Sunday, July 30, 2017

Brain dump

Reorganization of bishopric

Berkley - Bishop
McMillan - 1rst counselor
And Phares - 2nd counselor

Sister Berkley bore testimony that the Lord truly loves us all, although so many seem to resist that knowledge. It is likened to a great feast to which all are invited but many will not come.

The new bishop shares how loving our heavenly father is, and our savior loves us nearly beyond comprehension.

He mentioned no longer hugging and Joseph commented, "everyone else can still hug, right? ...I do not want to be bishop then."

Serving in calling but still felt drained and run down, and it confused him cause he was serving. Eventually figured it all out, and it was like "filling our lamps" in the parable of yhe ten virgins. He admonished us to please read our scriptures or at least the Ensign to refuel our spiritual strength.

It is just as important to establish a legacy so that those who follow us will fondly remember our great fight and want to emulate it.

Last words of Steve Jobs, all success in this realm seems meaningless.

    The "non-stop pursuit of wealth will. 
    Only turn a person into a twisted being,
     just like me."

Bishop had been fiercely obedient to the will of God.

First presidency considers bishopric in the Temple, evidence that the Lord in involved with the monute details of our lives.

Stake president testifies that the new bishopric was chosen by God.

Sacrifice play was used as a definition for sacrafice, you give up your reward for a better one.

Think about this **** Isaac was called the only Son of Abraham but Ishmael was actually his firstborn.

Weding ring is coming to my mind as a perfect similitude of sacrifice. It is a thing given up to get a greater thing.

I used to think that there is no such thing as a sacrifice because of the reward being as great or greater as what is traded off, but the point is that you do not know that you will get the reward.

The example of donating a kidney to a dying child it does not feel like a sacrifice when you do a thing because the love given is unending.

The service a Latter-day Saint must give so much to the Lord as sacrifice.

"We are leaving you for the Lord."

I think, in this light, that it is a blessing to not be able to be with my older children, because they will be taken so much better care of by the Lord than I could ever do or provide.

It is important to gather our family together

We need to do temple work for our kindred dead, not just the dead.

We have been called, literally, to give more efforts towards family history. So get to work doing it.

My father literally wanted us to all work together in the temple.

Take a Name app can search to find temple ready people.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Brain dump

Parable of the wheat and tares is a parable in Matthew.

Weeds grow faster and take the nutrients, but the wheat is a fighter, and if it does die, it relinquishes it's nutrients to the stronger wheat.

In the parable the wheat are likened to Latter-day Saints and there are obvious and increasing amount of tares...or sins that look like good things, will try to choke us out and take away our strength.

Joseph pointed out that if someone didn't  take care of the tares they would take over and the wheat would all be gone and unless one could tell that the wheat was gone they might try to make bread or cookies out of tares, and that would ruin everything.

Whenee find that we find ourselves ostracized and alone because we,were doing what is right not to be upset, because this means that we will not have anyone to fight for resources.

A man, a high councilman had a dream that he was giving a talk, and woke up and he was. :)

Car needs to be in working order. The battery power we often recharge, but as in a car, the alternator needs to be working or else if the car shuts down it will not be able to restart. The heart of a person is likened to an alternator.

God speaks to his prophet, we are sure of that and like fast flying jets that make a choice themselves, but to be marvelous they must unequivocally follow.

"When the prophet speaks time for dilberation is over." former stake president.

As I reexplained a story to Joseph he explained that the comment I made about if they were doing what was right, but the "prophet" (lead jet flyer) was not doing as instructed, but trying to decide a thing for himself, they (pilots) would all die together. He explained that maybe the reason they all went astray and ended upcrashing was because a bird flew into his engine and he was just trying to save himself.
It is not enough to be good, but to be good for something.

Early saints, or pioneers only had one thing to focus on, that is a blessing, Satan is good at what he does and the saints today have a million and one thing vieing for our attention.

If we decide one thing, that is to follow our leaders/prophet that is really all that we really need to do.

Fast ought to begin and end with a prayer. It is better to be reminded often what out purpose is; which is to say that we really ought to have a purpose for our fast or else it is merely starving outselves.

Fasting is a bit, to me, like drinking water for the sacrament, it is a personal covenant. And does not matter as much what one does as that a thing is given up to show dedication. And it is important to follow all of the other rules that we can, although we could not go without food.

We are reminded that we can fast anytime for any reason.

Parable of the widow's mite is brought to consideration when talking about fast offerings.

Mindful meals. Thinking more clearly about what you are doing might be an alternative to not eatting.

Food seen as an addiction, a person exercised self control during fasting, and important thing to teach children at a young age  it becomes a tool to teach children to overcome.

Fasting is an opportunity for us to exercise dominance over physical needs.

It is critical as a missionary to draw nearer to the spirit through prayer. It was called "prayer on steroids" by a haidenthaler girl who told the class that was what her missionary companion in Alabama had told her often.

Lastly, sin is selfish, but fasting helps us place others first which aides in a remission of sins.

