Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Institute notes

Regarding the pearl of great price.

I haven't decided if I love preparing or presenting more.

The Sabbath day instituted as a holy day. The best way to determine ask if it brings you closer to God.

Sunday, not a day of deprivation!!

(Moses 4) word Generation in Hebrew is Story.

Things were created in spirit first before being created physically.

It is important to realize the things we do not know as well as what we do know.

What do I say about questions about things I do not know? Bad Question.

"Even in my perfected, resurrected body, I cannot change light bulbs."

Rivers flow into the Mississippi acording to one book.

We were present in the creation.

We should talk respectfully about Adam and Eve.

River named Euphrates today was a name sake for the one mentioned in the history of creation, according to a book.

All the animals had pairs, but man was alone. Most challenging existance is when we must be alone.

Figurative that woman is near and dear to man, but not surgically created from parts of a man.

Heb 14:4

Man is not without woman.

Regularly check with the proclamation on family.

Spouse shall come before even our parents and children.

"You didn't pray before you did it, what do you expect?" You get out what you put in.

What manner of man ought ye be? Maybe make a to be list. Our gial has been set  by Jesus. The closer we come to being like him The better for us.

Look up Jeff Marshall "even as I am".

Example of being submissive, whenasked to home teach a family who tells you that they do not accept home teachers, so he asked if they accepted friends.

Hunger and thirst, maybe read after 2 meals skipped on fast Sunday

Do you sincerely think of another's benefit.

Blessed are the peacemakers.

Try not to be confrontational.

Try not to do good to be acknowledged.

Beattitudes in book of Mormon.

Start by saying listen to apostles/prophets.

Low in spirit means you realize that  you need more spirituality and you need help.

I KNEW THEE NOT is not correct cause the Lord knows and accepts you, but it should acyually be "ye knew me not".

To have a good day, look for someone else to help. I think of the kid who said, "thank you" when I cleared the sidewalk for them.

We feel better and improve our life when out attitude changes, our life is properly spent looking for ways to make life better for others.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Brain dump

Small items for cub scouts to help the women's clinic.

Brother Johnson

Yawning as a sign of being nervous, so if we yawn it will be taken as a sign as we are all nervous.

How can we be saved when we already do everything required for salvation?

We are all humans.

The choices we make determine who we become.

Why don't people flock to the font to be baptized?

Missionary work is most satisfying.

Service brings Joy, through it we can have happiness.

To gain your life, you need to loose it!

1)take up the cross. Which means to loose worldliness

2)Confess Christ

Story of missionary who would not be let in, but they said that they would love to serve, the woman let them in cause she needed help.

"Service opens doors." -Tim Murphy

Sunday School

We ask our children to obey so that we can trust things will be done, so a good way to say this is to teach responsibility.

I have a similar issue with not having a reason why in genealogy and I do not really have a reason why.

Section 2 in our lesson is that we do not need to understand why.

Story of how keeping the commandments is like the saftey offered by a vehicle when driving in unsafe areas. The people would have lived if they had worn their seatbelts. Again, it is an example of how choosing a thing other than the thing we were asked causes a mess up that didn't  have to be.

We are actually expected to be perfect.

Like Nephi who had to kill someone when it is a thing that has been commanded to not be done. I think that is in the very first stories of the Book of Mormon, because we must understand that first before we accept the church as true, because we will find soooo many contradictory things throughout the gospel.

"Thank you for loving me enough to cut me down."

Relief Society ----------------------------

Items to cub scouts on wednesday.

To gain your life you need to loose it.

Most miserable people are the ones where there are self centered.

Sometimes we do not even feel like we are serving others.

Would we love others more if we love them.

*****This I need to say in the storm, I was so focused on getting home and getting the children safe that I did not even worry a bit about how I looked, which  represents being self-centered.


Pray -

Not criticizing is service.

Thank you notes is a good thing to do on Sundays.

Sometimes someone needs a little recognition and it will make the grearest impression.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

This has been perpetually on my mind

I think there is a lesson in preseverence that I am supposed to be learning. But, It is fuzzy and coming to me in a dream or I am just too sleepy to focus. So, I will just leave  very close thought, one that is almost akin regarding Florence Foster Jenkins. To be a sort of place holder for now.

Brain dump

Primary program.

Mary just understood that people who are dead needed to live or we wouldn't. She excitedly saod "And we all love eachother cause we are family"

We should feast (read alot) on the scriptures. That is what lead Joseph Smith to pray and ultimately restore this chuch on the earth.

