Monday, January 26, 2015

Not actually unknowable...

In class we briefly mentioned the story in the book of Mormon about a brother of Jared. It is a story where a man prayed to know how God would do a thing that seemed impossible. After much thought and delberation, it is decided that Jesus will touch stones to make them glow, thereby lighting the vessels as the travel to the new world. The thing that is still on my mind anew, and often I consider in many situations is the need for secrecy.

People in my class discussed why if he was obviously such a righteous,man why he is only referred to as the brother of so and so. The funny thing, to me, is how my daughter explains this story from the picture (cause she cannot read yet) as he had so much faith that he saw the finger of God and instantly knew that Jesus had "flashing bones".

But, what I mark the story down as is another example of things that for some reason are not told although they are not hidden, persee. Like the notion that we surely have an eternal mother, or that in order to be an example of a Heavenly family and to be literal children of God, etc. The things which are commonly taught and believed suggest things that are not commonly spoke of. I think there is a whole lesson here to be understood. It is why things like temple doings are not spoken of openly, but are not secret necessarily.

The biggest example for me was a famous rock star who though clearly he was so in love seemed to avoid mentioning his wife in public. I did not understand this, so I prayed about it, and understood it as humility on her part, first of all, and a great deal of true love. Meaning that it was not a thing that he with held from public knowledge, but out of a deeper respect and reverance he did not speak of commonly to have this relationship be turned into fodder for any redicule or made light of... In Mormonism, we have been given a easy way to describe the sort of privacy as "sacred, not secret."

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Brain dump

Think of someone who did something marvelous for us growing up. This can be forgotten, but what Jesus did for us will never be forgotten, and we commemorate it weekly.

We might feel like a child being told to eat our vegtables when we consider keeping all of our commandments.

Compare how we feel.about how we are doing to a traffic light.

Nothing specific to say, but

Self image is so important because when we are judged it will not matter what others percieve of us.

No matter what we try to accomplish, the adversary will be there trying to increase our doubt.

Take responsibility for yourself. Opposed to just being there.

Take responsibility for your own health. It is your instrument.

Be wholeheartedly (obedient) chosing the right.

Be quick to use atonement as needed. Focus on what our Heavenly Father wants for you.

Be good at forgiving. Maybe you are to forgive others to develop a perspective for you.

Accept trials as part of mortal experience.

"I get candy if I don't cry."

It is a testimony that the gospel is true because with so many diverse topics, such outstandinly brilliant things are true and understood and spoken of, and I am so delighted to hear them and know that that much is true.

"Miracles are wrought through prayer."

Jesus is Joshua in Hebrew.

Christ was he annoited as such, who gave him that title.

Lucifer would tell us what to do and we would not have a choice, so everyone would be saved, but we would not have choices and he would be ursurping our father in heaven.

And when he and he and his followers. Left he said ,"Big Macs won't hurt much."

Rev. 12:11 how we overcame the war. JST is in footnote and is more correct.

Peter was Hung upsidedown cause he did not feel worthy.

The followers of Satan, know everything still.

Can we still defeat them the same way?

Mormon church is a bit scarier because it is not just a go and forget. Basically it requires a whole lot of dedication and accordingly we need to seriously consider.

When things are done in unity more is possible.

When healed, first you must be cleaned or righted in spirit.

Service is not just about doing something for others, but help them feel the love to the point that they want to help others too.

Story of Mexican ward who came together to give a gift of service as their gift to the savior for Christmas.

We are a much better people and we can serve by sharing so much better the things we have.

There are things children need to learn to do things, especially to help mother.

Service is about priorities.

Service starts a righteous tradition.

I noticed the service mindedness when I moved here.

Sin is selfish, but service turns out to others.

"Men are that they might have joy." This joy comes from service.

Maybe service brings us closer to feeling what it would be like to be in his prescence. *His spirit is in service, and when we serve we feel it and desire that so much.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Brain dump

Talk take what I mean, not the exact words.

Why are the missionaries so eager to tell me what they believe?

Always was and will be a missionary church and we see it as our duty as per baptismal covenant. We as, LDS take it seriously.

