Sunday, June 4, 2017

Brain dump

First Talk -
Had such a feeling of peace and comfort just by entering bishop's office that I had such strong impressions from the spirit that I knew what I should do, I knew that it was the Lord speaking peace to my heart... we moved to Louisiana and I felt that was what was aked of us.

Nephi was so impressed with the vision that his father shared that he not only desired to know what his  father saw, and he believed fully.

"Be still and know..."

More than just  desired to go to temple, but really really craved it, but was not to go unless getting married or going on a mission.

When the spirit speaks to you, it is not deniable by reason, it is spirit speaking to spirit. It is woven into sinews so that it cannot be forgotten.... have you received such communications? (Pure inspirations).

Dreamed about delivering a baby, but he worried because the new policy not to deliver babies when in emergency room.
This man was worried about the many babies who would not have access to healthcare once born, this is like being baptized, we will need the nourishment, just as the physical babies needed.

A best way to devlop and mature is to help others nature.

You will get the same results if you do the same things, if you want different results you need to do different things.

Story about world championship race and three runners in obvious lead, but fell delerious,

When we want to know things we ought to ask God more than we ask Google.

If we ask we need to not focus on being answered the way that we want. Much like the way our children ask things and think we are evil cause we still say no.

It is sort of irrelevant of how much faith we have, the answer is still going to be what it is.

Truth is truth.

Stormy weather ahead financially, it can be ridden out with a supply of food and getting house in order reducing the needs that you have.

When we know the truth, we know the Savior. Bore his tesimony of such and he is safe because of it.

When we are kind to others we are closer to being disciples of God, and it will become a "zion" where all are of one heart and one mind.

When we are traveling  sometimes "the temple" may not be in view, but whenever we get a peep then, we kniw that the directions that we got that both took us out of the sight and closer to the destination, or temple.

Traching children is good because they need to be baptized so that they can attend the temple and recieve those ordinances, and be able to recieve them for others.

It is more important to know what is right to do that will matter more than all of the dogma we may learn.

HolyGhost gives us "directions" that we may make it to our destination.

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