Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Don't be a fool

I see it now, only in retrospect how much of a fool I was, not the same way most of the world was in buying on credit, that was just foolish. I think that all too often we do foolish things under the pretense of being hopeful.

Time plays a huge part in things, like finding the next big thing, if you're like me you will find it, but slightly after it has slid into the past. I found an awesome movie, that I missed cause I was otherwise preoccupied, and the comment I recieved in repsone to sharing my discovery was "Yeah, that was a great movie a few years ago. What kind of time warp have you been in?"

But, about being a fool, I feel so completely foolish. I always figure things out, only after I appear to have been an idiot publically. I think Albert Einstein had that trouble, too, so I don't fret too much. I just recognize it and want to share the warning of trusting things to be what they seem.

In my case it had to be at the right time, I just happened to stumble on things as they were new and others hadn't fallen pray and established a warning yet, so I fell in the loop hole intended to be used by others to feign sincerity. I feel so completely stupid looking back.

It is too late to warn others similarly. But, I can warn you to not trust things that seem too perfect. Ok, that was just a quick stab at my hopes of living "happily ever after" by finding a perfect someone online. Don't misunderstand, I do believe there is a whole lot of truth to the claims made by so many Singles websites, but they know that you will be foolish. Out of a hope to find someone you will gladly pay to demonstrate your willingness to take that risk.

Watch out, there is truth to needing to take a risk to ever gain, but like credit cards, singles websites, and almost too many MLM scams to mention, likely someone actually will succeed, but likely it won't be you. It is lke the Lottery. One person will actually win and have a wonderful story and everyone who hears it will get all starry-eyed thinking that might happen to them, so they end up spending more than the winner ever won. hmmmph.

I am working on learning to recognize the sure things and how we come by them. I do not have a fool proof method figured out yet, but I do believe there is an all-knowing god and that there is a way he can steer us to a sure thing, one that making any sacrifice for would be worth it.

Addendum: I was thinking about something a young teen told me years ago, though I didn't give it much creedance at the time, now I realize it would have saved me so much heartache. She believed that online everyone would instantly recognize her awesomeness, but instead she noticed how common her own awesomeness was. Also, in a movie it was said ,"I think you percieve yourself a cut above the company." And that has been my hermatia. It was my supposed, though not really known, value I thought wasn't being understood or appreciated. Now, I realize truly, that I am not worthy of the respects I thought I had earned. I believe others actually had intents other than what they were, which would only be a natural response if I were to be as respected as I secretly thought.

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