Sunday, November 26, 2023


I was just thinking about a song by Janice Kapp Perry and started singing " ...a book that gave a nation life". In the book of Mormon a prophet Enos recalls the words of his father while he was out hunting, well, I wasn't hunting, but in a similar way, the words came from a place within me and I started thinking about how a book could give a nation light and so, isn't that what Tolkein was doing for England with the Lord of the Rings? He was trying to create a sudden history or myth for England, but even my kids were having fun trying to assess factions like dwarves and Elves concluding that it ended up being a mock history of all of Europe. 
But, it doesn't end there, what about "The Odessey". Literature has always used story telling to convey wisdom and truth. I just watched a video yesterday where a group was quite upset about white/Europeans appropriating The Bible/Christianity, anyhow, my original thought, let me jump back, was how we will study the Oddessy and LOTR forever as great literature but, not the Bible or the BOM (Book of Mormon) and I had many friends and rolemodels leave the church decrying it as pure fiction.
The Book of Mormon is proven false in their eyes because the native Americans are not genetically Middle Eastern. But, honestly, the book ends with most of the people being killed off, so the native Americans are not necessarily the BOM people, much as very few even believe that a race of Elves exist, or minotaur for that matter, still something can be gained from studying records of them. I guess my gripe this morning is that if a book gave a nation light, wouldn't it be worth reading and studying? They made the book of Mormon into videos to watch and I think it should be as exciting and popular as the Hobbit, and seen as such : someone's idea of how things were, so go back and read what actually was written.

Lastly, I do not recall where, but I heard that originally Homer's Odyssey was used much as our Bible is today, and ideals and morals of those stories were taught. Generations were raised learning to be like so and so, many things change, but truth never does.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

you can be patient

"Jesus is the God of miracles, nothing is at all impossible to him. Yet, this I know the most incredible of all his miracles is the one that rescues you and me."

From song, "The Miracle" by Shawna Edward's.

I was thinking about all of the miracles performed by Jesus that are amazing and contrary to "the way things are", I was amazed to consider that it was considered a greater miracle to be saved from sin, this, just was, to me.

I thought of how oblivious I had been to so very many miracles, and it was because they were not note worthy to me. In that thought, I was grateful that I valiantly stuck around when brain learning conflicted with things I had been instructed. I blindly clung to things that merely felt true, asking myself why was I being so foolish. Then, thus morning as I was watching, "The Chosen" season 3 episode 4 when Little James asks why he wasn't healed I understood...sure all of those physics defying tricks made for good stories, and serve as evidence to support the premise that nothing is impossible for our father in Heaven a.k.a God, but my testimony was understood as being a better story because the miracle is that I still waited and believed things I not only could not know, but had learned so much to contradict.

Often, I wished that I could be one of those believers, who feel so intently, like the people who believe the world is flat when every single thing denotes otherwise, and because I wanted to believe, I continued to do as one who did believe.... much like the scripture that explained that a witness comes after the trial of our faith... like that part I was actually looking for to watch when asked about healing the response was, " Yes, I believe. Help thou my unbelief."

Now, let it be said and known that I have never been a hypocrite. I did not feel like I was going through the motions or as a popular song states,  "praying to a God that I don't believe in". A church is like a hospital where one goes to be made whole. I did benefit and grew a lot along the way, but this morning I was thinking, "man, I have been so blind. I had eyes but didn't see. I am so glad I just stuck around for so long, but why did I?" The words spoken by Jesus on the show were, " Because, I trust you." Yeah, I bet that it was known beforehand that I would have this long struggle unaware of it, but ultimately I would be able to focus on the truths that matter and patiently just keep learning and growing until I was miraculously able to know spiritual truths that I had only hoped for.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

brain dump

we find our identity in being children of God, not work, school or even family. Finding that identity is a reason to come to church.

Story about the song Gesthemene and how the mother kept her focus on the Savior.

Sister Benedict was far from her family,but she learned that her ward was her family.

Following promptings is one of the most important things. Thinking about the time I was prompted to give a hug to someone I did not know, and I could explain many ways and reasons to not do it, but I did and that same woman was praying for one.

Our Heavenly Father wants us to ask, because he wants us to know or do things.
reminds me of my brother and his algebra teacher.

it stood out to me how Paul was always talking about Jesus.


Written Family History becomes a guide for posterity.

Our ancestors are our best friends.

if Elder Jones thought the book of Mormon was true he would not serve a 2 year mission, but he knows it is true. 

start sharing a scripture and your view of it, and then ask their ideas after they read the same scripture, then note differences and lament that there is nothing to unite the idea, then realize there is something, the book of Mormon. 

