Sunday, October 30, 2016

Brain dump

If a friend doesn't  respect your standards they are not worth having as a friend.

Talk about prayer.

A little girl sang ""Gethsemane".

We ought to forsake the things that this world esteems.

The way we take care of our bodies sets us apart from others.

Women of the church or women of God will never be worldly women. But, there are enough of those.

Columbia rejected their president cause he would not be strong against the rebel this boils down to being about forgiving.

"Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that..."

Forgivness and repentance are often performed by the same person who sees the correct perspective. Often we need to forgive to see that we need to repent.

When someone we are counting on betrays us...this often happens when a couple divorces.

Satan wants family to be destroyed because he assumes everythong will fall apart.

Liken being angry to eatting a jalapeño, it can overwhelm any previously eatten grapes, per se.

Count your blessings.

Leopards don't change their spots...but, I do not work with leopards. :)

A man rose to the things expected of them.

We must learn to see people not as they are, but what they may become.

Surprised that atheists get married because it is ordained of God.

Paleontologist  could not be together unless they were married, so they had a marriage of convenience.

People who had no religious training of any sort, but they still are monogomous and in families.

James E Faust was sealed for a couple who were never married. And that is the whole concern that people will have the chsnce to be married but they never were on the earth.

Is it safe to say that sealing must be performed on earth? Yes, temple ordinances must be performed on earth which is why earth life is so important.

Everytjing before she was re baptized and so it is all forgiven

As Latter-day Saints, we are living with an eternal perspective, not just for the moment. However, we can receive blessings in this life as a result of being married for eternity. Some of those blessings are as follows...

The descision of eternal companion should be done to be sure that this one must NOT be wrong.

Your eternal family is your spouse.

Most men admit that they would be an entirely different person because they have a wife and family.

Veteran party to honor all are invited.

Stake conference nov 20.

Sis Oscarson's talk from women's conference.

The great peril of life is a great teminder that this is the FULNESS OF TIMES.

Bedrock understanding of the Doctrine of Christ.

We want to raise a SIN resistant generation, it can be done in the home despite what ocurrs outside of it.

Because of temple work and the understanding of such wecwill have the power of God to be with us.

It is good to go do initiatories because we get reminded of incredible blessings.

Do not have any part of vile things and there is a promise that accompanies this charge it is promised thatvthe Lord will be our guide and stay.

We need more and more good to overcome the evil.

Internet and large and spacious building were very similar. Someone commented then are we saying to avoid the internet all together? The reply was no. Emphatically.


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Brain dump

Why don't people read their scriptures? That is a mustery of the kingdom.
Read the Book of Mormon and prayed about it and had a powerful experience with the Holy Ghost.

Even outstanding members of the church had not read the book prayerfully.

Book of Mormon is the greatest tool for conversion. First read through needs to be mentored.

It has been the best tool for conversion.

Book of Mormon is the best tool for pur own conversion.

Former members who had been excommunicated, now have rejoined through the power of the book of Mormon. It can reconvert any who seriously read it.

Have you ever read thr Book of Mormon  and would you like to read it with me?

Had 6 theories to raise children, this woman had 6 children and now has no theories.

Do you believe it is possible to raise a sin resistant generation. Nephi said, the Lord will not command a thing without preparing a possible way...

Teach children the significance of keeping a promise.
Bedrach, meschac and abednego kept their promise and trusted their life even upon it, but even if they died they would still keep our covenant. Because they promised.

That is the way to overcome and Lucifer does not want us to make promises.

I kept my promise cause I said I would.

Amulek was a well recieved man of Amoniah, and when he said the things of Alma it was accepted.

We are afraid to ask because we feel un able to do the things requested of them.
But, the work of the Lord is being hastened and it will go forward, why not with you?

Best place to teach the gospel in Utah is a shopping mall.

If we live the gospel, we will have trials.

Have you ever seen a child not smile when they sing that Jesus wants them for a Sunbeam.

The saints were originally slated to enter the utah valley through Ogden canyon, how different things would be. Instead they came through immigration canyon.

A brother was in active and a woman used a small means to help someone strugling and in need of help.

Gary Stevenson is from north Utah...hmm.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Brain dump

Britton Wright

Come follow me


Are among the attributes that come as you use your agency properly. They cone on a mission.

We see the power of the atonement when things go wrong, and at that time we end up spending more time on our knees cause we NEED "Our Only Hope"

Gospel purpose is to turn bad man good  and good men better.

This is a fufillment of Ether 12:6

It is impossible to emulate someone we do not know.

The Savior, in the most desolate times he turned outward..

