Sunday, February 22, 2015

Brain dump

Son, you are forever with me... That is reward more than any party.

When the choir stood up, Mary Anne said, "look! My teacher is up there!" And she started waving.

"I turned my prodigal self to the Lord."

Bum lambs, every had one in Wyoming. They would just die because they could not find their mother.

What is home?
Various places, like our parents home, mission, college, etc.

We have al had prodigal son moment, but we most importantly need to come home.

When any child comes to himself in that he needs to come home, any parent would gladly welcome and forgive their child.

I just had an incredible moment with Mary. She was mad and wanted to hit a child who she decided was bad. Quickly, I told her to quickly say a prayer with me, and so we prayed and when it was over she said, "Mom,  he is gone. Our prayers always work, don't they." Such simple faith, but I really did not want her to have such a wrong idea, although it is true our prayers are always heard, and answered."

God is surprisingly aware of us and answers in a way that is best, but he does answer. The talks today were witness to that end.

The answers come when we have real intent , like I had when I fasted.

Liver called a liver cause you cannot "live" without it.

The Holy Ghost

"The internal character is invisible to the physical senses and yet it is responsible for the behavior of the external reality that is observed, directly or indirectly, by humans."
             -Thomas Chromwell from Physical World vs. Spiritual World.

Holy Ghost can touch you and keep you from doing things, because we feel a thing, but do not understand it in any other way.

The holy ghost is like a lady warning her neighbors of an approaching Tsunami.

A woman was busy and was told, "go ask heavenly father. " and that is what the child did.

Holy Ghost cannot bear a false witness. Moroni 10:5 you may know the truth of all things, we can KNOW things when our intent is real.

David Van Koevering is a writer, minister, motivational speaker, quantum physicist and inventor who shares a wealth of knowledge about quantum physics. God is speaking through Quantum Physics more than ever these days!

It is interesting how I sort of am given a different lesson than the one given. I must remain silent because it is not for so many to know, this time, I am getting another witness of how much truth can be comprehended and grasped and truly understand how the kingdom and God himself abides, there are laws, but these,laws are not clearly transferred to our observation.

Just as there is a spirit inside of us all, we are all made up of the same quantum particles.

I did not understand the use of decorations and so I secretly hoped that I never had to teach, but then, I realized that it is like the scriptures with pictures, or the images in the temple, the display teaches and solidifies.

Social Mormon Mormon cause they  are Mormon, but do not go.

She is a Typical Carhloic Mormon who only attends on Christmas and Easter.

Church is a home for all, it does not have an age or testimony requirement.

Why did a miracle happen? Testimonies grow almost unnoticably like a planted seed.
The teacher said that she preferred a plastic plant in a pot. Funny? Yes, but it seems Satanic to me.

Mom's in the mall are busy sharing photos of their kids playing, but the kids are screaming, "look at me, mom!" That was likened to how we are when God screams to us to start our day with him.

The answer we get is not what we were asking, and it seems entirely irrelevant, our answers come in dreams visions or through others.

It was mentioned the testimony that so many others have that those on the otherside of the veil, or ancestors are dead, but not unable to help.

Even apostles feel humbled by their call or feeling of inadequacy.

We are all pilgrims on various stages on the path towards a home.

Even if we are feeling weak, our parents strength helps us.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Brain dump

We all lived in Heaven and chose to come here.

We had a strong desire to return. And we have the tools.

In mission most people believed in Jesus Christ, but a point that we can offer more is through the Book of Mormon we learn about how beloved all of us soo much.

That love is so obvious in christlike actions all around, but most obvious in the members of the church..  like the mission president and his sacrifices for his love of the savior he was willing to give.

We do not need to go to the Holy Land to follow the Savior.

We needed a place to show what we would actually do if we honestly were free to do so ON OUR OWN.

Lehi's dream and story of junior high school.

Lot faced city, but we likewise face a direction that is worldly when he tune our TV to certain things. We can learn from Lot's story that we need to be cautious of what we do, and we are promised a protection and shield (as I have been teaching the kids how they need to cling to the iron rod)

Navigation slightly wrong can have huge consequences, like what we see on our TV's.

