Monday, April 29, 2013

We, the perfectors

I thought I ought to come up with a name or title for what I do, I am not alone it is a entirely acceptible part of the way things are done, As an idea evolves each change is directed by a type. It is one of the reasons Dialectics appealed to me so much. This is the latter-days so the finishers of the cycle are going to be walking the earth soon and I offer a name: The perfectors, or those who complete a thing.

I noticed that I really am not successful at inventing the wheel. I rather like to take the pieces that others created and put them together, like a mashup. I used to do that same thing in webdesign or programing, I have no skill or patience for coding itself, but I like to take the groundwork others have laid and fit it to what I need or tailor it to fit the site I am developing. I felt a bit  uneasy about this, but it wasn't until YouTube, specifically, or global use of the internet, in general, that I started to see how the one who really got the lable of artist was the origin or creator so, I felt really bad for my stolen ideas,but as I was watching an older video I manipulated, I realized that the part that I liked was not the origin or it but the insightful mashup. There is no license, so to speak, for that and each recieving due credit is so important. Since I neither wrote the music or the video scene I was almost entirely discouraged from doing it, but I persist not for any gain of any kind, but because I enjoy it so much and someone will enjoy it, too and appreciate it like I do the similiar videos that I see.

Time to liken my idea to Stargate. In Atlantis, there is a episode about a people who are able to continue their research by building on what others before them had established. What happened is that this other being regularly came to their planet and destroyed the population, but their works remain untouched. The people were working on a solution that might never be perfected in their lifetime,but they still worked and recorded it diligently. Ultimately, this work was used by so many others to shape the entire galaxy in unpredictable ways.

I am a perfector. I wanted to consider myself a creator, but I am only creatIVE..Every mother knows this, we do not construct a baby, but we take a life and mold it as we see best hoping to raise them to be perfect. This is what I do and hope to define and maybe bring some credit to the act of improving what already is. Though I cannot legally patten the wheel I can improve it.

I think it is an important job of missionaries to invite everyone to come bring the truth they have found and let's all share. It is impressive how Mormony of a concept sharing, like on facebook, is. It is perfectly natural to want to think out loud for so many perfectors, because we do not ever feel a sense of entitlement to the ideas we have like authors, composers, or filmakers do gaurding their intellectual property. Ideas come more freely because the motivation is not usually monetary gain,it is the desire to help others "see".

Brain dump

Note:I had to do some soul searching as to why I would continue this practice when it started as a way to preserve my notes taken on my phone,but my phone died. So, instead I must take physical notes and try to cipher them and recount them, which was not my purpose at all, I started writing this as a means to pass the time, but realized that to actually learn anything we must understand it enough to be able to teach it, and my listening has evolved into being the "ears" of those who do not initially hear, but desire to know. I listen that way and take notes that way, and ponder on points throughout the week and I realized that it will do alot of good if used as a study tool and if I can comprehend enough from my shorthand to explain, then I can feel like the teachers who always say,"please read your lesson. There is so much more here that I am unable to present."or"I realized that this assignmant was actually for me and you have only recieved a portion of what I did in preparing." So my notes will not do you nearly as much good unless you have the full context to apply. In other words, though I gain so much in typing out my thoughts, they do not substitute for any gospel study. They augment mine, though.

In speaking the actual words to perform baptisms he recieved strength and knowlegde that the priesthood power was real and he had been infact called of God to do this errand in Jackson, MS.

The Lord does have astrange sense of humor  (I used to think that all of the time when I was younger but was glad to actually hear someone say it).

"Thank you for loving me enough to cut me down."

In regards to Joseph Smith's experience in the "Sacred Grove" it was said, "If I got attacked like that for praying, I do not think that I would pray anymore."

Struggling over if something is true is common, but we can survive. (That, too is common.)

"If things need to be done on Earth with a body, then does it need to specifically be vicarious though a mortal body or can a ressurected being do their own work if on earth?"

Read vs. 4-1. lol joke about the men needing to go back to primary, and they said, no, this class just needsto be more like priesthood to get attention. Sounded like they have alot of fun in there.

Story told about a miracle where those with Power of God became his instruments literally in extending a mission call to a couple to a Russian prison... where the stmbled on a long since lost son. (by lost I do not mean spiritually, perse, but physically unaccounted for since he ran away. but God knew where he was.)

We are blessed with miraculous opportunities almost constantly, but fail to notice them.

We are given what to say when needed (sorta like puppets for God).

A miracle is when things happen that we previously thought impossible.

Story about a dropped BoM it never was given much esteem or value and dropped in a crack and ignored until eventually,it was read and appreciated and became to tool bringing an entire family the gospel thus generations. from a movie...

No matter how much you plan and prepare it is never going to seem sufficient.

Common Stay-at-hone attitude towards missionary work is "Why?". (Isn't our work to stay home and raise good kids?)

Could miracles really happen?

"If you do not have an official Missionary Name tag. Paint a badge on your heart." this answers mom's who ask why.