"I want to love everyone and be happy."

***It was such a wonderful effect to have the children's angelic voices sing accompianment or a sort of obligato, for a song.***

Children have so much faith, like David who fought Goliath,  men need to be like  children to deserve to live with God again. Jesus even said accordingly, that children were the greatest of all. I truly was happiest as a child when I acted less out of fear and reason and more out of faith.


Need to develop skills like primary children who have so much to say, but lack the skill to teach.

If we are all diety in embryo, then all things could be possible to us, but they are not, so maybe think about why that is.

Over coming a fear to develop a talent, reminds me of Florence Foster Jenkins, I really wondered why it was so significant that she perform when she lacked ability.

"No such thing as late."

Part of discovering our talents is being willing to do things we might not do.

Talents may change through our lives. How do you know that you like a food as a child? You have to try it. And have to try it several times to recognize it.

It takes preserverence, to push through it.
You must practice. To develop a skill. Sometimes the Holy Ghost enters in and assists. The Lord does magnify and fill in when needed.

Reminds me of a story of sis. Haidenthaller talking about a music calling that she could not do, but still she needed to practice and learn as much as possible.

Taking a class or reading a book is a great way to develop our skills...consider youtube... mentor or be mentored. Someone who already knows, or who is olympians still have coaches.

By not giving up. Scripture in Ether,  having humility, and ask for help...especially divine help.
Look in uncoventional places for answers (lately, I decided to listen to songs to hear the Lord's voice much like ones hears in the words of the scriptures).

Joseph who did his part, like a member of the body has different abilities. We are being prepared maybe like Joseph who got sold into Egypt,  he got to develop.

God gives callings to qualify someone.

We are created as a man and woman who are to be joined, seperate persons with a different set of abilities that ought to be used together.

With great talent comes great responsibilities.

Is your talent dependent on your having a mortal body and sphere to live in?

Relief Society -


Religion means nothing if...

"Too lazy to lie..."

If you are unconcious and they go to your driver's license for weight for medication dosage.

Like the kids will not J walk because it is against the law...they force me to be honest.

We get to be at that level of honesty men like prophets hold themselves to a greater standard.

And there was a time when my daughter told on me for not taking medicine.

It is an example to me that someone is destined for Greatness, because of his honesty.

The world would be different if people were honest. It would be simple.

We need to trust others like the say are truth.

When someone is honest, their behavior is shocking.

lies, Gavin's story about a cord being wrapped.

We use the excuse of kindness to justify little white lie, like story of bathroom toilet that broke cause people were too heavy, but would not just say so.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Institute notes

Book of interest, I already forgot.

Brother poll has a blog for insights that come after notes are emailed, it also includes fresh information posted on thursdays after the weeks classes.

McKonkie wrote important info about the earth, an instrument of his work and glory.

Earth fell from terrestial to telestial so Adam and Eve could raise Cain.

Earth must be transfigured as we will need a home.

Most important events are creation, fall, atonement. Atonement is most significant.

Jesus Christ is the Creator, God never spoke on this earth but to introduce his son.

Jesus is likened to us he did the work, but it was,made possible by his father, who provided the direction and means.

Plan, spiritual creation first for all things.

Creation is divided into periods but it is not necessary to find the direct conversion.

Wine is an interesting study of time. Cause a popular saying is, "there is no wine before it's time". Still, Jesus did not need any time for the equation.

God seems to us to have a waiver on time.

Man must exert something to cause anything to happen. This is the same thing that has,been said when faith was commented as an action.

Power of word... hence pen is mightier than the sword?

Waters in heaven are like clouds and firmament in the middle is earth...message is that God controls the rain.

"No one has ever asked for my advice, but they have gotten it.."like cure for poverty (observe a fast).

130 dc moses 26 & 27 moses 6:9 and psalms 8:4-6

Ressur9/14/16 12:49 PM ected bodies will all be beautiful, whatever that is, it will be realized as such.

D & C 132:7

What is your belief about having children?
It was a commandment to multiply and replenish the earth. Choices are to be made prayerfully betwixt the two of them and not be judged by any other standards.

People need do what they need to provide bodies for God's spirits which is his work and glory.

It is our job to teach our spirit how to rule a body.

Mastering yourself is a most important feat.

Theories of man are that we evolved into what we are, but we believe Adam was created in the image of God.