Some train stops are not destinations. We could get lost because we think that a place we pass through is our destination.

Slightest actions often meet the speedy needs, for the world wants daily. Little kindly deeds."

Satan gives partial truth. Doesn't Satan know about the plan of Jesus and the Atonement.

A. He did not know the mind of God.

We overcome the spiritual death through the atonement. But, the atonement  actually used the sins created by Satan to remove the sins.

So, if there are animals already outside of the garden had they done something to be sent out.

Eve recieved revelation, and knew what to choose.

A transgression can be likened to an innocent child acting back.

God loved us so much that things would be done correctly. He knew and knows all of his children's minds.

How can we know missery without children?

Progression requires scary choices sometimes. (That is the same way I felt about needing to go to the temple).

There were likely many who questions like Joseph Smith, but God chose him to visit.

Dark ages - nothing was revealed.

When military forced him away from his religion, and it is important you can actually feel the abscence of revelation which means progression.

Rib in Hebrew means beside.

But, although it cannot be proven, the story of the fall was not merely a metaphor.

RS -

Women paying large amounts for potato peels. They were starving, but optimistic in spite of it... Use this as an example.

A man was struggling and was seen going to the temple.

What do we need to get through trials.


The sacred grove just felt nice and that feeling stays with you after you leave.

Live cheerfully. Like that scripture that my mother made me memorize a scripture about from the book of Mormon about "lift up your heart and be of good cheer..."

God CAN save us, but if not, we will still obey him. A woman learned this from studying scriptures about those who refused to bow to Nebuchaneezer. And this was a response, to the trial of wether or not to have a child who would be sickly, and likely die if he could survive.

It is significant to think of others in a situation and how they endure, too.

If we think of others it helps us deal with things.

We feel sickness less acutely when we are optimistic.

Little things are there that help us and are a blessing to us. Thinking of that song:"Slightest actions often Meet the sidestep needs, for the world wants daily little kindly deeds."

Optimistic morning person, depressed you like to sleep.

When life was bad a woman let herself be depressed and she was miserable and finally decided enough is enough. Depression breeds depression.

We can acknowledge suffering, but not give into it, but get back up.

"the Lord thy God shall lead thee, Shall lead thee by the hand and give thee answer to thy prayers."

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Brain dump

Baby blessing.

Baptism noticed

Sacrament blessed and taken to remember.

We get to sit with those we love the most.

in his 60's was considered a young guy.

Voice in head was telling him thongs, the spirit speaks that way, it was that important for him to speak to the missionaries.

The same thing that happened for Jerry and Priscella in this story happens to us when we learn of our ancestors. The gospel provides us that nudge. It has all of the answers that we need.

We are not mortals having a spiritual experience, but are spiritual beings having a mortal experience.

Where the world has changed their view and definition of things God has not.

When people sang, even a baby tried to sing along! Mary could not even Mary started dancing, and could not hold still. I thought perhaps it is an example of spiritual beings having a mortal experience.

When accident happened they had been teaching a small family. The father could not understand how the boy's parents could forgive.

It is hard to teach very intelligent people, but they would say the things we had taught back to us in a magnificent way that would make new things aware to us.

Before serving, I claimed that it was a love for my Savior that I served others, but now I realize it is through serving others that we realize the love of Christ.

Moses told us about the creation. Almost Correct translation. Then Pearl of Great Price.

God (Jehovah) creator of the world. Found in 76:24

If you stared into the Heavens you would learn more than you would learn by studying.

Creative periods. Each day is considered an unknown perform his labor.

Day, the Hebrew word translates as time.

I used to spend so much of my youth trying to define time.

The elements used to create the earth were elements.

So, one creative day does not = another.

The light of the Sun is the same light of God, the moon is but a reflection of the Sun, this was made to govern the light and dark. And they are used by God for various purposes including seasons, and signs to the earth.

Just as your body is an example of how intricate a thing was,created like our heart and brain is needed to be maintained strictly, but even breathing just happens. That is like the world.

