Monday, November 14, 2011

I just watched

I am in the process or recalling my favorite scene, when I do, I'll post it. but, It looks like I'll have to make it myself. But, here is the trailer. uhm, There are way too many reasons why I love this movie. The music is by Danny Elfman. Winona Ryder and Anthony Michael Hall need I say more? If you haven't figured it out yet, keep trying. This is unrelated, but this is my facebook, and accordingly, I'll post whatever I want. It pleases me to say that one of my favorite favorites of all time is a book by George Pace "Our Search to Know the Lord". I read it at precisely the right time in my life. Rarely that happens, like it did with "Jane Eyre", "Pushing Daisies" Season 2 Episode 8 and then tonight I got that same feeling when I read Alma's words to his son, Helaman, in Chapter 36 of Alma in the book of Mormon. I recognize this formative feeling and it is responsible for shaping who I am. But enough of that, on with the flick:

I'll put the other clip I make right here

incase I don't get around to it, I'll mention that I was listening to an old cd Brandall gave me of music I had done for a Christmas program years ago. I thought, crap, I was too good for this world! That's why I had to be disabled, with that much talent and beauty, I'd stick out and surely be recognized. This way, disabled, though I'm still pretty awesome (just realized it by noting what I ca do that I couldn't before opposed to what I can't do that I loved).

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