A man accepted and preached the gospel to literally everyone. He even taught  someone while waiting for an appointment to begin.

Making and keeping sacred covenants is THE most important thing.

I am a Child of God changed to "teach me all that I must DO" from "KNOW" it is not enough to know, but we must do what we know.

We need to keep eternal perspective, but what is Eternal Perspective, when we do not even know what the afterlife will be.


God is not only is aware of us  but knows us each by name, as we learn in Joseph smith's vision.

Family responsibilities -

You  realize that you are less in control of what a child does as you have more.

Father's need to come to game.

Mother is Moral compass, but not entirely.

No matter what a mother teaches a child they will do what their father does.

Parents ought to share duties exactly the same. They have the same responsibility.

Father ought to spend time with each child.

Story of girl who listened to her mother instead  of what is right.

When a child acts evil. Likely it is not Heavenly Father's  influence so alogn the child.

If you as a parent do your best, someone is going to interfere but, do not see a snapshot.

Loving family doesn't happen by accident.

10 to 12 stake conference.
Nov 4 simple bread and toilet paper stove.

[Howard W. Hunter] Gave free legal advice because he hated dealing with the billing.

Calling people by name and just being aware of them is a great service.

We have a touchstone to measure our personal christ like attributes.

Maybe if it is difficult to love, it is you who is difficult.

If you judge someone you do not havevtime to love them. But, there is something to love in everyone.

Story of Thomas S. Monson told story at a regional conference, and he told a story
About praying for a man who was difficult to love.

Can put your own name on the prayer roll to have your own heart softened.

Another way to love a difficult someone, serve them.

Need to be kinder and gentler.

*** FHE ****
If children speak gently with one another.
Maybe count to 5. Try to learn to know what they are going through.

(220 Lord, I would Follow Thee)

***Keep your bucket full so that you can share with others *** like a flight attendent says to secure your mask first.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Brain dump

Faith can overcome fears.

Attending the temple was asked what you get from it, and sometimes it feels less obvious, but it blesses our lives.

Our leaders tell us the things that the Lord wants us to know. They are men of God and liatening to them blesses us.

So glad my mom got to go be with her husband after 29 years.

Power of prayer is real..

Sunday school The Family can be Eternal.

Family is the safest place you can be.

When a child is sasses there is a reason deep seeded and that might be the only place to let it out.

It is ok to have frustrating feelings, and sometimes it feels better. After having said something.

"Happiness is most LIKELY achieved...."

We have the Lord's help when raising his children. We learn so many necessary attributes in the home.

Teach other ways to deal with lashing out, like saying "that is really bad." or clenching fists.

There is a time when we will need to fall back on something for  comfort. I decided that I would believe even without everything being what seemed true.

****Poem about getting rid of children and that made everything all well.****

No exclusions anything is appropriate for everyone, not allowed to pick or choose siblings allows them to increase in love.

When a child fell down, and was hurt, they yelled at the child about the ground.

"Bun warmer" paddler. Mom asked, "Do you hear me or do you need to feel me?"

Children either decide to mimic or what NOT to do.

To me, being a parent is the workshop where we get to learn so much more about our heavenly father.

It is essential to show an interest in what a child is interested in.

To have a successful family you need a plan. Cause Satan surely has one to destroy it.

He will do everything he can to destroy our family  cause it is the armor and he is searching for the chink.

At home children need to be able to answer questions and how to find those answers, in the family.

As fullness of the gospel, the proclamation on the family is another part of that.

Need to be comitted to the gospel.

I think of story of pig and chicken and the pig is an example of being really committed, gave bacon, whereas the chicken donated an egg.

Joshua scripture was "choose ye this day whom ye will serve..."

The worst committment trouble for me was when others who you love and want to be your friend, but they do things that you know ought not to be ok with. We should.

Where is your heart?  If what you want is in your heart and it id God you will do what is right. If God is not in your heart then you will not find as much in other holy places like temple...this is so much like my wondering if I got ready to go places to be seen of men or because I loved God.

Who is in the Lord's side, who. Believing is not enough. We need to be comitted and not just contributed.

Comitted is necessary to go to the temple.

You do not realize until you cannot go tp the temple....we might take it for granted.

Contributed to a thing and it is good, but being committed.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Brain dump

Read the Book of Mormon like he was Joseph Smith. Talk  by Craig Chistiansen.

As Joseph translated he was learning things he did not yet know.

Alot of Joy and that makes,me feel happy it is a great contrast to the news.

Left, interesting to consider left is what is left after the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pearl of Great Price clarifies roles in the premortal life.

We could come to Earth to get tabernacles of ckay, or bodies, and have the opportunity to grow up.

