Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's all about justification, huh?

I think Nick is highly perceptive, but I do not understand hoe he constantly fails to notice things or misinterprate things I do and say. I think it ought to be clear that I have a serious issue, but nothing, I have never even tried to understand him, he does all kinds of things that I just don't get, like thinking something will upset me and doing it purposely, then apologizing when I didn't care anyway. Oh well. I always feel better expunging crap here, though I don't believe it will ever be read, someday, when the aliens come and find my blog and seek to have it interpretted, They will be able to understand a few things about our culture. Speaking of culture I have been troubled lately about the Romans. What? Well, mostly it is how we regard them as so brilliant and yet, they embraced gods as a reality that we see as totally foolish, and then others try to extrapolaate that to think that finally we will be regarded as foolish to worship our God, but to me that is not correct. they were so brilliant to realize that some things were caused by a god and the only way to understand was to create a great story that would be reasonable and withstand scrutiny. I, too believe that there is a Father in Heaven who created us, at a conference once in Huntsville, AL, at the space center, someone explained dinasaur fossils to me (Everyone who knows me well knows of that obsession that followed me for years) I started watching "Bones" infact because I was amazed at how muchothers could determine from bones, I don't think the bones tell us how they looked. for instance, during my obsession with Paleontology, it was discovered(for certain?) that Dinasaurs actually held their tails up for ballance, instead of dragging them behind.

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