We feel God's closeness in nature because it is a place where things must be strickly obedient.

RS - Freedom of choice God's plan opposed to coercion lucifer, and many chose to follow him.

1 Nep 13:26

Fullness of Joy is possible because of choice.

Pre existence comes up in red by spell check, Google does not recognize it either.

Knowledge of such things,is like a golden thread of information in our lives.

We live to prove that we will do what is required of children of God.

Lord allows wickedness so that opposition allows us a choice.

Free to chose the choice, but not to choose the consequences.

Refuse the evil, choose the good. It is that simple, our prophets say.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Brain dump

I often wonder if I forgot to ask the Aaronic priesthood to sit down, if they would stand the whole meeting.

Mary wanted to play with her tablet, so I said that she would miss all of the things people would say, she said, "that's alright." I told her, no it isn't.

You never get to the moment that you don't need forgiveness.

If you ever consider going on a mission - GO!

All that we know is just a drop in the bucket.

I disagree. People do not need their time filled by others. The sacrament we sit and think and let the spirit influence our thoughts perhaps we do not need whatever spoken word to fill our thoughts.

I really do love it the men speak to us.

Testimony is likened to muscles.

A great idea is to record a scripture each day and notice enough during the day to record how it effected you.

A tender mercy shared was when her husband was preparing for surgery, he looked at her and said, "We have been here before."(now on second thought to a reader of just the words it would sound utterly crazy.) She conveyed so much more than she said, and she attributed the blessing of that moment as a blessing from God, to remind them that they accepted this life and none of those difficulties were not already agreed upon.

Everyone needs some blessing so to just pray for others sometimes, wether you even understand why.

Bear your testimony, it is heard even if we never see it, his example was his son's letter from his mission where he mentioned his father as a source of his testimony and thanked him.

Agency is the greatest gift given to us by God. It is an eternal principle.

Why if God had a choice would he choose Lehi to make a family.

He won't shy away from things because someone chooses opposite from what he would like.

the father could not change his mind.

SLC will be among the wickedest places on earth in the last days.

Utah is joining mainstream but gave examples of how mainstream is not the best place, fishing for example.

Utah prides itself in being peculiar.

*We can earn things with ability to choose. We can have joy opposed to captivity.

Captivity of drug or that commercial about cigarettes likened to a marriage.

Satan is cunning, he shows you the good side, so he cunnnigly only tells you only the beautiful part.

*******good choices lead to more choices.*******

Exactly, fitting in what I think about how I have reached a "DAMNING" place in life.

Asked the prophet. What is your favorite scripture? dc50:23-24

We might have lots of options but if we have no choice.

Laman and Lemuel were needed to provide opposition.

Good, better, & best- ok, Getting a definately message here.

FHE - there is an application. Somethings might be good, but it is best to just give them quality time.

Everything in life counts on what sort of parental choices we make.

There is *NOTHING* more important than our family responsibilities.

Next Wednesday bread bar.

President Eyring talk about families in Rome.

Saw a girl and thought she was the greatest and could do anything with her help.

There was a feeling that increased in capacity that told them that it could produce a greater happiness if we worked at it.

Sometimes things just don't work out, and that is ok.

"We get along fine if he does what I tell him to."

"By now, you ought to know that there is no compromise."

Wheat and Tares. Even in our homes.

Nourish that which is good to the point that they overwhelm the Tares.

Ideas on how to have a successful companionship.

You need a break, or dates.

Being told that you are loved.

Serve one another.

Give one another their space.

Important to pray together.

Speak softly and kind to one another.

-Unselfishness is needed in marriage. (Official answer)

Story of child who planted fists on hips and asked, "what is more important canning fruit or reading scriptures."

******Love can and should be strong enough to overcome what must be endured.(reminds me of the Salt Lake Temple foundation)

Have you ever considered divorce? "Divorce? No. Murder? Yes." Soooo perfect.

Think of that whole yeast effecting the bread when we think of all of the mothers who are teaching their families, and praying for the world.

No one has a happy beautiful marriage for 50 years.