Stake priesthood choir sang, it was,basically, the high councilmen and stake presidency. The sang " Called to Serve" very impressive arrangement.
Felt the need to share testimony through song.
Modeled after presidence set by gen authority, this will be more of a family Council than merely a meeting.
We,need to focus on and improve our sabbath day observance. A discussion with our stake family.
Prophetic priority to be to our meetings on time, why would this be so important?
Able to feel spirit and partake of the entire meeting.
It is helpful to reflect on the prelude music so can prepare for sacrament.
Being at least 10 minutes early is to be on time.
We really mean to be there when we are early.
Increased devotion and reverence for the savior by being on, I think of the story where a guy went to church but he had no car but took his young kids even to church although they had to walk across a busy street but, they made it a priority and so we need to do a thing similar by coming on time.
On ward conference there is a noticeable difference of everyone being there and on time, it really effects the whole meeting.
Being early to sacrament meeting is such a simple thing, but it is because our stake presidency wants us to recieve greater blessings and it will make a difference.
The real work of the gospel does not happen in a meeting although sacrament is the most important meeting/ordinance.
Must have a testimony
More important to believe the church is true than having money, etc.
Remembering that you can do anything through christ.
Nothing is as essential as the Holy Ghost.
Knowing and understanding what a mission is. It requires alot of WORK and many do not realize that.
"You are married to the chairs." Referred yo the Work of setting them up, but you could just know that the chairs will be set up. The Lord is able yo do his eork, you can help, but his part will be done regardless.
SERVICE. Key to missionary work hastening.
Translation for parent teacher conferences was a rhing the missionaries did... more people will actually accept the gospel because of service.
A trouble of people that tendvtp think it is all about themselves but Matthew it states that a man must deny themselves. .. called delayed gratification.
Often, the Lord does not answer in a way that we expect to the point that we think that we have not suceeded.
It is important to keep a journal, that is the reason I type out all of my notes because I know that my handwritten accounts would not be legible later. The brother shared an example of how writing in his journal strengthened his testimony by reading how Moroni recorded his account of things by reading it he knew that Moroni was a real perdon wroting real events
Increasing the intensity and faith did not do as well in the object lesson of saving souls (gumdrops) with a chopstick. But when two, neither more important or better at putting them in a jar, but when they were both used together saving happened.
We have temples so that we can be protected and held in a sacred place to be gathered.
Go through temple as,newly baptized member 80% are retained opposed to 20%. This applies as well to those who are what we call "less active" and need to renew their flame, just coming back. If worthy of baptism, they are worthy of the priesthood, etc.
Blessed with protection by doing family history work.
An apostle asked us to please mention this, farwells are a thing of the past. We need the focus of the meeting needs to be on the atonement, but the missionary does not do things to call attention to himself. By having special programs or family members giving talks.
Apostle asked please not do this. It is a little things, what should we do when a hard thing comes along?
Standing close together.
It was sooo wonderful how everyone has little goodies in their bag for children even if they do not have them.
A task that seems impossible to do by those who have been asked to do the thing, but great things are possible when they work together.
Obedience, or obeying perfectly seems impossible, but can be done.
Sometimes we are not even away of who is lifting or the fact that we need the lifting.
Best way to help others is to do your calling, that was said by Pres. Rutter when asked by people how we might help Sister Amy Wright.
Bishop might need our help lifting, only in the place we stand, likewise we serve in our callings.
We might lift and sustain our prophet. How? It will help if we help where we can, it will happen regardless like the Savior said about the People who shouted his praises as he rode into Jerusalem.
We gather together to enable ourselves to be blessed.
If you do a great service, it will be rewarded.
Watched a scene from "Only a Stonecutter." Where he admitted that others could do his job, but itcwas his calling.
The great work the man did he never even saw, this may be the same thing with the effect of our labor.
In our life, we are the gravity friendly instrument that needs to be lifted and carried to a place where we can stay safely, like we saw in our object lesson.
We have missionaries from our stake throughout the world.
One on one instruction can happen in classes so as a primary or nursery teacher you may have more influence than even the bishop, cause you will be helping other across the world.
**I feel this is the case as I teach and love my children. I am really loving the world.
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