When comparing accounts of creation, it is important to not similarities as well as differences.

When teaching classes although lesson is the same it is taught differently every time, this is like accounts of creation.b

The importance is not the sequence or duration of things but why things are taught.

I do not know alot about global warming, and unlike most people I admit it.

It was commented how the earth groans from pollution, but  Brother Poll says that sin is the greatest pollution of this world. And God will not get worried thinking, "oh no. I did not think of that what will I do?:

A pattern of how to prepare for the second coming is found in the Book of Mormon.


"Sometimes, I believe in fate, but the chances we create always seem to run more true..."

From " if you were a sailboat" by Katie Melua

Just thinking about how in my younger years everything seemed more fateful, but now that I am more accustomed to life I see that those favorable coincidence were merely noticed, and taken. The difference is nothing more than I stopped taking risks. When you take risks when a few work out you are blinded to those that didn't or you simply say they helped you find what success you have.

I have more to say but not the time...

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Brain dump

Skylar James -

Lord commands us to do so many things.

Abraham and isaac is a story about obedience.

Abraham was not ready for the blessing until he was ready to obey, likewise we have lots of commandments that have assigned blessings waiting to be earned.

Story of attending seminary early mornings, he saw no minisitring angels, but he was certain that he was blessed.

The Lord is more concerned about our faith, etc. Than he is about the quantifiable statistics.

It is more important to do things with real intent instead of to be seen. Those who are on the receiving end will feel our sincerity.

What is a disciple? To clarify, we all are.
-Kelby Maughn

What is Joy?
Jesus, J must be put first.
Others, O serve others next
Yourself, Y you come last to live the gospel Joyfully.

Two purposes to our talents. Is to bless ourselves or bless others.

How do our spiritual talents bless others?
If you do not have natural talent, you can develop it as well as those who do.

You have to figure out your talents and develop them.

14 To others it is given to believe on their words, that they also might have eternal life if they continue faithful.

Magnify our spiritual talents.
Dc 46 :13 - 24 parable from Mat 25

Muscles must be used to be strong if not used we loose it.

We do not have the same talents. Discus why.

In a life we play a different role and develop and use different talents. Example of the Soldier who returns to a different role.

Change is repentance, not necessarily doing a thing that was wrong, but we change from good to better, too.

The church is liken to a body where each part is different, so we each are needed to be combined socially so more would be possible to us.

We are given the talents that was an appropriate ammount.

25 And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.

We sometimes think that it is better to stick with a sure thing, than to risk loosing anything. But, this displeased the Lord in this parable.

We like to cling to "One good thing" if the Lord gave us a good thing we do not want to loose it, it is fear, or low self esteem, inability to recognize our worth. We compare ourselves to others who seem to have so much more.

Comparing yourself to others causes pride( put yourself above others), but the other is putting yourself below others.

Atonement is essential in being able to share and work upon our talents.

Being greatful is part of being humble enough and not taking credit for.

Or pray to God to be humbled.

Having the spirit with is important to being humble in our success.

Howard "Hunter's ...." had a band, dance band, it is not what I want to focus on so he chose his family.

Married Claire and had three children, one died.... they started Family Night...make a train, to get children to talk to you while they do it.

You need to reinvent the family unit.

If you don't obey you will get hurt.

Make them share a room if they do not get along.

Pray and the Lord will let you know what to do.

Be an example. I see other parents with so much more success than us who do not yell or force their children to be reverent but they just are reverent themselves, and they take the sacrament peacefully.

Teach respect for reverent things.

Give children your time.

Hold Family council, like what we call it when each person gets to openly tell the whole family something.

The Home needs to be a safe place. Discuss safety.

*have a FHE on Saftey practices.

Home is a Holy Place. We are commanded to stand in Holy Places.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Some of my notes

Moses was not a problem, but was translated in Duet 4.

Held a higher priesthood and restored it invthe latter days.

Topsy turvy of soil is likened to what Moses endured. Prepared it so that it can be better fit to grow things.

JST of Bible to make it more clear. Came as a result of his studies of the scriptures.

Moses 1 not in Genesis at all but becones preface to Bible. After the burning bush saw God face to face. 

Listed prophets who saw the face of God.

I wonder what was,most significant to them about it.

Needed to be transfigured in order to be in God's prescence. Tranfiguration is only temporary, whereas translated means a more permanent change.

Names of God given in Moses 3.

Moses is called a child of God by A Heavenly being himself.

