Sunday, December 11, 2011

interception, again...

I had a brilliant idea, one I was particularly excited about and I wanted to share it but the more I typed, the less I remembered until I forgot. I was a bit peeved. I was only typing it out so that upon revisiting the thought i might find myself rekindling the excitement, it, ok, I'm not even going to say that much, urrg, it's like trying to say things but you have a limited vocabulary in which to do so. My little imaginary friend told me that I may have the idea and even know it, but I may not share it because it would be a spoiler if ever read by the right person, like that's really going to happen besides no spoilers hereI can just blame it on Morphic fields or something. But then I thought of how one of my favoritestories in the early days of this church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. People sought to thwart and expose the book as a fraud. but such a thing was know of and prepared for, though the writters didn't have a clue why they were doing what they did, they did it. In SS, our teacher said something similar when he said that he had some duty that was preordained, but he had no clue what it was, still he'd do it somehow. It was funny when he said, "I think it has something to do with doing good to others or something." Anyway, that made me feel less like a reject, because I felt like I was being told that I wasn't good enough to have such a great original thought when really it is just I shouldn't cause someone to think that thought before when they are supposed to by writting it. Alot like things that people saw and knew but were forbidden to write about it, so, maybe YOU are the one that will own that great thought,It really is brilliant, I want to claim it, but I shouldn't so I'll just go away and keep myhopes company in my sleep.

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