The spirit changed Paul. The Savior had foreordained Paul in his mission. Paul was in a unique situation having Roman citizenship.
Paul clung to his testimony when he could have ended all the persecution, plus, he had been taught elsewise.
almost persuaded, or are we actually committed to a thing, we can get this from the thing King Agrippa said to Paul.

you will never not love someone if you serve them.
be kind it can save the world.

had his shirt pressed for him, do something nice.

anonymously serve someone.

getting buckets of water to fill hole might seem pointless, but he would do it forever because he seeks to do the thing that his grandchild asked, this is so much like our father in Heaven constantly does things for us.

like getting buckets of water, we need to do the right thing, and it will be inconvenient, it usually is, but Just Do It. give that service and time.... when we stretch it will be rewarded with blessings.

writing out loud

Diary of Anne Frank... I am writing as if to someone. It helps me put place markers to better recall and sort through information.

I have considered why I gain weigh, and how it feels inevitable. I really do not share/hold much in common with others, so...why would I even care about common thought? I have compassion on others who suffer this stage of life, and are still trying to cling to our older selves.... compassion, thinking of Christ now... I understand weight gain as an opportunity to still be alive but not interfering with the younger generation of people. Then, I started to get upset fir those who had not my understanding.  They likely have some cold scientific explanation that places no worth of the beauty of turning outward out of necessity at first because it is no longer about us. And THIS is the idea I want to explore. 

Without faith or any plan for our bodies, we would explain our existence as some black and white, cause and effect. It seems to me this is at this age entirely wrong. It is like how the brilliance of Einstein crumbles with quantum physics and becomes "spooky" like God and miracles do.

If we explained what we are all along through evolution then what would the evolutionary purpose of old age be?
Is it a mistake to be alive still? If so, darn those hospitals and wellness centers. I wish I had been distracted enough by food or sex to have died instead of living moderately.

Friday, August 18, 2023

piece of wisdom

I can see this idea forming into a mantra, because it is so applicable, and will be need to be recited often enough to not be forgotten.
It has struck me in almost too many situations to name, suffice that, I will name a time I heard it from someone else and that made it stronger somehow. It wasn't just some "helpful" idea I had, but one many people have had and chosen to live by. 
I was in a very small class of about 6 people and sitting across me at a large table as we were discussing ideas, a man said, " my wife always asks me, 'Is that the anthill you want to die on?' Before I start arguing with one of my teenagers." Sooooooooo! Brilliant and wise. That is the very same idea not so perfectly placed in a metaphor, though, it is the idea that some things just are not worth the investment, take a moment and change your perspective before it is too late.

That truly is one of the greatest blessings of being financially limited. My ex-husband seemed perplexed at why I hoped to be poor when I raised my children, and the easy answer to why is simply, "Necessity is the mother of invention." Sure, it is easy to say, " Now, honey, do you REALLY NEED that?" But, chances are a needy person will be suffering from the same blindness as those who are in love, and they will answer in all sincerity and seriousness that they DO NEED the thing (my little sister called it retail therapy, in jest). But, if poor enough, even lack of digression will not lead to stupid investments.
At one point my philosophy professor asked me if I was majoring in philosophy. I laughed and told him, " Nope. Just a poor Mormon." He was confused and inquired why the heck that would make any difference. I explained that I only studied what I needed to and I only worshiped what I needed. My peers in the Bible belt make certain I was not learning of the WRONG God. I HAD to know what I believed and why, that made me seem a tad philisophical.

Cookies are done, and the kids will all be here today!!!!! Yipeeee!

Sunday, April 16, 2023


One thing I noticed and really liked was in a movie when someone used for an excuse of not seeing a thing that they couldn't believe it because they could not see it. So, a per a on coveted their eyes and said, "Am I still here?" Point made. I similarly complain that I cannot believe something without evidence, thinking that I am any different.  It is likewise as foolish to believe one could only have evidemce of something through sensing it. It makes total sense that people do not perceive things the exact same way. Humans do not look the same or see things the same and when we (man) claims to "see" a thing quite often it is explained differently although the sane thing is examined. A perfect example was given year ago by Dieter Uchtdorf when he told a story about blind men who relayed what an elephant was from personal knowledge. One had actually touched it and after examining it (it's stout leg) had determined it was alot like a tree because it felt much like bark and had such a wide base it was likely tall. The next man had also touched it and looked farther with his hands to reveal it had a long sharp smooth part like a spear(tusks) and more like a giant soldier than a gentle tree. But, then a third explained that he had even more evidence that proved both previous witnesses were wrong. This man had not only felt many parts, but had actually found what felt Luke a rope and had swung on it (it's tail). He declared that it was absolutely not a dangerous soldier, but almost immediately in response, the next reported it slithered like a snake and though he had not found fangs yet, but found a Huge Salivating mouth. It had a tounge that seemed made for digesting men! It was a fearsome creature, far more deadly than a human soldier. All were right and had first hand accounts.
What really struck me today was as we were studying an episode in the life of Jesus Christ where he asked who men say that he is, lots of reports were given, but last of all Jesus asked who they (his disciples) thought he was. Peter said that he was the Son of God. And it was explained that he was not made aware of his truth by means that men possess, but only God. As my class talked about this it was mentioned by a few people that the truth is simply there waiting to be "revealed" or sensed, and that idea is so cool. There is no thing that cannot be revealed or evidenced. Too often though things are misunderstood. Our teacher used a cool object lesson that I got. She showed books of computer generated images that looked like one thing. But seemed to transform into multi dimensional things by changing our focus. 

