Sunday, January 17, 2016

Brain dump

Elder speaking served in the West Indies. Met with a guy who explained how lots of people try to bend his understanding towards their faith, but he lacked humility and claimed that he already knew it all

Eventually, and gradually became humble enough to learn about what he did not know.

We can feel truth from Bible, but there is more and it is not everything and when we are humble enough we can learn so much more.

The church was not allowed in an area, really, but with patience and humility a new political leader was chosen and the church was able to be taught there.

High conselsor served his mission in minnesota.

Story about the game of pickle ball and his experience with humility .

Humility is not a popular or saught after trait in the world. But, blessed are the meek.

Joseph smith is said to have publically called Brigham Young to repent, and Brigham was humbled instead of resentful.

Humble is not to think less of yourself, but to think of yourself less.

Pride comes from not success but being more sucessful than others. It is comparitive.

Pride turns off priesthood but humility turns it on.

If we ever thought that we have humility then we do not.

Being able to serve in any calling not just great ones.

We can do as much good in any capacity in how we serve not where.

Jesus Christ, Our Chosen Leader and Savior.

Everyone of us thought that we,were going to make it

Power would be his as Lucifer's plan.

But, living on earth would have been pointless.

And this we saw also, and bear record, that an angel of God who was in authority in the presence of God, who rebelled against the Only Begotten Son whom the Father loved and who was in the bosom of the Father, was thrust down from the presence of God and the Son,
26 And was called Perdition, for the heavens wept over him—he was Lucifer, a son of the morning.
27 And we beheld, and lo, he is fallen! is fallen, even a son of the morning!

From D&C 76

If a son of the morning could fall, any of us could, if we are not sufficiently humble. Story about a newly returned missionary who left the church.

The way we fight against evil is through ideas expressed in words.

Plans can be thwarted but then God always triumphs.

Jesus was needed as a savior, because we need to be helped, if anyone expected to suceed.

A good idea for new years resolution is to list of what we will do less of on one hand and more of on the other.

Every once in a while, just pray where you talk to God, but do not ask for anything.

We can give the correct answers but not do them.

Stand in Holy places. Doing the right things.

Reading our scriptures is peaceful.

To move forward we must let go, like on monkeybars.

Relief Society .


Worldly peace? "I do not think the world ever has given us peace" but it a most saught over thing.

SHALOM greet and dismiss that means peace.

Pres. Hunter admitted that he personally did not understand eternity. But, we all know that the only way to achieve success is through knowing Jesus Christ.

Preventitive measures are taken often because of peace is desired.

We go to away to find peace.

Go to the temple.

Scriptures bring peace.

Repentence brings peace.

The Savior is the only Real source of peace.

Contentment is synonymous with peace. I wondered how it had not been mentioned yet that the place we feel peace is the temple, but we need to find a way to turn our daily lives and home a place to be content when not in the temple.

Sometimes we make the wrong decisions when we do not take our medicine.

Satan will do anything he can to stop things from happening like members attending the temple.

People who were healed were desperate to have the Savior's help. I think of Alma the Younger and how he had a horrible trial and it needed to be so that he realized that Christ was truthfully the only hope.

Now, it has been mentioned multiple times the movie Let it Go. Or more specifically, the words "let it go" and how they sort of mean peace, and a need of our Savior.

Hiking story like peter walking on the water, if we cling to the "chain" or keep focus on the savior, but inevitably we look down and falter, we ought not ever look down.

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