Tuesday, November 15, 2011


ok, I like to believe that I have outgrown my teenage impulses, but Brandall was right that outwardly I appear mature, but I've not really grown up. I have been using my "figure life out" time to devise a plan to go see the new Twilight movie, My band director told me that where there was a will there is a way when I told him that I wanted to practice my trombone daily, but I had track practice after school a hour walk away, And we met in an old locker room, where I would not be able to securely deposit it in thw interim. But, he was right. I heard the same sentiment on a TVshow when asked how a dead ody could have been placed 30 min away by that particular killer. the reply was, let the prosecution imagine that one out. I figure that was how the development of my keen figuring skills began. Trying to find the way to fit all of my wills. Being without finances helps, too. but, when I explained that to Brandall sayimng that I wanted to raise our family poor and hard working, he didn't particularly like that thought. But, in a interview before we got married we were told "You are always going to be poor." I thought he was prophetic or something but, then he explained, "As you make more money, more things arise to take your money. So, do not place your value there or you will always be heart broken and immobilized," I think that applies to me right now. Edward Scissor hands tried to apply fir a loan, too and was denied. He didn't end up needing it. So maybe I have been looking at money as the sole key to open my shackles, but it may be a key, but not the one I'm looking for. Great Scott, Now, I'm quoting Star Wars!

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