Sunday, May 5, 2013

the effect is not what was expected

I was really impressed by the way that a lesson/talk was interpretted and presented. the talk was "Lord, I believe" by Elder Holland from the most recent session of general conference, I
listened to the talk and relistened and loved it so much, but the impressions presented were entirely unexpected.

I was just listening to the song "Hold on to the night" and somehow it fired a nueron that went directly to the things taught today in a talk about faith. Now that should have been sufficient info to jar my memory of what was so important to say here that I started my attempt while baking cookies and minding two screaming kids, while using a broken laptop with most of the keys missing. I guess my husband is helping a bit between video games and other things that are really making it better if he were not here. Let me explain that rather nasty remark. I just see him here and let up a bit on being such an attentive "helicopter mom" (words of Dr. Wayne Dyer). but eaxh time I try to do something else the kids end up in a terrible predicament and he is right there but ignores it so it still is my duty,one that would never had happened in the first place had I been watching them carefully. So, it was actually my fault.

So, though I still intend to cover this class more fully in rewriting my notes in a "brain dump" I will tell what I learned today in my class.We should record how we feel, most specifically our faith building stories because alot of the time we ourselves might need that little boost or someone maybe even our children who are growing and developing their own beliefs might realy benefit from our experience. The things we know we need to cling to and it is best to cling to and not loose the things we are taught if we write them down. I have noticed how valuable truths are repeated over and over because who knows  when they will actually be learned, to stick, like is the goal.

I honestly felt like I had reached a point where I needed to learn those secret truths that were only available in the temple and I used to go on "road" trips on dirt roads looking for my white stone like John talks about. I figured others had one already. Another example is my daughter was afraid,I bet, so she went to RS with me,but then asked me in suprised manner why we were still just learning the same things that she learned in primary already. And she asked me where they teach all of the cool things that I know.  lol. flattered, I explained that we get the same lessons, but the teacher isn't the same.

But, I just figured it out today, the teacher needs to become the Holy Ghost then it doesn't matter who presents the information, you will get what you need. It was because the Sunday School president said something about worrying about who was going to teach lessons and stuff then he realized that it really doesn't matter much because God is the master teacher. I was like "Ah hah!"

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