a good source of nitrogen for the soil.
Plant chives around peach trees.
Right now or aim for 20th of March of 1st of May.
Sand if you mix it with clay you get cement
Mystery mellons grew up a year after cantelope and honey dew grew, it was like a hybrid.
Okra and collard greens grow well.
Food coloring in pears.
Garden and then can it instantly.
Prophet has told us to garden.
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