It is most important to get to know people. New people might seem ackward at first, but most of the most ackward experiences went on to become the best friends.(where much is given, much is required)

People  stop attending their church meetings but they cannot find the joy that they miss, All are seeking.

A particular missionary figured out early on in his mission that he was not called to perform baptisms or convert souls anyway,but he was there too seekout and love those who had become just a name on the roll.

The field is white, ready to harvest.

Do not forget to perfect the saints and redeem the dead, both can be done through missionary work.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

your grass is green enough!

Because we always want what we can have we tend to have a preference for the things that seem to be certain,thus avoiding failure and happiness,too.

Are you living below your potential? or are your ignoring how lucky you are to have reached it?

Friday, April 26, 2013

childish wisdom

The otherday someone told me a story about how her very young child told her something that happened to be true. We are told that words of wisdom spoken from our children will confound the wise. As a child, I used to understand things that were learned in a book as having been taught by someone so wise who lived years ago. I figured it could probably be explained by all of the "open information".  So much more was available to me as a child that I was taught and understood things only wise men would have been privy to before. Now, kids learn Algebra in grade school. It makes sense. Mathematics are really just a different way to percieve things and quantify them. Like Geometry, the only thing I remembered from that class was that we do not need to have all of the angles to figure out what things are.

I have noticed how much brighter sucessive generations are, well, I could explain that by the theory my friend Bryan called "Family Repentance". Each generation gains the truth to start with that it took their parents a lifetime to realize, and that same sort of evolution he wisely applied to faith generationally improved because we want our children to have better than we did and we are sorry for somethings that we make sure are not repeated.

But, the pinnacle observation came from noticing my own children. The disciplinarian likes to falsely believe that they are controlling behavior, but I have seen beyond the rebelliousness of the "No's". I have seen truth in the belief that our person is composed of two governing forces, LDS call it Natural (Physical) and Spiritual because the teaching is that we all existed in a spiritual world before coming to mortality. Really, this should not be uncommon and it should be taught in other Christian faiths using the Bible, but I cannot speak as to what they teach or believe because too many try to tell you what Mormon's believe and I cannot say they always get things correct or even have YOUR best interest in mind. So Children are born with a knowledge of what is true inside of them. My children know that hurting someone is wrong not because of the punishment AFTER they do it, if we really learned that way, how would we teach that murder is wrong, and how many times must a punishment be exacted before the correct response is learned?

I assert that Children are born with so much knowledge, and hopefully something I have said will support this claim. I can see it in their faces unspoken that they know which would be the right thing to do, teaching is good, it provides another testimony, but I wonder if when we teach all of the things we think are essential we have just basically undone alot of their inborn programing.

I have a story to share in regards to that learning undoing reflexive wisdom. I wrote music all of the time, not because I ever had any sort of ambition, It was what I loved to do. On weekends, like now, I would be sitting around composing music instead of increasing my social skills like the other successful wives. Finally, in classes I realized that my favorite composer was not that fantastic. I developed a greater palate or maybe selective is a better description. I just could not feel any excitement by his music anymore I felt more powerful delightful (ironically melancholy or sad) music and saw how country bumpkinish my taste was. I looked at the piano concerto I wrote and it was exactly following the form that I was now being taught, but I had not been taught that, infact, it had undone any instinct I had for the creative process, now it had become more of a chore. Sure the next piano concerto I wrote was so much better, but it did not create a feeling in me to write it which was what made me persue it in the first place. creating music was my natural passion...was, that ultimately explains why I realized not being able to write music like that anymore was a blessing, actually. There were several things that came naturally with my singing that I never valued anyway, but others wanted to know how I did it, and frankly I did not know. Or I would relear how to do them...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Brain dump

I'll give it a shot but my son ruined my usual note taking method when he spilled water on my phone. He said sorry, but, I am unsure as to if I can read my own scribblings. But, here goes.

story of YW at the manti pageant where there were alot of antimormon protesters. a few screamed out that mormons were messed up in the head to believe that they could one day be a God themselves and something about polygamy. One Young woman yelled back, "No. We do not even believe that." She was politely taken aside by a bishop and he quietly explained things to her. avoiding a scene.
But, we do believe that we will become as God which actually does make us seem crazy to others.

Satan hasn't changed his tools.

We should not associate with apostate groups, and we have no need to explain things or argue things with them. It is clearly explained in John.

The 2nd epistle is a personal letter it is only metaphorically applicable to us.

Elect lady - refers to an endowed woman in this situation. his language is beautiful as it was adressing his wife but wether intended or not, it is beautiful.

Gnostics are more fully explained to be the people who belived that it is the ideas of Christs teaching that really matter not the actual anything. so, they studied the ideas and discredited anything physical including whether or not he really lived.

2nd epistle v 10 &11 teach us to not associate with those who teach wrong things, no matter the supposed benefit.

Gais - who is he? He was a man who put people up or gave them the home they needed as teachers and missionaries passed through.

(This teacher sees things more in ling with how I do. So, she understands them like I do and teaches in a way I understand more clearly.)