The speaker made our goal to bring world peace sound like the same as Moslems only we do not achieve it through a jihad but by invitation.

Story about how he wanted to give BoM, but procrastinated and then finally bucked up and gave it, but missionaries already had. (I can related. I knew someone and I wrapped it and addressed it, but somehow found that someone already had beat me to the punch, but the thing I can get from this is that this person is so important that he put the idea into multiple minds).

"We need to be a light, not a judge."

"God cannot drive a parked car." To move in the right direction we need to be moving.

As a missionary he was instructed that he needed to speak to someone. Ended up they were chasing a guy and his companion asked, "Do we need to talk to this guy?" And it was that simple, they did, so the Chase continued.

Trials help us become who we ought.

He gets to help his parents a lot in sacrament.

Whenever someone tastes sweet and grand fruit or things, they want to share.

20 years since mission, but I still know what one must do to gain a testimony. It hasn't changed much.

As we grow in our conversion, we naturally want to share.

John, the beloved, never tasted of death.

Everything necessary has happened, we just need to keep our covenants (by our faith that all those things are real).

Story of Alma who needed to be forgiven. It is interesting that the sons of Mosiah were not given such an experience.

If we have been forgiven, doesn't it make us so happy that we want to share (my thoughts, not shared but are summarized by the song, "Aeroplane")

Sometimes we do not know what to say, but say it anyway.

We do not share the gospel with those who are not members.

We have questions, but then when we have a serious issue then we ask more serious questions that lead us to look heaven ward.

Maybe each day we should begin our day by recognizing that we are children of God.

Quote from Wordsworth tells exactly, although artsy, who we are and what we take with us.

Now, I think of a song again, "...Where's the Joy to cure my sadness?"

How much is what we believe effecting what we say or how we think. The beauty of thought that we see/recognize in others might stem from a commonality of religion.

Talking about first vision carries a spirit with it, that is so much like the thing the missionary taught about not listening to what is said, but what accompanies it.

All that is good is of God and can be felt.

Sometimes we do not even know that we are being cut down.

When the prophet chose his council he prayed about who to ask and began each meeting with a prayer and he was asked if he thought it would work, and he said, "yes" it did.

What should be pray for:
Each child and their specific needs.
Giving gratitude.
We need to pray for our teachers and those who work.

When we cannot use our phones we need to rely on the Lord.
Story of Gloria Monk having a cell phone taken from her she prayed and said, "Lord, it is up to you." When she had an accident.

Heavenly Father is aware of us and we need to do his will.

If we seek things from Heavenly Father but do nothing to help others.

We need with our prayers.

Vain repetition of my kids I was trying to tell them not to always say We love you, heavenly father. And they asked are you asking us not to say we love God?

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Brain dump

A girl said goodbye before talk because she was told that if it was not long enough and she timed it, it was a bit shorter, so it was nice knowing us.

People who want to recieve more, like information even, serve others. It may be small, but it is as important.

Act of service is an act of true love, you will draw closer to the Lord by serving others. And that is our motivation, not the warm fuzzies that we always expect.

Difference between might and strength. Yes, there is a difference.p

You never know the impact that your service will have.

A woman prepared a talk, but then this morning it was lost from the computer even it was deleted, so she hoped to know the words that in the moment your words shall be provided. (Not to laugh at that, But that is what I always do when I write or make a video).

We all have a responsibility to our ward family to be aware of and lift their burdens.

Our abilities to handle them will increase.

  Really Good Questions regarding Our Heavenly Father.

A really good way to start off a lesson and then find the answers in the lesson.

In the first vision we learn that God knows us by name and that he actually has a body.

It is natural for a teen to be going through turmoil, and the thing that is good about Joseph is that he actually prayed.

Everything that is good testifies of Christ. There was a grand design.

Among other things the church and it's organization testifies of Christ. So we know this must be his church.

Interesting perspective how things like constellations you cannot find from the sky in an airplane...

"Dirt is not earth." People mention earth makes them stronger.

So many different ideas of who God is, and it is important to define.

Mentioned  Baptist confusion about the Godhead. And the time I was asked to please talk about it without crying.

