Lost dog bobby in Indiana found him at home in Oregon known as Bobby the wonder dog. Leatherback turtle has sense of direction...how do generations know where to go? Do we have an inner guidance leading us to Heaven?
Spiritual migration, when we follow the call to follow Him we will feel a confirmation....part of that journey we will naturally serve others.
Our trials will not be removed but we will have the blessings that we need.
Often when we look at ourselves we do not see the way that we help others, cause we are just ourselves.
God's work has always been done by men who consider themselves lacking.
Migrstory animals, like salmon will never get when they need to be, thus exist by just floating with the current.
The Lord will use us is MARVELOUS ways.
How can we all serve?
We have very little value or reason to our lives if we are stoogy with it.
We miss important duties because we are looking for the huge significant needs and service.
Service need not be on a grand scale, but maybe those we see daily need help in small ways.
We do not go to meetings for ourselves,but to help someone feel less alone.
On day to day we can pray to find those in need in our communities.
If you hold to the rod the world will naturally forsake you.
Reject anything that is... worldly?....um, lost it.
As the bread is torn, each piece is unique just as is each person with their needs.
Service is not a thing to check of as done to get to heaven, but it is the quality that will be familiar to those living in Heaven.
Do not be content, but also, do not be discouraged.
We should not demean or evilify ourselves.
Give your hand to anyone trying to walk the way to God.
Because a man stumbles and falls on his path homeward and ends up in a ditch, it is still the path home...
Spoke of eclipse and how large the sun actually is, but the moon appears to block it out.
We need to use equipment to see through "gospel glasses" to avoid a spiritual eclipse. The glasses allow you to see with a larger perspective and light that otherwise would blind us.
Any virture taken to extreme could become a vice.
Avoid the spiritual eclipse of pride by being humble.
Repentance is enobling and happy. It points us to freedom and peace.
Prodigal and must come to ourselves and chose to make the walk home or repent. And feel the joy of repentence.
I love the Brittish summer it is my favorite DAY of the year...story of waking up late and missing it, that is likened to our mortality, it is but a blink, but it us the day for us to repent.
We are not to do things by ouselves, but should be humbled to have weak things made strong enough.
Coincidence does not suffiently describe how God works. This is seen in the workings with Alma and Amulek.
"There is a guiding hand behind all things."
Thomas S. Monson
Lord is in the small details of our lives.
Treasure God's involvement.
It is true isn't it? - any sacrifice can be endured. This is referred to as the heart of the widow...meaning a heart willing to give freely their all to the Lord with faith there would not be want left.
The things taught are true. The Book of Mormon is evidence.
Promised that as you read BoM you will recieve blessings you desire. Like knowledge and strength.
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