We all want to me more like Gias. And we have that opportunity when ever a new person comes. We need to be more interested in them and more welcoming.

Jude is the Half brother of Jesus but not an apostle really.

*v. 3 I do not understand the choice of that word contend. are we supposed to contend when it is from the devil? maybe it is like religious indignation shown by Christ in the temple when he got made at the changers.*

Hell is not everlasting, whereas outer darkness is. It is reserved for the sons of perdition.

it is both sad and terrible when we forget what we once knew. But it is still there.

Read the manual. There is a quote about mental health and the way to measure it. Something to use as a key to understanding where a person is (measuring stick) Do we find the good in everything?

*We must strengthen ourselve first in order to help others.*

Finding the truth is commendable. It is a commendable persuit.

"Revelations" known in other languages as apocalypse. Which means to rend or uncover.

We ought to study chart from the manual. It helps us understand
symbols and why they were used.

when reading this "Plainly spoken" text put on a less western, poetry mind. Do not rush through this book. First read D&C 77 and 1 Nephi 14: 18-27 and refer to to hear the spoken scripture and how it opens new things to your mind.

A set back can be seen better as an opportunity. Our teacher told how much she struggles because thinking and reading poetically is not usual for her, But I see how that becomes a blessing because she must read with the assistance of the Holy Ghost and the scriptures and all symbols will be made easier because of a "weakness."

Nicolotians - In both worlds. trying to be not of this world but in it, maybe too tolerant?

John was in exile until the man who sentanced him died. He was sentenced because at that time many false gods were being worshipped and this was an attempt to stop it.

The Spirit is the common language of saints through all time. It communicates through Scriptures and symbols. "Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost wherefore they speak the words of christ." It was pointed out by our teacher that there are alot of similar words in our temple ceremonies and spoken in John's words.

JST and in King Follet discourses it was mentioned the thing taught was true, that when in v 6 it says that God and his father, it is referring to Elohiem and his father not Jehova and his father.

We split up into groups to identify the patern used in John's communications to the churches.

1) describe our savior
2) tell what is good and pleasing
3) repirmand
4) mention reserved promises

Smyrna - still a thriving city. the saints endured so much even their head was burned at the stake.

significance of numbers 7 - complete, perfect
                                     10 - just used to quantify like 10,000 is alot and 10 days is a short time.

Sardis - known for having Godly appearing saints, but not really. It was ruined and it is symbolic of it's being called dead.

Letter of the law was observed but not the spirit of the law. spiritually dead?

The smallest city had the longest letter.

Promise of the morning star is the savior.

God seems to hate fence sitters more than anything. Luke warm story about Hot Springs, but one city had water that felt cool but if drank it was warm, and spat out, it wasn't filling it's purpose. To appear like a thing and not be is worse that just being bad.

unawares - definition. It comes from a greek compound word that literally means to enter in the back door. this was likened to saints who get tripped up by those who sneak in and appear to be good, but decieveit would be better as a saint to be openly opposed.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Keeping promises

That is the answer to every thing, do not promise something that you do not intend to keep if things get hard.

I spout off all the time how God keeps his promises, and he does. But, probably it is something he learned  what I consider a strength to use when needed cause we all come to a point where we feel acutely that we must do something that duty requires. But, I was referring to a value instilled as I was a young woman. Integrity. That means doing what is right, or the song my mind plays to remind me, "...all that I am taught, I'll do." Or, "Integrity is doing all that's right and good." That was the answer to my.seemingly unsolvable dilemma.

It is of most importance to search out things before we enter an agreement, but if our fault was in not doing our due diligence and we agreed to something we do not like, so what? Keep your promise.

That reminds me of a parable narrated by Elder Packard. Where a foolish man enters into an agreement and is unable to meet the demands of Justice. That is where Divinity steps in and provides Mercy. Likewise, with every promise we make, it us goodly, if for no other reason than to keep our honor. Our promises need to be kept. If Mercy needs to be meted it will be, in God's own time according as he see's fit.

For me, it was a struggle between two great laws. love and obedience. They ought to be perfectly in line, like a guide hole for screwing two things together, but in my case they were not and I felt justified because Love was the greatest commandment afterall. And the gospel was supposed to bring peace and happiness. And it eventually did. My answer was always there. I made a promise, and the world teaches borroe now, but you are not obligated to pay, Marry someone and promise to be with them, then just divorce them or abadin them if you feel like it. But, God sets a Better example. He keeps his promises, and if we seek to be like him, then we will do so, too. There is no question. The time for questions was before we promised.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Brain dump

Amazed at how intelligent the words used by a young child are, I wonder if she knows what she is saying. She wrote it herself.

RM, in the handbook, says to leave them ample time to speak, so they gladly oblige.

Apostasy rejection of what was known. We turn from the Lord.

We need to fear personal apostasy, homes and schools have become no longer safe havens. Satan works by small degrees to drag us carefully down.

Now you do not need to go looking for smut. It is everywhere even our homes.

Tolerance once indulged becomes a vice if we allow it.