In a podcast I had seen this morning regarding Peter's proclation and Jesus's comment of Peter's source that it came from Heaven or upwards in opposition to the wisdom of men or looking laterally.

In class it was mentioned that though it is somewhat good to get support from other men, one cannot build their testimony on it, Because if you are swayed by opinions of men that is likely to change, but truth doesn't change.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

here it is!

Certainly, some will think, "Here it is. She has finally fallen off of her rocker." And you would be wrong, not in that I am old enough to need a rocker, but that I have fallen off of an accustomed way of thinking.  Truth be told, I have never believed the wisdom that says "don't talk to strangers." Or "train a child up..he will not depart from it." If they were true, well, we would all have been saved from to vice od social media, but how could anyone ere be anything but what they were? I loved the song we sang in brownies, "make new friends, but keep the old. one is silver and the other gold." I was like what the heck are we singing so happily? My mother told me not to talk to strangers, so making new friends is not gonna be possible for me, later I learned phrases like ",against my religion" or "concientios(sp?)objector". 

Years later, I am thinking alot about what I have taught or need to yet teach my offspring...I typed children, but none are technically children, so they say. And so, I concluded, well, if I teach them how to think it will be of more value than to teach great thoughts. Then, I thought of the countless parents who took comfort in the scripture, and I think it does more good to just believe it, so I only make this comment where it will never be seen, but how could it be true that if you train a child a certain way he will come back. How could there ever be diversity of thought, unless, at the time it was said, not parenting at all was a thing and thus clearly not teaching anything would differ from teaching and habits, but neither of my parents were, for example, trained in "Mormonism" though many of their habits were was often said by my friends who preacher's daughters that "Mormons make good Methodists". and I think they say that because the basics are so similar, and more happiness is certainly found in accentuating and noticing those similarities. But, I want my children to stick to the thongs they were taught because they trust them to be, under scrutiny, true principles.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

in the beginning

As a teen, I developed a deeper appreciation of God through the first scripture I studied. It was on my wall. It was the periodical table. I grew to know and thus love God, though I did not yet call this budding obsession with order a love of God, but that is precisely what I saw in every class I took and the world around me, all organized so perfectly, though none as ideally as the table of elements that hung on my wall. I mistook my love of order for love of science,  chemistry specifically, but I realized my zeal and passion for the beautiful organization around me was too strong for science, so I channeled it into music and organizing sounds. At this time, I saw the movie "Amadeus" where Mozart laughs about hiw with music you can organize multiple voices in way that is beautiful and more than just a noise. I realized that even the very spheres had been orchestrated by something, I called in providence, but knew (though some very revealing dreams too) that the thing that separated chaos from order was God or "the word". Ironically,  I didn't care much for music with words, but it seemed to me that music was word in that it communicated on its own, then, I studied Richard Wagner who suggested that all the senses could be combined and thereby amplified through something he called Gesamkuntswerk..... which leads me to my current obsession Iceland. Ok, I skipped some very big and important steps that were aided by my astronomy class and my evolutionary biology class. Yeah, both classes had little to do with my music major, such was the case with several other 500 level English classes I took as well, like Shakespeare. But, If I was paying. I was going to learn what I choose, so what if after 5 years I did not have a Bachelors degree. I now have a dual major degree, though.  :) (smirk) most importantly, I developed enough intelligence to fulfill my 9th grade algebra teacher's wish that we all become extremely ignorant when we grow up....and I'm still growing!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

sometimes it is just coincidence

Crud, as soon as I typed that I thought, but there is no such thing as coincidence, so back to the drawing board with it. What is IT?

I was listening to music from "Game of Thrones" realizing that I have not even seen a snipet of the show. I do not know what it is about or any of the characters, but I am obsessed with everything Icelandic. .so, naturally people assume that I am just a big GoT fan or something. But, when you say Game of Thrones, I think it must be a reference to The Wheel of Time, it seems like the queens and diplomats across-the-board of almost every nation play something like that, and so it has to do with popularity, like being on student council or something, so I do not "like" the music cause I don't want to be one of the minions that love the music, but I do like the music, so I ask myself what is the reason you like it, weighing it against why I do not like it, and it boils down to the thing Duncan Idaho said regarding mood to Paul when he didn't feel like fighting.and my thought ended up on the Stargate Atlantis episode where it is discovered that a suicide pact was serving a purpose, just not the purpose the youth in the episode believed.... sometimes thongs look like a cause and an effect when really they just happened at the same time or looked like one was the result of the other.