Monday, September 18, 2017


Said things in his missions spoken language, that included and my pants are on fire, and said sounds good, huh?

Then told story about a book being thrown at high counselor and missed and only ended up stunning a choir member who said, "do it again, he is not done talking yet and I can still hear him."

Disciple is more than one who just studies and learns of a thing, but actually strive to live what they learn and study.

Reading an actual book is best.

Reading is to the mind as exercise is to the body.

Need balance, not just do one thing.

If someone calls you a looser say, "you're right, cause I eat loosers for breakfast." Cause we are what we consume, so we need to consume the teachings of Christ.

High conselor had to learn Italian with an austrailian accent.

Man said closing prayer instead of bearing testimony, but meeting was not over yet.

Parable of the vinyard, same pay for people who worked, but some only worked the last hour.

They agreed on a wage before they started working, but then they were not as happy because of pride. And they compared how much work each had done...reminds me of prodigal son and how one is not thankful.

We need to remain humble or good will not have it's sweet effect.

Being called means invited to work for him, but chosen is meaning that we have his blessings.

Can teach faith by example, and to recognize that faith has been used in this way.

We share the gospel because it makes us so happy that we want to share that.

Pray for missionary opportunites and then be aware of it when it happens.

****Think of how you can uplift others.***

Not your mouth filled then speak, but speak and then your mind will be filled.

More doors opened when we approach people as people, instead of as one who needs to be taught.

It is missionary work to invite someone to come share their talent at a fireside maybe.

No growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone.

Sometimes the step we are making with this person is not evident in this life.

There are lots of other things that keep you from learning, so now we will focus on why we need to learn.

We need to learn about how a person can love even sinners.

A talent of Gordon B. Hinkley to read and understand but further distil it down to what should be remembered.

we need to figure out how to teach peoperly, a mind might be very fine, but if not harnessed properly it may even be mistaken as a trouble maker.

Likewise we might come up with alternate explinations for what keeps us from excelling, but instead we look for the way we can look at things to understand them.

It is like looking at anything and figuring out or solving how it is to be accomplished. We might need to use a different means to accomplish it than what is normal.

When we teach we naturally must learn it.

When we look at the eclipse we need to use special glasses to even percieve it.
That is like needing to be translated to percieve God.

One of the reasons we learn so well is by incorporating music (vibrations).

Children want to be same as parents and they will do what you do....notice it is what you do not what you say.

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