Eternal truths talk in conference and repeated in priesthood session by Kimball.

Though it seems not long ago when we lived the lives our CHILDREN do now, but it is entirely different.

Things that were taught as fact ended up not really true. What TRUTHS are prevelany in the world today. The youth are strong and not easy to patent because of that.

All the truths that we need to be happy are found in the gospel.,

Song was so creative, Joseph Smith's First Prayer to Come to Zion song

Story of Rose who wanted a Book of Mormon, but had wanted to not drink alcholhol, but it was needed or she would die, she didn't think that she could, but when Missionaries taught her about WOW she had no desire anymore even.

A lot of people are having personal apostasy and are waiting for an experience like Paul on the road to Damascus.

Golly, it sounds like one heck of a road.

Testimony of Joseph is essential.

Atonement is for sinners we all know that, but it is for the saints, too.

Bad men good and good men better.

Had inspiration to push someone. But she explained that she was not ready and didn't KNOW, but they told her that she was ready. Interesting.

Sometimes we do not find our answers right away, but they are all in the Book of Mormon.

A man who didn't think he was ready. Then they read Alma and how all else but denying the power of God is forgiveable.

Even the book itself asks you to check the veracity.

Individuals are waiting to be sort of forced off of the fence.

What is the big difference between covenants and promises. When God is involved, that makes it a covenant.

It was a chance to be a kid, but Brother Joseph was a convert, had to be sure of the agreement that he was doing was right.

We see that we need to be sure before we make promises.

Endowment is a Gift from God. Probably why it is so sacred, it is very serious. Something not freely given to everyone.

You have to be crazy to try to define what an endowment is. A prophet said this.

Baptism is begining Endowment is continuing,

almost everything in the Endowment is found in the scriptures, so not hidden, it is knowable, book of Moses

Chemistry, you grow and he likened to chemistry where you cannot go back one you change into a new configuration, more electrons changes what the element is, *must obey laws set forth to not go back, because actually you can*

Let Zion in her beauty rise. Music bears testimony better than words can.

Sealing is not so much for here as it will be eternal.

Baptism being born again you can pretend to go back, but you can not go back to where you came from or back to your sins.

Love is stronger than death. Are you sealed, but someone breaks the covenant.

Sealer is a calling that you can take with you.

Sealing is the only covenant that involves the agency of another person.

I like to think of it as the other covenants are preparatory ones to prove that you are able to make promises and keep them, it limits the pool that you have to choose from drastically.

You have to be worthy of other promises as a requirement to enter into another covenant with a person.

Covenant keeper is desirable to be able to deserve as a title.

I don't know that I could do what the saints did, but they might not be able to do what we do either. Our trials are suited for us.

A sunset could be either positive or negative. We might see it as an end or a promise of a new say.

People sometimes turn away because we see a trial as something other than it is. A lot of us ask, "Why me?"

The gospel equips us to handle and turn a trial into a blessing.

Trials are necessary to know what we can do. Who doesn't want to know what we are capable of?

We have blessings and terrible bad things but we live here.

Story that a girl had a vision of celebrating because she got to be a paraplegic.

Prophets were upset that they didn't get to suffer as much as other prophets.

Just wait a few minutes, you will be given a trial, you need them to prepare yourselves for the future.

We can handle no matter what. Everyone else has trials suited for them.

A woman who has health troubles sees that God blessed her with that body and she was given a blessing that she would know that God was always with you.

Under circumstances why not on top of it.

We are the angels or instruments to help others.

Somethings are so big though far away with time, their impact was so great it will still effect you.

Wisdom upon wisdom, comes from learning things line upon line.

Our trials come in the same way, always meted out exactly as we are prepared.

You prepare for lots of help or ways to help, but not to help someone handle death.

Blessing that a woman was prepared...

Interesting how everyone got blessings from God. Through ward, priesthood or somehow. We know that we are not ever alone.

Being prepared struck a nerve, so much in our past was done to prepare us, a lot like the song "God bless the Broken Road".

Your other senses tell you things so that you learn not to depend on what you loose.

There is no place in heaven for those who haven't made a mistakes.

D&C 121:6-7

Ok, I can do this.

Frequent flyers at a hospital, they must live close to the spirit. "Temporary Home". Spirit was very strong in those children, it was something you could actually feel.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

I almost don't care

Sephiroth is a bad dude, there is very little redeemable about him, but I still love him.
I think that I am supposed to hate him, but I don't care.  Maybe it is because he is fictional and does not even exist, so maybe it is that unavailable bit that makes him irresistible. I think he is awesome!
I noted a trend in younger ladies hair styles. I actually wondered how people dealt with the long flowing hair with no styling product, it gets in the way all the time and breaks rubber bands. I noticed a large number of younger women sporting careless buns, and braids,it actually made me chuckle, it seemed like something mothers do cause they simply do not have the time, but these women obviously had enough time to make themselves up and instead they chose to look disheveled or rushed. It is a good trend, but made me think about sephiroth, too. Seems like his hair would get in the way of all of that sword fighting...