Children will actually destroy themselves by trying to get between their "head" which is parents but Jesus set us the best example how he is almost indescernable.

You cannot love a thing unless you know him... But, a guy said, I do not love my kids.

Praying is an act of faith, you must believe to speak to God.

Relief Society -

Religon was a complete way of life.

Without hard work nothing happens. That is important right now, notably it is significant to farmers.

True love - seperated from his expectant wife, and seven children, but father taught him that call to serve comes first.

Story of mob who was against and rediculed Ezra T. Benson but a great big burley guy approached him and grabbed him like he was going to beat him up and he said that he believed every word.

We learn that real love develops when we love God first. It is true with all things if we put God first.

Greatest test is Obedience.

Then stay on task.

How we start the day is how we will spend it.

There is no lukewarm commitment.

Power of the atonement lifts our burdens so we can do more.

Chosing to please God more than pleasing others.

" I knew it and knew God knew it. "

What is the condition of your home? Are you placing God first?

Many try to do both have a career and work at home. And they need our help. They are trying to do what is best.

"Descisions determine destiny."

God loves us, Satan hates us. It is because I do not believe that, that is probably my ultimate hang up, if I could just believe that Satan hates,me. I already believe that Jesus has my best interest at heart.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

A thought regarding "brain dumps"

I had been thinking it for a long time, these thoughts are actually shared with the world and that is not the intention. So, you do not think that you are reading forbidden thoughts, just know that others who say and think such things never did so to a global audience, I just started always posting these as a sort of history of great things said so that I can remember and I put them online so they can have a more permanent home where they are less likely to be accidentally lost or deleted.

But, I paused to consider today that although the veracity would not change, the information may have not been intended for global perusal, and for that I apologize and hope to never have ruined the confidence created in classrooms that fosters the sharing of such marvelous truths.

Heh, I love that I used that word "marvelous", I have commented before to people that sometimes I need a new vocabulary to offer sincere thanks or compliments to avoid sounding less genuine. And that is a word used by my Heavenly Father that I did exactly that. I failed to recognize it for being as powerful as it is because it had been sort of used up by Isaiah in regards to a "marvelous work and wonder."

Brain dump

Like little children who fall down, they get back up.

The Lord does answer prayers.

The Lord gave us a plan all we have to do is follow it.

The more you read and study the more you want to live. It is like a person sitting in the dark it is not instantly light, but if they get up and do something about it...

Strength of testimony, she knows that although her daughter lost her baby, she believes they will have a child when the time is right.

People ask for money but they really need something else.

Love creates love. This world needs love.

Children are planted seeds of our testimony.

Anger is not an expression of strength.

We are all converted, it is a process.

That reminds me of the book by George Pace "A Search to Know The Lord" where he taught that he was not converted at baptism, but was given the Holy Ghost.

It is important to create a loving environment to facilitate learning.

Never speculate or use outside things as substitute.

The spirit speaks through the actual God given words of the scriptures. This brings up my hatred for newer translations and how I notice that I do it when teaching my children I actually only teach what I understand whereas the spirit is the real teacher.

We need to read from our own scriptures. And not abridge what is written and teach that.

Recieve requires action on our part, reading scriptures is that action.

We invite learning by asking others to participate.

Jan 14 - bring 3 favorite things to give others.

Video of willford woodruff as a child with that Mason guy where he dreams of a gospel being restored only he will not partake. This reminds me of the dispensation that we live in.

Every discovery and work of art that is worth anything (classical lasting value) has been revealed from God.

David O. McKay prophesized that the word would go to the whole world.

Every missionary had an iPad.

Messages: can have good ones on your fb page by friending the Twelve.

Meet the Mormons at Legacy Theater. Visitors center.

The number of continents and people reached was massive.

Be authetic and genuine in what you share.

Meet the Mormons is on YouTube someone said.

It amazes me how if I remain silent, someone ALWAYS says the exact thing I was thinking I ought to say. I actually feel so glad that someone said it. Because it seems more legitimately or said properly if someone else says it. Mostly, it is a way that I can know the source of such a thought.