I was telling my daughter several fables on the way home this morning. first was the one about a fox who wanted a piecde of cheese that the early bird already had in it's beak, but she had to know how it ended. So i told her that the fox got the cheese. that is what mattered most to her. interesting that our bedtime story asked what was more imortant cheese or . And Brooksie explain that it would depend on the situation because really neither really mattered much, unless you were a greedy fox. ha ha ha! but, then I told her the paradox that was presented in Geometery class in highschool.. Alot of peoplee fascinate themselves similarly with Escher Sketches, but It impressed me and became significant because I just knew it wasn't true, but I didn't know how to say how I knew until I was explaining it in terms digestible by a child. I physically demonstrated it in person, how to get to one point you had to reach half way, etc. ultimately though you got closer, reaching your goal was impossible. because, it could always be divided in half which would need to be reached.
I stumped her, but then screamed EUREKA as I finally figured out how a point could be reached al though as I explained things it could not be. Thanks to Yo Gabba Gabba, I have learned to focus on not giving up. This was the secret. there really was noreason to stop half way. even though the distance could be infinitely disected, it could be traveled entrely. I perplexed her, She like so many others wondered how something so basic and obvious escaped me before and seemed to come as a great revelation. Well, that is exactly, how I feel about so many hidden truths and mysteries or revelations of such. I suppose it is a bit like childhood development Some learn to do certain things in a different order, focusing on other traits, like my baby, Mary, She still isn't walking at 17 months. But, in other areas she is so advanced, but will probably be considered wierd if her "common" traits don't meet the specifications society places on them. there are lots of constants I tune ut daily as insignificant until I recognize otherwise, but I am no better or worse, only different.
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