Continued struggles

It seems that my eternal struggle is the fight for owning originality, disguised as a fight against remaining ignorant.

My worth is self-defined by independently thinking thoughts, though I have a near insatiable curiosity, I cannot know, too much or the same ideas would not be original.

Am I speaking Greek? No, this is English, though maybe not proper, let me try story telling.

There is this really great film coming out and by the trailers which you have been watching with expectant fervor, you cannot keep from peeping on youtube to see if another trailer has been created, but instead you find a screener copy has been leaked and reviewed. Now, is the real struggle. Do you watch what you really want to, so much that Google was able to determine it would interest you and has plastered the images, like a porno pop-up gone awry, everywhere. But, as you think about it, you think, but wait, I cannot undo knowing, I can only prolong my ignorance (avoid spoilers) so that I can excitedly enjoy the film when I see it.

There is no arguing that your ideas will,be yours wether formed now or later, but maintaining your ignorance is debatable.

I do not understand, in the case of the movie, why seeing now or later would increase the pleasure, but I do understand how if Timing is as important as it has,been portrayed, then the time to make my conclusions about what will happen in the plot would still remain, whereas if I watched the review, likely I would know what happens and not be able to form my own preconceived notions.

I get both frustrated and yet fight for timed ignorance in the name of originality.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Forced thoughts

I want to say something that is in no way applicable to any person or situation. But, it is a struggle to keep myself from thinking things that pertain to others or come regarding a situation.

When we feel pain we do not like it, it doesn't even matter why and we do not even have to think unless we do not want to reflex and avoid the pain. Oh, crap. That is what the sand worm does in Dune, allowing riders on top, they avoid the abrasive sand coming in contact with a sore spot. Let me try again...

Hot is a short word. Sauce that is hot has uses, but It is hot above all else.
And it is like cakes were made to be frosted.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Brain Dump from Institute

How do you tell people that they really ought to come?
Peter was frank about things, very plain, and straightforword.
Martin Luther said it was the most grand of all the books of the new testament.
This was his farwell.
     Calling and Election made sure - tells what exactly to do.
     Divine Nature - escaping the world, both carnal and spiritual cannot exist together.
If you climb a ladder you want to make sure it is the right wall.
Peter gives a road map. Must start with faith. (V 5-7) if you want something good, pray for it.
Calling and election made sure. It grows out of Celestial Marriage.
Problems of defending from within, it is a whole different and harder thing.
Example of Camilla (prophet's wife) how she kept studying and taking classes until the end.
Peter was crucified upside down.
There is purpose in suffering.
Greatest trials are reserved for the saints. Bruce R. McConkie.
Peter was an eye witness so he spoke and reminded that it was true.
Peter wrote the most sublime language of any apostle (JST, P. 301)
"The day dawn is breaking" we sing without thinking really about it all, but now we can think about it each time we sing and feel how comforting His return will be.
False Teachers not passive misleading, but purposefully, from within. Denying the Lord
Feign words to make money.
Speak evil of things they do not understand.
Eyes full of adultery. *I wonder if this is figurative like Hosea or* but any way procreative powers are used outside of marriage.
Young ignorant people are bringing condemnation upon themselves.
You can go pay (literally) for sins, do what you want then buy pentence.
Was Peter writting for his day or our day? It seems like he refers to us...
The issue is not how many people may believe a teaching whether it is true or false. (Mormon Doctrine)
Obedience to law that allows us freedom.
Liberate the oppressed Mormon Women, with all of their flaunting of sins.
Philosophy of world vs. Philosophies of the apostles.
Charity is heart knowledge.
With turmolt going on everywhere. church is a single place it seems to be to find our peace.
False teachers, are good at deceiving. This is a lot like (return to it is far worse) what I was thinking this morning about how the worse adversary would be one who actually investigates seriously and then rejects, their reasons would be believable.
The second coming will be denied so many will not believe that it is/will coming.
The righteous will not be afraid.
Mostly, it is because we understand, the why and everything.
The Savior will reign. Again, we understand how and why.
People try to change facts, and recorded truths, so be careful what we believe as true.
John the beloved - after peter as leader of the church, false teachers, especially the Nostics, they respected the spirit more and taught of the things that Jesus did as never really been... I will have to look up what that is.
If anyone sins they CAN be forgiven.
If you know the Savior then you follow him and walk as he walked... In other words we take his yoke upon us.
New commandment from old one, how does that work to help us be Christlike.
Love helps us to be better people, and when we love others it puts off the natural man.
Ballance of truth with tolerance, talk by Dallin Oaks The way the church does it, is a good example.
Christ when he found the woman in sin, he forgave, but you cannot do it any more.
We can have tolerance as a virture until the point it becomes a vice. Story of woman and her son who lived with a woman before marrying her, she let him know that it was not acceptable, but she still loves him entirely.
Anti Christ is some who does things opposite of Christ.
World is full of people who mingle the truths with anti. Opposed to Christ.
Unction - received revelation, knew the truth.
Anti Mormonism is going to be very sorry.
How will you be full of confidence when Savior comes again.
John likes to talk about light and Dark.
It is interesting to me when some women read they too translate so fast that they speak their understanding.
Being born again, means that we do not continue in that old way, like a child being born cannot go back to the other exsistance when born into this one.
If you hate your brother, you cannot say that you love God, then do not be suprised if the world hates you for doing what is right.
"My little Children..."
Older generation was better at showing love where we are better at saying it, but what about doing both.
If we pray for a thing that is good we probably already did what was necessary to receive it.
Ok, Gnosticism is regarding the spirit and the body didn't matter, or was irrelevant.
Love was said 37 times in that chapter of John. "A lot of love in that..."I said this in my mind.
A crazy person doesn't realize they are crazy, so we can check ourselves with the spirit. It will let us know that we are inline with what we should be.
God loved us first, so we should love him.-a great scripture to go on the fridge.
Birth involves water and.blood. sacrament. Being born again. similitude of spirit.
Spirit, water, blood bring us in line with the will of God. *is this too basic to speak further? I do not understand it.*

