Family and how it is important.
In natural disasters, people always think first and most about their families.
God uses families for organization, so we can learn to love others more than ourselves.
Parents have a great responsibility. They are like the switch on a railway track and one little action can have a profound impact.
Service is so significant to teach. Like Savior washing the feet of his apostles. From John 13.
People with differences can still be loved and shared with without loosing any of our faith... the example given was of the Samarian Woman at the well who Jesus dealt with kindly.
Our example teaches a whole lot more than we can imagine. So, we are passing on who we are, which means even things we do not say will be taught and effect who we become.
Prayer is our personal time with God. This needs to be shared with our children, so they know where they can always turn for help when needed. Regardless.
It is ironoc that a new struggling parent is trying to teach a group of seasoned parents and empty nesters.
Children are a heritage of the Lord.
***Teach the gospel in your home. Occasionally, use words.
No safe age limit for immorality, like immoral programing.
How you treat your spouse will set a pattern.
Sunday School
Why did we come to the Earth?
Jesus and Adam created the earth under the direction of Heavenly Father.
World was created through priesthood power. All men have the same power. It is there, but do not have the faith to do it.
All things were created spiritually first.
My mother told me about a type of photograph that even after you cut a tree leaf it is still there. Matter is not created or destroyed.
Heavenly father was present when man was created, because he was that important to him. It is like a father of a child being present when a child is born, but the mother can do it completely without him, so Jesus could have done this on his own.
We have been a cool playground to live on.
God loves us so he made us chocolate.
"...All things are numbered unto, for they are mine and I know them..."
(Skeletal and muscular systems of dinosaurs perfectly formed for our earth).
Why did you get married?
Marriaged is supposed to make us happy.
The couple is the only truly significant sealing.
Christ like love maybe not intended for our spouse.
Very romantic song lyric... "Jeremiah was a bullfrog."?
No. But he was a good friend of mine.
Most romantic songs are self-centered.
Mom, not sure if it is me or not me. We have a hard time giving up the fantasy that the mom will always take care of everything me needs. There is a moment when we realize that a not me is dedicated to the well being of me.
Love is more than physical, emotional or mental.
You need the pain to call the love *like a diaper change. So, it is a part, like C.S.Lewis said, of the joy.
Physiological states are not sustainable, only occur in the falling in love stage.
We do not even conciously know why we fall in love. Not sustainable nevessarily, it is labeled twitterpation.
We are married to someone else. They will never be "me".
Story of Golden Egg, where we get all we need, but not everything we want. But, it all works.
Provide element of safety.
Be save to and with.
Coherent response, they took in what the other said and responded with an adequate response. Even if it is negative.
Someone falls out of love when someone else is involved, like seeing the castle and wanting it.
ALWAYS RESPONDING to a bid for interaction.
The fact that we get gifts for another according to what we have learned is desirable. But, it is like buying a bowling ball with you name on it for your wife for valentine's day.
If you expect a desire to be met, you need to communicate what you want.
Great idea Make a list of things you expect your spouse to do for you. And have them choose two and it is not hinting when you notice.
Someone brought out how often, they give with the intent of what they get and not a genuine display of love, like how my children say they love me because they hope to gain something.
When we get older the ways we cope or disappear like housework or child rearing.
Hug until you feel it. Four ways...
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