"The boogeyman checks his closet before bedtime for Elder Holland, that is a universal truth,  right?"

**(COMMANDMENT)Be generous in fast offerings.

Fasting brings about miracles.


Relief Society

Do you believe in Heaven? If so how does that make you different.

I do what I do BECAUSE I know what I know.

Word choices are very painstakingly made.

The culture is not religion.

The comment was made again about a tender MERCY of God to be goven a knowledge of Him.

Culture squelches the light of Christ, but it is still there.

In Sweden people talk they do not say, "good morning Brothers and Sisters" but "good morning siblings"

"Everytime you go to the grocerystore you will think of this now.." she said regarding her analogy of families being like a grape and we are all gathered together our bunch has the same stem, which is the eternal realm.

Families can be together not will be together forever.

"No empty chairs in our Heavenly Home."

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Brain dump

Joseph was going to the rest room and he wanted me to look away, but instead of smaying that he said, " why don't you go look in the mirror? You like to do that, right."

Then he drew a road and it looked like a tumble weed but, he asked me what it was, I guessed wrong and told me actually it was a the road.

Imagine you would get 10 laws only ten, would you include keeping the Sabbath day Holy?

"The small island kingdom of Tonga lies immediately next to the international dateline, so it is the first country in the world to greet the Sabbath day. It is a small country and, in the counting of the world, a poor country. But years ago a wise Tongan king decreed that the Sabbath would be kept holy in Tonga forever.

Modern civilization has come in many ways to Tonga. If one goes to the capital of Nuku’alofa on a weekday, he finds the usual heavy traffic of trucks and cars and the bustle of thousands of shoppers making their regular purchases from well-stocked stores and markets. One sees people line up to view the latest movies and to rent videos. One can watch modern buses whisk tourists off to catch their jet planes, or observe the speed and clarity of a satellite call to the United States. The streets are crowded and business is good. You might wonder, “What is so different about this town from hundreds of others like it throughout the world?”

But when Sunday dawns on the kingdom of Tonga, a transformation takes place. If one goes downtown, he sees deserted streets—no taxis or buses or crowds of people. All the stores, all the markets, all the movie theaters, all the offices are closed. No planes fly, no ships come in or out, no commerce takes place. No games are played. The people go to church. Tonga is remembering to keep the Sabbath day holy.

It is significant that the first country in the world to greet the holy Sabbath keeps the Sabbath holy.


Does the Lord love and bless those who keep the Sabbath day holy? I testify that he does in eternally meaningful ways."

People who go to worship in nature. "We worship the creator not the creations."

If we do not do things on Sunday we will spend time with our families.

There is a story where a person's faith was on trial, and they reached their quota of steps, but needed to go home.

Car dealerships must be closed on Sunday because they need a rest. It reminds me of how I do better work if I take a break.

You pay a price for working on Sunday though it is not observable  by the world.

What about things that are not accountable by anyone else.

Sacrament is a great thing with blessing to aour lives that can be a day to look forward to.

Go out and look for those who have less and need help and help them. This is the best way to get up from and make an exit from the pitty party.

Need to be grateful for what you have, and thankful that you have your trials, and not someone else's.

"As you ... serve, a new dimension will be added to your life."

Of the good things that a man achieved they were not "the obserable" things, but the ways that he was able to serve his people.

Missionaries are extremely happy because of the service they are giving.

When we serve it is not to get an observable thank you or reaction. So it is hard to be do it because we want to serve, likened to how women want their husbands to do something for us, but because they want to do it.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Brain dump


In a country visited it was dictated how to dress, it is a sign of their patriotism, which is showing devotion to our country.

We need to follow and honor the rules of the nation which we are.

Joseph Smith taught how each government, though they may be a bit odd, are set up to punish the wicked and enable the good to do as is seen good.


A soft knock is likely a child, but if it is a loud knock then you do not want to answer because it might be the bishopric asking you to speak in church.

What is achieved too lightly, is revered too lightly.

Talked about how revently people take their chapel, thus sacrament.

I think telling children to be reverent during sacrament is a good reminder of what we should be doing during sacrament meeting.

If a man actually takes the sacrament properly, he will not do other things that matter like paying tithing, attending all of our meetings, etc.

No treats before sacrament.

Another church she was left to wonder what they go to church for. Because they do not have a sacrament meeting.

Savior took the sacrament and showed them how to do it.

Story about a boy giving the prayer who messed up or maybe there might be a morality problem, but the covenant is still valid. The Lord understands, but he wants us to remain stalwart and true to the exactness...

Around 1904 word wine was changed to water

Sound of airplanes is the found of freedom.

Sacrament is in the Book of Mormon.

Not both prayers have taking Christ's name.

When we remember always, we keep in mind that we can be forgiven, but most importantly that we will remember the opportunity and sacrifice made so that we do not want to cause additional suffering so we adjust our behavior, that is rememberung, and then to answer when it should be done, ALWAYS!

Great idea to recite the prayer and say a prayer before sacrament. Arrive early.