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Brain dump

April 14, 2013

Sister missionaries testimony Spanish speaking Morales and Walker

Monson, scriptures.

Brother Stephens about maybe not being able to walk, but he could.

Backing up and car went clunk, I was relieved that it was his front axel. But, it is a terrible thing.

Greatful for the moments of trial because it is a gift. And we are able to handle and that we are going to gain something that we came to earth for.

It is very clear that the church is true.

It is not your trial, one is not blessed more than others because they have the thing that others do not.

Fire alarm went off as testimony was being born.

In primary we were taught to think of what trees would feel or see in various places, and the kids said, but trees don't have eyes. After that part was gotten over that we decided that some trees were in the sacred grove.
We discussed what those,trees could have seen or felt. This is great because they put their own feelings out in the open saying it was a tree.

Planting for the garden: May 18th. Seed donations are great, cages donated for the tomato.

Sat. Fireless cooking preparedness, April 25th.

There are almost countless ways each of us can be missionaries. This lesson 19 can teach us how to go about it.

"I wouldn't tell a lot of people this, but I will tell it to you..." That preface gives an exclamation without using the normal SHOUT or Such. It seems not usual but very important, a select group will even be told. In presenting ideas this could be a tool to make others desire to know what we have to share.

There is a way to reach every human heart and we are responsible for finding and teaching them.

In sacrament meeting there was a testimony on how there are certain,moments in our lives when we are receptive, like a death, or other traumatic life changes like moving.

Our opportunity may be ways that we do not even consider. It is important to speak up cause you might supply a pivotal point in that life, so it is important to speak up and be full of the spirit.

In the hospital people giving the sacrament we need to ask, not just assume...

There are things that I should say, but when I don't "the rocks speak up..." And something's that were important to be known will be known if I do not say them, but I loose the trust of God, and if I do not say as prompted, I miss out.

When a man is happy he is surrounded by the spirit of making others happy, and it is sort of contagious, and why we go to church once a week to "catch" that spirit.

Think of early saints and how they would desire just to have a member of the family come and experience Zion, but they still through hardship, had a desire to share the gospel with the rest of the world, maybe I was blessed to come here and now, I can go back home and share what I learned.

Our homes are MTC's.

Missionaries are ready and more mature at an earlier age. Because of the things they understand and grow.

No greater thing that we can give than our testimony.

What is true?

I grew up fully believing, as I still do, that my church was true. Predisposed to this I easily accepted everything taught was true.

Then, I was actually suprised that when I visited other churches that they also taught true things.

It was explained in a conference talk about how all faiths have a portion of the truth and so we invite others to bring what truth they have and come get more by learning the things taught at our church.

I will explain this as plants that need to be watered but can only receive as much water as their pot holds. Such it is with people we all have far ranging capacity to understand truth, so each religion is doing a great work bringing people to building of a great personal infrastructure of what is.

If something is true then it fits perfectly with everything in the universe that is reality.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Movie idea

I would like to see a movie about my life to read reviews so that I could see how I appear to others.

It would be called "How do I look".

Friday, April 12, 2013

Just an observation

When I eat almost nothing I gain more weight, and I think it is because my body stores every morsel incase of famine. It is actually a good survival trait!

Life changing moment

What are life changing moments? Even if we have only read about or seen them in a film, we know what they are. They are the moments when, for instance, my dad heard music when he saw my mother, something surreal usually happens and whoever it happened to will know that life can never go back to what it was before. A great widely familiar example would be  the heroic tale of Frodo Baggins at the end of The Return of the King, where Samwise discusses with him how they could ever go back to life before, which ironically was exactly what they were fighting for. In conclusion of everything, a book is written to sum up his thoughts titled There and Back again. Wouldn't we all love to read about how he manages to do it, to go back again. Instead he leaves, but I will share the tale of how I went back although I changed.

