Sunday, June 19, 2016

Brain dump (june 19, 2016)

Older gentleman asked congregation to imagine that he was a young returned missionary.

Murmuriing is a stage before we can actually learn, if we get past it.  Childish complaining..

Some part of the gospel causes head scratching, it is like it is in another language that needs to be translated.

Allowing others to struggle so that we might grow.  (That is what we were talking about some mothers have many children as they are a better match for them, whereas I rush to aide when a child stumbles. I would not do well with so many children because of my need for personal one on one connection).

In my family blessings were given when one was nearly dying... but, gave a blessing and healing wasn't instant.

This was before cell phones, people actually existed for thousands or years without them, actually. (But, people grow and learn with things a way and that is how they become accustomed to them, so it would be harder to live without than if you never had it in the first place).

Why didn't blessing work the way it was supposed to? The answer was to stop worrying. Sometimes we just do not understand how things will work out, but the fact that we are willing to try is important.

Music brings the spirit.

I hate asking others to speak with me...because it is a terrible thing to put upon someone, well, it mighy not be, but the stress and such on others.

What is FULLNESS of times? A time when all of the Keys and right to preside are present.

Power of God, so if we love God we will revereve and love the one who posseses this portion.

The keys of resurrection and creation have not been restored as of yet.

Gift of tongues is necessary to be able to teach in a way that others understand.

Prayed to know a thing, and felt perfectly and it was enough for a while. Then when he needed it again, he prayed expecting to get the same thing or answer agsin, but his only answer was that he had already been answered, and it would be like the older brothers of Nephi who saw angels but it was not a thing that saved them.

On mission in Argentina, he thpught his ability to speak in Spanish was just that he was intelligent.

Story about lost sheep. We can be sure that if we are that lost sheep then we can be found.

We should not feel akward talking to people just cause they are not there. Cause it is our gospel.

We assume that we are not lost. We need to reach out to others.

My husband has admitted that he would not like to go to church in Mississippi, so I tried to convince him that no one will make a bog deal of it.

When peopke come back they are testing to see if we are real friends.

What does it mean to be lost?

Unlost mean we are part of the whole.

When we are lost, and try to come back it is hard. Because we expect to belong but actually have to work to belong.

When I was called as a compassionate service my responsibility was to visit everyone who did not attend.

Never give up, keep trying and keep trying.

We can be here, but not be there.

There was a sister who I actually had the thought of getting a card to have everyone sign, but I did not do it, and she mentioned that no one said anything when she came back... we need to do something.

What are some of the things we can do?

Speak up, and be aware of things around us. Pray for them.

"All these years we were telling him that he needed us, but the time we needed him it got through to him."

Alot of times we do not know so we do not judge others.

Using the words us and them or they is inapproriate and establishes a sense of belonging.

I remember that the time sister Hirschi's son served a mission and said that his mission was to help the members who are already "in the fold".

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