Take children to church regardless of how they act. They will not remember how they acted but what they do.

How to thrive despite causal effect. Obstacles can do good for us. Marcus Arealius first taught us this. Turn obstacles upside down, basically this is self reliance, not reacting but choosing how to act regardless.

If you do not help yourself you willnot be able to help others.

Out of balance, when one tire is damaged.  If mind is messed up it effects your mental ability.

So being able to meet all of our own needs helps us be balanced, the key is being balance regardless of what happens.

Your identity is attached to what you "do" occupation.

1) Be active in the things you love.

I think again, I ought to get a recumbant bike figure a way and do the work required to make that happen.

We need to be spiritual self reliant, and know and do things without others.

Read "The Secret" by Les Brown

Pray for spiritual experiences.

******"Pain is a teacher." Ben Franklin

Maybe go to Fairfield Vilages, and offer to do a talent for them.

Social self reliance This is like an "inner sanctum". Our relief scoiety is a real blessing for us, and a caring social group.

Do you give help easily? Well, do you?

Offer to help someone who might have a need, and allieviate it.

Work on helping yourself so that you will be able to help others.

You can find a way if you look.

Intellectual self reliance.

Chess is show to counter the effects of alzheimers and dimentia.

Learn to do something you do not know how to do. To increase your intellectual self reliance.

Emotional self reliance is most important,

*******"The Obstacle is the Way." Ryan Holliday

*******"Gavin Becker "The Gift of Fear"

Get enough sleep, and ask for help.

Do not be afraid to ask when you need help.

How successful you are as a person is how you deal with the trial.

Stop seeing a problem as a problem, but see them as opportunities.

*****"5 second Rule" change within 5 seconds.

Thing just is if it is Good or bad it is because of you, otherwise it is just an event. So learn to decide!

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Brain dump

Fourth of July is a time to be thankful for our country.

Forefathers were inspired. Even on our coins it says in God we trust.

"If only I sat on the stand I would bear my testimony."

"I think 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' was the star that shined when Jesus was born."

Every good thing that has happened in my life IS a result of my decision to be baptized.

The country was prepared as a place where the gospel could be restored.

Greatful to be a member of this church, even though I am not as much of a scholar as other people who know that they are right.

Youth are the future of the church, but not only the church but of the nation. And they felt the spirit and things clicked when they were taught about realizing what an anchor a belief in Christ can be in their lives. This is such a good thing.

Use the sacrament as a weekly time designated to review the week and how to make it better.

God might wonder why the opportunities and blessings He gives us as trials when they are meant to be blessings.

Think, as we review things, how infinitly aware of us Our God is. ***It actually scares,me at times when I start to doubt that Heavenly Father is behind things.

GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT -how and why and the imitation of such.

D&C 46

Gift of Tongues - not something that just instantly allowed you to speak and somehow know the language, but lasy was blessed with gift of tongues, she could not ever speak, but could communicate with the spirit.

It is important to remember it is for the Lord's purposes not personal ambition. See D&C 6:7

To become like Heavenly Father includes knowing everything.

It is possible to know things but cannot explain them.

Always learning but never learn things.

Gift given to know that Jesus Christ was the savior and Son on God:
16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you

67 Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?
68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.
69 And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of God.

At times we must have more faith, and to be calmed and assured. a priesthood blessing can solve that.

I am thinking about the fact that the same people who were in that same story my father read about as a child and it so greatly affected him...those same people are causinging miracles in his own family, now.

*** We need to pray to recognize our gifts and try to use them to magnify God.

We have gifts do that all mankind may be benefitted.

We can pray for a gift to recieve and develop that gift. "Seek earnestly to get the best gifts." Charity ought to be sought for.

Satan can imitate these gifts... makes me think of the time my neighbor asked me about the people that were performing miracles.

We can be given callings to develop our talents.

Rs ------

Think of your talents and how you can use them to serve and help others.

Don't  try to be like someone else, comparing is the worst thing to depress you and make you feel untalented because there will always be someone greater and lesser.

Our gifts are supposed to be used for his purposes, like David Archuleta when he lost the big worldly competition, but the Lord had uses of his talent and he likely improved more lives than the winner dude. Through his mission...

Each has different talents and together they work well.

Wierd that Lord uses lessons at church to focus on the thing we are learning. The lady who had been praying to know her talents and then we are having a lesson in RS and in SS on talents. Also,  I heard a guy from a story in the Ensign who heard a song exactly the things he needed to hear at that time.

Our Pat. Blessing tells us about our talents. Regarding that, it  tells me directly that my greatest talent is achieving the desire of my heart... so, I suppose that Heavenly Father must have alot of faith in me to trust that I will desire the right things. My greatest desire has remained a desire, does that mean the desire is not right, or it reminds me how I am also to keep eternal perspective and will not be answered in a way I understand or like, but will be in a way I think, maybe I will wait... I certainly will not stop believing it is a true communication from God.

It is important to express gratitude for our gifts.