"Who says you can never go back." Ok, I probably sang it wrong to fit my needs. Guilty. I do that a lot. My life changed way back when it was supposed to, but obstacles filled my prospects with doubt, fear, and general impossibility. Oh, how I wish I could have talked to myself then! But, this lyric is right "fear departs when faith endures." I decided to practice optomism, though it was not quite faith. I felt like my fate was ruined so I would mend it. I have an analogy. It would be like looking across a crowded room and seeing "the way light attaches to a girl." Great! "Is this love that I'm feeling? This must be's really got a hold on me." The catch is that girl is wearing a wedding ring. This is a fictional tale, told to express my frustration. So, you decide to Marry a sister, like in Gone with the wind where Scarlett marries the brother of Ashleigh's wife. And Rhett Butler later comments that she might consider marrying someone that she loved. Ha ha ha, uh, so in back to my situation which would be less easy to understand or interesting, my desire was blocked, though it would never go away, I could rechannel that excessive passion towards something that could be, and I succeeded.
Later, I learned that success is no indication of what ought to be. Morality,yeah, the plot deepens, and it becomes a matter of what ought, if you are not LDS, quickly, I will summarize our beliefs on irrevocable laws, like the kind or morality our country was built on. Just as calculatable as other physical laws are laws of what ought or ought not to be. Infact, we have a scripture that assures us the God is bound when we obey his commandments, there is a defined should and that is what I am calling my fate. It is an inescapable laws, though unspoken by any mouth, just as certain. I can not help but do this. More entertaining is the song "how could I not love you?"

The song is meant to be a love song and it is set to various heart-wrenching video clips where a love seemed destined despite anything else. But, my fascination is that the singer is asking how they could not love something, not very romantic to me, which leads me to how I could bend my happiness but never doing anything contrary to the idea of what ought to be. In the case of love you simply determine to love who you cannot help but love, but pretend that love is intended for someone else, too.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Home is where the heart is

That is the most profound thing I have ever considered. Where is your heart? I have loved so many things, and thought each place was where I belong, and each truly was closer to what I felt was important. It kept me here while my family was more and more entirely down south.

Zion is the place I was raised to believe would be the place where people like me would all be. And for the most part I was right, but that does not make it home for the simple reason that,my husband does not nor has done anything to win or secure my heart.

And if experience has taught me anything, I have learned that I can belong anywhere if I am with someone with whom I am entirely devoted to and he to me. I risked so much and tried and hoped and even now, my heart breaks,because of the ripple effect any choice I make will have.

I want to teach that there is a right and wrong, and we should always chose the right and if we do God will never leave us alone. He always provides a way. I believe that. I just cannot believe that leaving my children could ever be right.

But, I know that we have a limited ammount of time to do things and there are things that I must do in this life.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Brain dump

It was said that Thomas Monson is exactly obedient to promptings and is always right. That is exactly how I think about Hannah.

I desire to give more, there are so many others that I want to help and for some reason I think that many I could, even though I do not have money, I think in terms of helping in how much I can financially give.

When I hear about the sort of man our prophet is I think of how that is what attracts me. I think of someone so good. But, probably, I err again and assign attributes where I want them.

17 million members.

Put picture of Jesus in our home.
Daily family prayer and scripture study.

satan's fate is already certain, it is decided but he wants you to fail, too.

Be wise in how you use technology.

If we.focused instead on memorizing scriptures instead of texting.

Christ-centered home.

Very full of warmth and love.

My number one goal is to have a Christ-centered home.

There are things that must be left to the Lord.

See good in others, not their sins.

Timing. Not everything should or can be emphasized right now.

Quetin Cook talk about peace. No world (universal)peace but it is a reward of righteous doing. Deep happiness. his peace will engender a love of other men.

Temple work can bring us peace.

He notices how we bear our burdens.

Agency would be abused and could cause so much unfairness.

To believe in God is a belief that everything will be fair. This is the thesis of the paper I wrote for my philosophy class. To prove that there was a God.

I think that Elder Cook may end up a prophet of the church. He speaks and thinks appropriate things.

We are not spiritual orphans.

Maybe I should go where I am going to be most useful. I feel like that is here, but, maybe it is with my sister or in Seattle to help Jim.

The people in Africa have very little of .the things that matter very little.

I am in love with the ideal of a spiritual man, not a natural man, though It is part of me, it is a part I overcame and no longer want anything to do with it.

There is a proper use of our bodies. Adultery is a denial of who we are.

And unless we cease from that we cannot feel love.

Love as I studied it resembles a great piece of music. Denial, not persuit of selfish persuits then, finally we are able to love entirely. It is that garment marking to remind us that each desire must be done according to the Lord's plan.

A good marriage is something seen by those who enter it as something of incredible worth.

Dinner and family time is the most important thing to them, it is not a matter of negotiation.

Fiercely loyal to one another.

Nothing is done that could even appear to be unloyal in the least degree.

Electronics ought to be turned off because family is more important.

A good marriage is a blessing and gift of faithful Christ-centered living.