The premortal counsel was not an opportunity to share ideas. We did not have applications for who would be a,savior.

As he talked about Jesus as the first born by right I was thinking hiw that is like Abraham calling Isaac his first born when Ishmael truely was.

Alma 13 anyone eho gets preisthood (including temple ordinances) which leads Joseph to conclude that what we had or were there effects who we are here.

The Devil and his angels are a third part of Heaven, but it is not as much a percentage as is it a translation of a significant part per Brother Gaskill in a book about the use of symbols.

Martin Luther took Revelation out of the Bible, where it talks about the Dragon being Lucifer.

When we hear the gospel and feel a,sense  of recognition it is because we all did hear it before and accept it or we would not have bodies. This all comes from revelation that we have recieved as a result of wirk of Joseph Smith, namely 3Nep 27. The rest of the world has Isaiah 14.

No one as miserable as one without anyone to serve.

"I likely will die before I run out of prophets to study."

Satan makes hard things seem easy, and desirable, but he is a counterfeiter of true and good rewards.

DC 29, v 39.we had to have the devil to help.

"You know what doesn't work with Heavenly Father? Surprise Parties."

Chapter 2 of 2nd Nephi is in running for the best chapters of the book of Mormon.

No one can thwart the Plans of God.

Alot of the spirits have been invited I do not know if they will come, but at least we will not have to feed them.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sunday afternoon session



1. Our desires align with God's.
2. We learn to love those we serve therby loving and knowing God. "... see him as he is..."
3. "Help thou my unbelief." Do we believe what we know?

Believing is how we come to know Christ.

Written in our minds and heart.

Being reborn is more a process than an event.

Little by little we become like Christ. Recieving grace by grace until we receive a fullness.

Christ andvthe doctrine of Christ is the ONLY  way to return to God.

We are given a savior and an additional gift.  The gift of the Holy Ghost.

We have a greater power when we COMBINE and serve in unity in the church.

Sometimes we are asked to serve in a way or place that scares us.

Filling callings requires faith.

It is important to record events of significant spiritual events, lest we forget. 

If we felt a way,  we certainly can feel similarly again.

Suffering does not teach us anything unless we apply faith and make our suffering purposeful.

Things must pass through us, not we through them. Paraphrase of Neal A. Maxwell.

If you read the Book of Mormon to your chilren, they will not be lost.

We devote ourselves to the gospel do our children will know where to turn for remission of sins.

Repentance in Swedish is the same word for turn around.

Repentance with faith in Christ allows us to heal and go back to where we started to err. So it is change, but is erases all and leaves no tracks.

Reoentance requires a choice, it will not be forced upon anyone.

Do Not minimize our sin or just believe that we are already saved cause we are unconditionally loved.

"What do we win?..."

Repentance is the goodnews of the gospel.

***are ideas in any language?***

You are never a winner if you loose your temper.

Sunday Morning session

I just realized this. I used to look forward to conference because it meant discussing talks with others. And I ought to look forward to discussing the things that I learned with my husband and so the kids would look forward to being old enough to get to discuss the conference session, too. That is how and why things ought to happen.

A great friend of mine with children to care for mentioned that at least her kids look forward to conference at least and that is the goal. That made me ponder what exactly I was wanting my kids to be getting from conference.

THE PLAN FOR HAPINESS as taught by the church is true.

Men are that they might have joy. How is this? Eliza Snow explained how the suffering saints seemed to be merry pleasure seekers.

No matter what happens we can feel joy. It is felt regardless what happens...even if job is lost or husband betrays you.

When the Savior suffered so much pain, he did so  with Joy.

Joy can help us endure all things

"I have learned to suffer with Joy."

Reminds me of that line from "Show me what I'm looking for." Where it said, I learned to love abuse.


The sacrament needs to be as important to us as it was to Jesus.

Elder packard look back on his life and looked for evidence of the sins that had been repented of, but could not find them. This is the power of the atonement! It is real and brings joy.

However opportunities you have missed, you have not missed the opportunity to repent and experience joy.

The greatest miracles are not things like the parting of the red sea, but when a person is forgiven of their sins.

The appstles stayed with Jesus because they decided with what they knew by means other than the standard means, whereas those who left struggled because the could not know things that they could not see, or touch, etc.

Never abandon truths revealed by Joseph Smith...just because you find other unexplainable things.

You should not give up what you can and do have in hopes of finding something more elsewhere.

"Infirmity of loss of faith."

Where else will you go?

It will be challenging, but it will be endurable and worth it.

"Will ye also go away?"

But, elder Ballard promises that if you seek with real intent, you will find...

