Sunday, September 18, 2016

Brain dump

Primary program.

Mary just understood that people who are dead needed to live or we wouldn't. She excitedly saod "And we all love eachother cause we are family"

We should feast (read alot) on the scriptures. That is what lead Joseph Smith to pray and ultimately restore this chuch on the earth.

"I want to love everyone and be happy."

***It was such a wonderful effect to have the children's angelic voices sing accompianment or a sort of obligato, for a song.***

Children have so much faith, like David who fought Goliath,  men need to be like  children to deserve to live with God again. Jesus even said accordingly, that children were the greatest of all. I truly was happiest as a child when I acted less out of fear and reason and more out of faith.


Need to develop skills like primary children who have so much to say, but lack the skill to teach.

If we are all diety in embryo, then all things could be possible to us, but they are not, so maybe think about why that is.

Over coming a fear to develop a talent, reminds me of Florence Foster Jenkins, I really wondered why it was so significant that she perform when she lacked ability.

"No such thing as late."

Part of discovering our talents is being willing to do things we might not do.

Talents may change through our lives. How do you know that you like a food as a child? You have to try it. And have to try it several times to recognize it.

It takes preserverence, to push through it.
You must practice. To develop a skill. Sometimes the Holy Ghost enters in and assists. The Lord does magnify and fill in when needed.

Reminds me of a story of sis. Haidenthaller talking about a music calling that she could not do, but still she needed to practice and learn as much as possible.

Taking a class or reading a book is a great way to develop our skills...consider youtube... mentor or be mentored. Someone who already knows, or who is olympians still have coaches.

By not giving up. Scripture in Ether,  having humility, and ask for help...especially divine help.
Look in uncoventional places for answers (lately, I decided to listen to songs to hear the Lord's voice much like ones hears in the words of the scriptures).

Joseph who did his part, like a member of the body has different abilities. We are being prepared maybe like Joseph who got sold into Egypt,  he got to develop.

God gives callings to qualify someone.

We are created as a man and woman who are to be joined, seperate persons with a different set of abilities that ought to be used together.

With great talent comes great responsibilities.

Is your talent dependent on your having a mortal body and sphere to live in?

Relief Society -


Religion means nothing if...

"Too lazy to lie..."

If you are unconcious and they go to your driver's license for weight for medication dosage.

Like the kids will not J walk because it is against the law...they force me to be honest.

We get to be at that level of honesty men like prophets hold themselves to a greater standard.

And there was a time when my daughter told on me for not taking medicine.

It is an example to me that someone is destined for Greatness, because of his honesty.

The world would be different if people were honest. It would be simple.

We need to trust others like the say are truth.

When someone is honest, their behavior is shocking.

lies, Gavin's story about a cord being wrapped.

We use the excuse of kindness to justify little white lie, like story of bathroom toilet that broke cause people were too heavy, but would not just say so.

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