Tuesday, December 13, 2011

oddly enough

I am mentioning this ecause it is still bothering me hours later.

I had a very strange dream snippet, get this it was looking at a facebook page, then. Dum, dum.. There was a cliff hanger! there was a very curious picture, obviously self-taken, but a professional idea, The comment read "Melissa, ..." Then I woke up. now, I reallize there are alot of other Melissas out there and I'm actually a Melissah, but It has plagued my mind. Everyone loves cliffhangers and twist, but only if a resolution is possible. I've wasted my time thinking of stories where knowing what would happen didn't tarnish the plot like Star Wars, but no use, I just want to fall aslee again inhopes of readin that comment. I can't remember if it was a dream but yesterday someone asked me if I was OCD. I said that I was, iinfact and made some cute joke, feeling bad because it was a lie, is that Irony? I mean, isn't guilt a form of OCD? hmmmmmm

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