Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Smug Latter-day Saints

At the same time as admitting I appreciate the things they say and do, I dislike how much bad they do. I guess it is like loving the sinner while we hate the sin. I often read things that are said sharply in a very clever way about mormon principles, and it bothers me, when I read from the view point of an outsider.

My first thought is jealousy and I think of Nephi's comment to his brothers about truth being hard for those who are not living truthfully, and I find myself feeling similar to members of the sandhedrin and think oh thank you that I am up so much more learned than others and that I understand the things as well as the one who speaks so eloquently. Meanwhile, other may read their excellence and feel shame at not being as great and because their way seems so far above instead of inspiring hope they discourage and do more harm than good. I am not saying that greater or faster progression is bad, I also heard a great story about a group of highly revered men and one among them felt inadequate  because he was newest. He understood a thing with great mexcitement and wanted to share it, as he was sure it would impress, but when he shared it, no one made him feel little because he was not as great yet, but they all explained in a nice way that they, too had each learned that already, but they listened and seemed as excited about hearing it as if it had never occurred to them before. So,  just to be respected one not be unapproachably better than others.

It bothers me, and I have not learned how to mask my emotion yet.  I disliked those who take pride in their wit, those overly Smug mormons. Likely, they would take offense in being called a Mormon, even.

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