Thursday, April 18, 2013

Brain Dump from Institute

How do you tell people that they really ought to come?
Peter was frank about things, very plain, and straightforword.
Martin Luther said it was the most grand of all the books of the new testament.
This was his farwell.
     Calling and Election made sure - tells what exactly to do.
     Divine Nature - escaping the world, both carnal and spiritual cannot exist together.
If you climb a ladder you want to make sure it is the right wall.
Peter gives a road map. Must start with faith. (V 5-7) if you want something good, pray for it.
Calling and election made sure. It grows out of Celestial Marriage.
Problems of defending from within, it is a whole different and harder thing.
Example of Camilla (prophet's wife) how she kept studying and taking classes until the end.
Peter was crucified upside down.
There is purpose in suffering.
Greatest trials are reserved for the saints. Bruce R. McConkie.
Peter was an eye witness so he spoke and reminded that it was true.
Peter wrote the most sublime language of any apostle (JST, P. 301)
"The day dawn is breaking" we sing without thinking really about it all, but now we can think about it each time we sing and feel how comforting His return will be.
False Teachers not passive misleading, but purposefully, from within. Denying the Lord
Feign words to make money.
Speak evil of things they do not understand.
Eyes full of adultery. *I wonder if this is figurative like Hosea or* but any way procreative powers are used outside of marriage.
Young ignorant people are bringing condemnation upon themselves.
You can go pay (literally) for sins, do what you want then buy pentence.
Was Peter writting for his day or our day? It seems like he refers to us...
The issue is not how many people may believe a teaching whether it is true or false. (Mormon Doctrine)
Obedience to law that allows us freedom.
Liberate the oppressed Mormon Women, with all of their flaunting of sins.
Philosophy of world vs. Philosophies of the apostles.
Charity is heart knowledge.
With turmolt going on everywhere. church is a single place it seems to be to find our peace.
False teachers, are good at deceiving. This is a lot like (return to it is far worse) what I was thinking this morning about how the worse adversary would be one who actually investigates seriously and then rejects, their reasons would be believable.
The second coming will be denied so many will not believe that it is/will coming.
The righteous will not be afraid.
Mostly, it is because we understand, the why and everything.
The Savior will reign. Again, we understand how and why.
People try to change facts, and recorded truths, so be careful what we believe as true.
John the beloved - after peter as leader of the church, false teachers, especially the Nostics, they respected the spirit more and taught of the things that Jesus did as never really been... I will have to look up what that is.
If anyone sins they CAN be forgiven.
If you know the Savior then you follow him and walk as he walked... In other words we take his yoke upon us.
New commandment from old one, how does that work to help us be Christlike.
Love helps us to be better people, and when we love others it puts off the natural man.
Ballance of truth with tolerance, talk by Dallin Oaks The way the church does it, is a good example.
Christ when he found the woman in sin, he forgave, but you cannot do it any more.
We can have tolerance as a virture until the point it becomes a vice. Story of woman and her son who lived with a woman before marrying her, she let him know that it was not acceptable, but she still loves him entirely.
Anti Christ is some who does things opposite of Christ.
World is full of people who mingle the truths with anti. Opposed to Christ.
Unction - received revelation, knew the truth.
Anti Mormonism is going to be very sorry.
How will you be full of confidence when Savior comes again.
John likes to talk about light and Dark.
It is interesting to me when some women read they too translate so fast that they speak their understanding.
Being born again, means that we do not continue in that old way, like a child being born cannot go back to the other exsistance when born into this one.
If you hate your brother, you cannot say that you love God, then do not be suprised if the world hates you for doing what is right.
"My little Children..."
Older generation was better at showing love where we are better at saying it, but what about doing both.
If we pray for a thing that is good we probably already did what was necessary to receive it.
Ok, Gnosticism is regarding the spirit and the body didn't matter, or was irrelevant.
Love was said 37 times in that chapter of John. "A lot of love in that..."I said this in my mind.
A crazy person doesn't realize they are crazy, so we can check ourselves with the spirit. It will let us know that we are inline with what we should be.
God loved us first, so we should love him.-a great scripture to go on the fridge.
Birth involves water and.blood. sacrament. Being born again. similitude of spirit.
Spirit, water, blood bring us in line with the will of God. *is this too basic to speak further? I do not understand it.*

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