Sunday, March 18, 2018

Brain dump

Being moved around we learn how universal our trials are, especially it is interesting to see how the gospel is the same everywhere.

Blessings of the parable of the mustard seed... a man hid this seed in his other grains, but when they were planted mustard spouts first, and becomes visible first, and this man had to get rid of them as they became visible, because ignoring them at first would be unwise.

Fufillment of Daniel's prophecy of the stone cut out of a mountain is likened to places which used to be so small now there are stakes and temples present.

Early 18 hundreds the church was small, but like the tiny mustard seed, it willgrow and continue to grow and it was prophesied that it would fill the whole earth.

When attend a new ward, it is interesting to come early and watch the lights come on one by one, it is very much like those who come and hear the gospel.

Whenever we attend a meeting we need to have a question, that is important because we get out what we put in.

A good man was asked about BoM and he does read it, but could not name a blessing from it... a thing to consider.

Mustard seed makes us think about small and simple things, only in Israel does it grow so large, that is the one particular area.

Nowhere in the scriptures will it be found that social media came about for the Lord's purposes and how it should be used, but we know that it is, and must be used wisely.

Had to test faith to decide what would happen. "Do you have the faith to not be healed?"

Reading BoM daily will bring great blessing and miracles.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Brain dump

Reference made to conference talk about being ship shape and Bristol fashion and suggested that we need the peace of the temple in all times. Good or bad, like Bristol channel.

What I am speaking about is IMPORTANT.

Speaking about praying and the process or eork to get our will in line with the divine, and become more like our father on Heaven.

In your life you are never staying still, you are moving forward or backwards.

No matter how many times you read the book of Mormon, you will read something you never recognized before and it will strike you in a way that you need and is pertinent at the time.

Story of new born twin who was dying until she was put in the incubator with her sister who showed love by putting her arm around her sibling, then because of the love it is believed the baby began thriving. This is likened to us all and how we all need to be loved (thinking of a Morrissey song).

Spiritual twinkie, you can eat it all day, but not ever nourished....we can be fed but not nourished.

May be nourished by conference, church, seminary, fhe, etc.

Part of setting example includes actually loving the scriptures and feasting on them.

BoM has power to succor and heal, and we are promised to be immunized against things of the world.

"When I hear someone say that they know that the BoM is true I want to say, 'yeah? So what?'"

A person left church 25 years ago. Is now, returning, and expressed a desire to attend the temple.

Why do we pray? Helps us be aware and exercise faith. Exercising faith prepares us to grow a fine tree.

What would your life be like without the BoM?

Life has ups and downs, but Book of Mormon will give us the needed perspective and power to overcome anything that  seeks to bring us down.

I always wonder how just the name of Christ is able to cast anything out... maybe I will uncover that mystery in the study of the Book of Mormon.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Brain dump

Mixed up directions where randomly chosen directions for an object.

God is infinitly more forgiving of us than we are to our selves.

It is fun to read the Book of Mormon as a novel, instead of disecting each individual part.

Sometimes when things happen and cause us to struggle, we can know that they are for our own good.

Just as we judqge other's abilities by how they appear, people judge how fit we are to be Latter-day Saints. Maybe others do not come because they will not be accepted.

I am thankful for the preisthood and that others are worthy a man blessed his child and mentioned that he was being a conduit for a loving father in Heaven. He made me wish I could be blessed again, fully understanding what was,being said and as I thought about my Pat. Blessing and the idea came to me that as I live I may very well feel like I want more words, and many scriptures (especially in the d&c become vicariously applicable to me, so, maybe I could benefit indirectly or vicariously by listening to words spoken to others from Him. My mind was racing from one scenario to the next for scenarios when I could hear some scripture entirely missing what was being said. I guess that is pretty common. We are all usually not ready to comprehend our blessings as they happen. Like is often said about baptism.. what wouldn't we give to have that opportunity again, but we totally take that sacrament we just partook for granted. Then, one lady mentioned wishing that she could get ger baby blessing again, then realized that it was as if she could vicariously! Ah hah! There was great truth that I was intended to understand although the baby might not. Most notably,  a reminder to accept things that are for my good even though at the time they may perplex me