Satan tried to prove that men aren't worthy of making choices. And ultimately he was providing opposition that makes joy greater, so he was actually thwarted because he wants us all to be miserable like himself.

Do not act like it is your big fault that is common shared and so funny and because others know it and it is more acceptable. It is still a fault. And wrong.
Be not afraid, only believe.

Everything starts with belief.

Nothing will suprise us more than how familiar we are with our father in Heaven.

Music must be ignorant of it's worth to achieve it's goal.

Most perfect time in my life

Every moment ought to be your happiest, no matter what the situation.

I thought of this as I was thinking about how people say that their mission was the best time of their life. Then, they get married. Then they have children, etc.

I saw a pattern. I think the risk or potential for total failure has to be possible to be most successful.

Really quick, I noticed that most people fail at the first big risk and never pick themselves up and want companionship or someone to share their failure and subsequent misery with. And that explains the prescience of prevelant divorce.

Divorce is a blessing and a release from an eternal failure. Graciously Heavenly Father knew that risk would be used to ruin the whole plan, and destroying families is working.

I have seen people live entire lives. They never did any of the things that could have brought them the greatest happiness.

I do not yet understand how we are suppose to deal with that. Accept that it was agency, no one forced them, but it must be fair.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

70 times 7

As often as we ask forgiveness it will be given. I repeat, as often as we ASK we will be forgiven. Improvement is good. We need to show confidence in change.

But, tolerance should not be heralded as a virtue. Sin is bad though forgiven.

Who are you?

It is profound that if women were seen as valuable for their spiritual nature that they inherited from God as his daughter's opposed to being seen as sexual objects so many of the world's troubles would,fade away and loose any control or power. In conclusion, it would,be liberating to all to appreciate women for who they are and should be instead of molding them into lumps of pretty flesh, to use until the beauty fades.

"One virtuous woman lead by the spirit can change the world." -Elaine Dalton


It is not the substance that fails, but how it upholds.

What I was trying to note here was that crumbling and distruction is not solved by finding some best material, but finding an appropriately designed material.

Sand, for example was used by the foolish man, but concrete and diamonds can be made from sand.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


My teeth are an easy thing to criticize, but it is the way they were treated that offers the most revealing information.

I was diligent in caring for things and for years I never had a problem. Brandall did a good job caring for many such inconsequential things like my teeth. Specifically, one time it was inconvenient, but I said that I needed to stop at the Gordonsville Dollar General and get some floss, he did it. Then in the hospital they told me to see to some dental work, he saw to it that I did, in collaboration with my mother, for I would never have thought of it, even. Then, for my first prenatal advice from a caregiver, for Joseph, I was advised to see to my teeth, but once again they seemed fine, and then I never had the chance or time to think of it and now it is such a state that I feel the only solution (less painful) would require more money than I have and the one who is supposed to care for me while I am tending others has not seen it as important either..

My teeth are unsightly and embarrassing making it hard to even smile, but above all they cause me so much pain. The reason they have degenerated to.such a state is evidence that I have been neglected, for things that are so important that not even have clearance to know what they are. That is the most telling point. My teeth are my responsibility and I did choose to place my needs in the care of another, especially whileI focused on others. I felt like this was a wise choice ansdlet things get so bad because I trusted that with his experience with his own teeth he would value mine more.

But, at this point it is blamed on money which is entirely rediculous. There have been a few tines whenI saw something that could be done, butfigured that I needed to trust in my husband and that he would dowhatis right and thatitwas not my responsibility. AsI was looking for advice from a best source, I stunbled upon a quote that stated that we are respobsible for our own happiness. I realized that for me happiness was not waiting around for something to happen, though itmight be the correct way for others. We are stilltalking about teeth right?

My husband's teeth were cared for after they were allowed to get to the point where something had to be done, This was his experience and sohe learned thatif we are just patient someone will come rescue us, And now he expects the same of me. when my pain becomes so intense I can barely stand it his "balm" to me is that he understands beter than others and  I must just endure and no we don't have enough money to get painkiller. Can't I stop being selfish?

And so I have been trapped between choosing happiness which is selfishness or be a good girl and suffer like is expected. If I choose to be happy and pain free and able to smile then, that is not being patient, obedient, or selfless. But, as I viewed and treated them (my teeth) tonight I realized that it is not really selfish it is just scorn that I would have to endure to get happiness. I would be misunderstood and wrongfully called things, but I can choose to stop waiting and be happy. I have waited long enough and my teeth are the evidence of things hoped for, but not seen. I feel like the guy on a rooftop while it floods he is praying for help but turns away every rowboater that has offered help until it is too late.

Gift idea

I was thinking of a perfect April fool's day gift, but It might be cute and unexpected for Christmas.

What you will need.
1 box or a jack in the box toy
A dozen of various sized springs

What you do.
Place the springs in the box.
The gift is mostly in the presentation. The receiver will ask, what is this, so you must look in the box bewildered you try to tell what it is and determine that it must be dumped on the floor and while inspecting it dawns on you, "Why, it must be spring time!" You observe.