Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Things must be done in order.

Pretty basic, huh? You don't try to put shampoo in your hair befor you get it wet or grab your towel and dry yourself off before you bathe; likewise, you shouldn't try to teach children to love until you know how.

You really ought not to have children or try to raise them until you are married to someone you love. Take it from me. It will make everything easier. It. was intended that way so that children could be loved by people who love eachother as they all want, but we do have a limited window of opportunity to have childen, right? Well, there are always exceptions to any given rule, with the eception of, lol, j/k.

That is why I have such diffuculties. I was doing everything right, but obviously i did something wrong because my "ideal husband" divorced me. Our perfect family was destroyed, And it is only natural that those children want me to love their dad and in turn love them together. That much won't change, but in Christianity there must be some room for making mistakes as I did, though I still do not know what that mistake was. I must find the way to be forgiven and get a start over, knowing what I know now.

I know now that you can't bend a cracker no mater how hard you may try. I love that song, but you can bend a cracker.

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