Worship if done properly is where God will be, and we will seek him elsewhere but if not for in us answers will not be found elsewhere.

Joseph Smith was given a 4 year probation before he got the plates.

"The way you see a child is how you see them, and how you see them is how they will become." -Geothe

The great.changes can be seen as we look back, like meeting in peoples houses because we did not have a building, and now they temples there.  Although we do not see the spirit working, we may have felt it.

Give thanks for these things, acording as we feel gratitude to be part of this and for the things that gave been granted.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Saturday conference notes

Sometimes we sleepwalk on the path of discipleship. We ought to be excited to even consider the way truths have been opened up to us and we have things that man never had before.

When we teach true Gospel principles some part of it will feel familiar to others regardless of what they had been instructed.

"What shall we give in return for so much?" Apply this to the glorious light and all things our Father, who is God, has given us.

Look up..."Those who reject this glad message...

When he looked into his grandpas eyes, he saw his suffering.

Turn from natural man and love one another which was,not the natural way of man to live, he looks out for number 1.

We will suffer less if we love more, and love must start in the home. I had heard it said that the home is a workshop for love, do not let the moments slip by, even if it is hard, love and trust.

God's power comes from his love.

Family prayer. Scripture study, and council iis most important. FHE  is not lecture from mom time.

We do not have the spirit when we raise our vpices in love.

Family life sounds so incredible if lived right. Children loving their parents and vice versa, and best of all loving each other.

Choice to follow the Lord must be your own.

Service is such a blessing!

Teach children to love one another, sounds like they ought to serve one another.

Love The Lord more and suffer less.

Prayer is the necessary precursor of faith.


It is equally important to be able to discern an answer, as knowing how to ask a question properly.

It is sooo extremely important to put our will inline with our Heavenly Father's.

"Be still and know that I am God."

Joseph Smith was a prophet. He stands as a testimony to us that if we lack knowledge we can know the truth of all things.

There is alot of erroneous and false information about Joseph Smith, instead consider the fruit of this man as a prophet.

Marriage and family is so much more significant because Joseph was a prophet.

Craig ------- bears an unwavering testimony of Joseph Smith.

3 times he was warned of a thing, but he did not listen, he prayed when he could have died, and was heard and saved by someone who actually did listen and heeded the responses.

When God could have said, I tried to save you, he still helped. And it causes gratitude.

God knows things we never say, but he sees them through eyes of love.

When people express happiness in our abilities, it makes such a great difference. When we are compared and judged negatively it causes so much damage.

If you want true,  real, critique ask God, he wants us to "make it". The Lord wants to help us.

Sin harms, but it can be forgiven, no matter how terrible. With sincere repentance, NOT rationalize or rebellion.

Rebellion is rejecting God, and why Satan was sent to prison.

Guilt is like the battery of a car it can get things going, but cannot sustain movement.

God can send your words to the heart of another.

Conversion of another has it's own time table, which is not likely yours.

You come to the table, nit empty handed, but with technology and social media. :)

It is not a coincidence that you are born where you are because the gospel meeds to be preached to every tongue and people.

What one views as a stumbling block to one, meaning a halt to progress, is not to another.

"Christianity did not defeat paganism it adopted it." - Durant

Christianity is seen as too simple or plain, and not as complex as other doctrine, and so many will be decieved by not seeing stumbling blocks.

Looking beyond the mark is a stumbling block.

You are never too young to seek and teceive a testimony of the book of Mormon, the keystone of our religion. If you accept it as truth, then all of the gospel is.

Stumbling blocks may be turned into stepping stones.

A power will flow into your life when you read this book, and it may seem unrelated.

Godly Love is not unconditional.

Blessings are not entitled, but graciously given.

Helen Keller is a parable.

Looking beyond the mark in trying to find those things which are not meant to be understood thereby ignoring the things that ought to be studied for our profit and learning.

We are not supposed to understand everytjing yet, in order to learn hope.

Be ambitious for Christ...

Elder Cohen, was nearing his physical limit, this reminds me of the danish girl on 17 miracles who did all that was "humanly possible".

He knew that he would need to ride a bike and coukd have refused it, but he was "ambitious".

There are so many ways to share the gospel that were not abailable before.

1)pray for the desire
2)be a faithful liver of gospel
3)pray to know what we will do. This requires a real intent, or commitment to act.

Do not take the mantle of judging others fit to receive the word upon ourselves, it is tge good shepherd's call.

A time others are ready to learn might not coincide with what we are ready to teach.

We want people to accept Jesus not the church, many are ansolutely not interested in an organized religon whereas they are surely interested in the gospel.