Tuesday, December 27, 2022

nothing to do with me, but...

I keep returning to the Icelandic and Greenlandic genetic matches, and I cannot solve this new riddle. In the haplogroup information, dna can be traced through migratory patterns, and if done, the "Viking" remains found in Greenland would follow the stories and I would see a migratory path from Norway, but I do not. Ok, so this morning I decided to instead look to see at that time which other remains are similar in genetic distance. I fully expected it to list Norway, unless the particular specimen was actually a skrawling, well, I was suprised to find it was listed as viking, ok, but what does it even mean? Scandinavian, or Norwegian or something? Oh well. The number 1 similar match was Gael. Strange, me too, but I am not classified as Gael on any website. And as far as I know, the Irish are not well known for their sea explorations (meaning I have to known history to explain this and it befuddles me).

So, is there a story unraveling in DNA (no pun) that history has forgotten?

Monday, December 19, 2022


I learned an important lesson about Christmas this morning. Gifts seem more valuable when we need them. Diane Pratt had offered to take Mary to school in the morning and it seemed like an awesome gift, but Mary was not impressed, she likes to wade in the snow, but this morning was bitterly cold and I told her it was a shame we had not taken Diane's offer and just then, she sent a text message and offered again!. Mary seemed so much more appreciative and took her offer instantly. It reminded me of a lyric I liked that said, "you don't need Jesus till you're here." That is sort of how Christmas and gift giving is, we do not truly appreciate it all of the time, but, Christ is the ultimate gift it is because of him and his life that our whole existence on earth makes sense. And although the ability to repent and be resurrected will be the most important we tend to take it for granted because people too frequently proclaim how Jesus died for you and he loves you, etc. It is no surprise. But, imagine wanting a thing, but not being able to gain it without help. Then, the help becomes the most important thong at that moment, but I sadly just know that it will be given and have known e er single second of my life, and because of that I do not appreciate it as much.

Sunday, December 18, 2022


As we need windows to let in the light. Things look different when the windows are open... likewise, yesterday, I was cold and went to sit and enjoy the light and heat that entered through the windows. I cannot even explain how it felt just to bask in that light, it made an impression and that us how we can feel about the windows of heaven.

Regarding tithing, Davis Cropper ought to be credited education for the insight. His mother was shoveling snow and he asked how the show gets so Deep when snowflakes are so small.

Friday, December 16, 2022

some truths...

Some truths are better told and remembered through story. 

So be mindful of what HIStory tells you.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

I already forgot

But, I will not let myself give up simply because my memory is crappy. I intend to write until I do, hoping it will jog my memory, or maybe something else will. It seemed important to me, and maybe I am not remembering because my tenacity is in question, sorta like the Job thing,".. if she momentarily forget she will abandon that notion." I will not.

I am not having any success in remembering what was such a streak of brilliance, but that has taught me such an undeniable truth. I am nothing. Yeah, not in a belittling myself sense or anything like depression. I simply cannot think brilliant thoughts at will. And one would think with the sheer number of brilliant thoughts I would recall ideas or truths from time to time thus making myself not merely a duct or vessel but a source of it's own, but nope. I got nothing without inspiration. It is so sad to admit, but often I have to review what I just typed to inspire myself.

There is this one thought, that I heard and instantly recognized as brilliant, but I have not yet thought about it or figured out why it is brilliant. The thought was heard like this, "If anyone tries to have an original thought, they won't."

Ans that is all I ought to say about that right now.

Crud, I left cookies in the oven, while I am taking a bath! Bad idea, should I end the bath or turn off the oven? I am cold, and the bath will fortify me for accomplishing cold things today, so I must go down and turn the oven off.