Moses had spoken to the pharoah many times and esteemed him as much, but still was greatly effected by speaking to God. And noted how he could not simply in the Pharoah's presence and yet, pharoah considered himself a God.

To call oneself an offspring of Heavenly parents or aspire to become like God is blasphemous.

When Moses performed feats like crossing the red sea or striking a rock and getting water, they were evidences of his preisthood power.

I just wanted to include this excerpt from the notes:

" many people have been led to regard the foreknowledge of God  as a predeztination where by souls are designated... "

God has created World's without number... but knows everything and it is all known to him.

If it is God's most importa+nt or sole work and glory is to help them become eternal beings. So, Mary might be more correct than I currently believe when she said, it is your job to make me happy.

Chinese man would not write "I am a child of God".

All things are seen as present by God. He see rather than foresees.

He know all things from begining to end at once, it allows us to love others who we might not have.

Even though God knows things he still allows us to have our agency.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Brain dump

Testimony meetingl

We are on a sort of rollercoaster ride, sometimes we are on spiritual lull, but those highs are just as sure to come!

Small things or large things happen that require that we thank God because we know that it is because of him that we succeed.

Immediately turning to the Lord brings miracles that turning to mankind doesn't although thanking others is important.

"Unexamined life is not worth living."
And as we examine our lives the hand of God becomes obvious.

We will experience bumps in the road, but they ought to make us stronger.

In a terrible situations the primary things have been done like saying prayers and reading scriptures, and it has been obvious how the Lord is there and hears and answers us. Things have been easy to deal with.

Prayer is undoubtedly true, be careful what you pray for, he always hears, sometimes his answer is just plainly no.

Undoubtedly,  many testify that this is the true church of Jesus Christ.

1 nephi 6 as it was reread verse 4 which is usually ignored hit him in a manner that made him stop to ponder:

4 For the fulness of mine intent is that I may persuade men to come unto the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, and be saved.

Ponder this:What is the pupose of your intent?

Law of tithing was given to the saints when they had very little. It would be easy to want to become a pack rat.

Not giving ten oercent of everything you get, but only 10 percent of money. And although it is given to the Bishop it is actually given to the Lord.

It was commented once how it was like a love letter to God and an opportunity to pay tithing.

Unusual power is given to the prophet when he speaks in place of the Lord.

Paying tothing is not an option.

2 Corinthians 9:7 -
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver."

What if the Lord was standing right in front of you and asks you to pay tithing.

Testimony that if you pay tithing,  the Electricity bill will be paid.

We are urged to donate to humanitarian aid because you can help others who actually have less than us.

At judgement bar we will be asked if we helped our fellow man.

Had to decide that tithing will Need to be done, an example of being obedience.

If you pay for tothing you will be blessed. 

Group name:LaytonFairfield2


None can flourish in isolation. Gen 2:18

Lonliness is such a disabling situation to be in.

Go visit a care center even if you do not know anyone yet.

Quality of our relationships with others is significant in that it will be have in the next life (What was that scripture?)

Social order that will exist in heaven.

The Lord has a plan for everything! From the gardens at temple square to how we gain the social abilities that we will need in the Celestial Kingdom.

Reminds me of my wish for the kids in going to school. My concern isn't as much for the intelligence but that they learn social skills.

"You have never talked to a mere mortal." -C. S. Lewis

Take joy in the success of others! Maybe look around for things to be excited about, since we mourn for them, but empathetically we can be happy for those we learn of that get good things! It is like others who want to call others to share things with them - this was exactly what I was thinking about my mother never seems to even have the need to tell anyone about things that she needs.

You have to be able to trust others, to be a friend, interesting this is more like Faith, which dispells fear.

People that you start talking to people they will almost transform them into a person you love.

We all need to work very hard on our relationship with our God. This is a perfect use of the Sabbath.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Agency notes to remember

we have a responsibility to make wise choices.

Often it feels easier to say, “I won’t decide—whatever happens will happen,” or “I’m too afraid of missing out,” or even “Why won’t the Lord just tell me what to do?”
But the Lord rarely just tells us what to do. Instead He allows us to prayerfully work out our decisions. Sometimes He confirms them (see D&C 9:7–9), and sometimes He lets us make our choices and learn from them (see D&C 122:7). He would never take away our agency, instead counseling us and teaching us how to best use our agency, because He wants us “to act for [our]selves and not to be acted upon”.