Wednesday, April 12, 2023

here it is!

Certainly, some will think, "Here it is. She has finally fallen off of her rocker." And you would be wrong, not in that I am old enough to need a rocker, but that I have fallen off of an accustomed way of thinking.  Truth be told, I have never believed the wisdom that says "don't talk to strangers." Or "train a child up..he will not depart from it." If they were true, well, we would all have been saved from to vice od social media, but how could anyone ere be anything but what they were? I loved the song we sang in brownies, "make new friends, but keep the old. one is silver and the other gold." I was like what the heck are we singing so happily? My mother told me not to talk to strangers, so making new friends is not gonna be possible for me, later I learned phrases like ",against my religion" or "concientios(sp?)objector". 

Years later, I am thinking alot about what I have taught or need to yet teach my offspring...I typed children, but none are technically children, so they say. And so, I concluded, well, if I teach them how to think it will be of more value than to teach great thoughts. Then, I thought of the countless parents who took comfort in the scripture, and I think it does more good to just believe it, so I only make this comment where it will never be seen, but how could it be true that if you train a child a certain way he will come back. How could there ever be diversity of thought, unless, at the time it was said, not parenting at all was a thing and thus clearly not teaching anything would differ from teaching and habits, but neither of my parents were, for example, trained in "Mormonism" though many of their habits were was often said by my friends who preacher's daughters that "Mormons make good Methodists". and I think they say that because the basics are so similar, and more happiness is certainly found in accentuating and noticing those similarities. But, I want my children to stick to the thongs they were taught because they trust them to be, under scrutiny, true principles.

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