Feel Heavenly Father's love when a person is set apart. Testimony that despite what we do, we are loved.
When we go to the temple it is irrelevant if we feel the spiritual out pour as to if it is there. It is No doubt there, if you have been properly prepared you will feel it is God's work.
Even when you are 20 years old you will hate it maybe when reminded by your mom, but you should CTR, like the primary rings.
Each book literally a testament of Jesus Christ and basically at the core tell that Jesus is our Savior, He was needed and fufilled his mission.
Callings come from God, above all callings held which have been many it has been most meaningful to be in the nursery, that it is the one place where instead of uplifting you are helped, taught, and uplifted.
It is awesome how children are so accepting of you. (The Lord says this is humility that must exist in the Kingdom of Heaven)
Woman's husband is jealous of his wife's work with the children and he expressed longing to be one of those children.
Wants to remind us that the Lord hears our every prayer.
Thing like indexing is a thing we know of but do not do... another sin of omission
Repentance isn't really about steps, that go in order, but these are principles of repentance:
1 we must recognize our sin
2 we must feel sorry
3 we must forsake our sin
4 we must confess
5 we must make restitution
6 we must make restitution
7 we must forgive others
8 we must keep the commandments of God
There are reaching effects of our sins, and we all must truly repent.
King Lamoni used the word give as in giving his sins away to mean forsake.
Stop and think more deeply on the existence of sin in the preexistence.
You can feel what needs to be confessed to the bishop.
Restitution story about putting a feather on the doorstep on every person that he lied to then he was asked to go collect those feathers. He said it was impossible to do, this is like restituting for the sin.
Song "Keep the Commandments" it says "in this there is saftey and peace."
Met a guy who believed in death bed repentance.
They are principles to apply to who you are in becoming a repentant person, opposed to steps, that all need to be checked off, ir done in order.
People are much harder on themselves.
Even if they go through the steps they do not feel like they have been forgiven.
Relief Society
Baptism at 5 for Gerard. Fireside at 7pm
Nostalgic about leaving a house that was a home and we recall so many memories.
We are in many families, a group of people of a common goal or belief.
We learn in family situations. We are aware of the needs of another.
These we are closest with can teach and provide.
Fathers and mothers are needed to raise children.
Imperative that you do not neglect your family, these roles define our eternal being.
If satan is to destroy the world he will destroy the family.
When it seems to drag on forever, they will grow up and your chance will go away. So, make impressions early or someone else will and then habits will be set.
No place in your heart for an answer. Holes need to be carved out by experience so that the blessings can come.
Life will create a holding place for your answer, it is constantly readfirmed that prayers are actually heard, for real no doubt there, it is only in the answer because it is not recognized or seen yet.
We are not anyone's savior.
If you raise up a child he will not depart, this must be true. So when a child does depart it feels like something was done wrong, but there are tons of examples of righteous parents who had children go astray. But maybe God doesn't see things as immediate and finite as we do. If Prayers are heard and that scripture is true, then we need FAITH and believe it is working as it should.
I have heard of it referred to as timing. Because, God does not work on a McDonald's time frame there does not seem to have any effect. Timing to be visible is a strange thing.
I have noticed that serving others is taught as such a normal thing. It was not just part of life and so it is much more of a sacrifice to me, but I wish sometimes that was just how I had been raised to believe life simply was.
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