Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Institute notes

Regarding the pearl of great price.

I haven't decided if I love preparing or presenting more.

The Sabbath day instituted as a holy day. The best way to determine ask if it brings you closer to God.

Sunday, not a day of deprivation!!

(Moses 4) word Generation in Hebrew is Story.

Things were created in spirit first before being created physically.

It is important to realize the things we do not know as well as what we do know.

What do I say about questions about things I do not know? Bad Question.

"Even in my perfected, resurrected body, I cannot change light bulbs."

Rivers flow into the Mississippi acording to one book.

We were present in the creation.

We should talk respectfully about Adam and Eve.

River named Euphrates today was a name sake for the one mentioned in the history of creation, according to a book.

All the animals had pairs, but man was alone. Most challenging existance is when we must be alone.

Figurative that woman is near and dear to man, but not surgically created from parts of a man.

Heb 14:4

Man is not without woman.

Regularly check with the proclamation on family.

Spouse shall come before even our parents and children.

"You didn't pray before you did it, what do you expect?" You get out what you put in.

What manner of man ought ye be? Maybe make a to be list. Our gial has been set  by Jesus. The closer we come to being like him The better for us.

Look up Jeff Marshall "even as I am".

Example of being submissive, whenasked to home teach a family who tells you that they do not accept home teachers, so he asked if they accepted friends.

Hunger and thirst, maybe read after 2 meals skipped on fast Sunday

Do you sincerely think of another's benefit.

Blessed are the peacemakers.

Try not to be confrontational.

Try not to do good to be acknowledged.

Beattitudes in book of Mormon.

Start by saying listen to apostles/prophets.

Low in spirit means you realize that  you need more spirituality and you need help.

I KNEW THEE NOT is not correct cause the Lord knows and accepts you, but it should acyually be "ye knew me not".

To have a good day, look for someone else to help. I think of the kid who said, "thank you" when I cleared the sidewalk for them.

We feel better and improve our life when out attitude changes, our life is properly spent looking for ways to make life better for others.

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