Sunday, February 26, 2017

Brain dump

Story of hometeacher who agreed to help and he was asked to paint a porch, but the guy painted in about an hour and he said,"all done. But, I feel obligated to tell you tgat it was a BMW not a Porsche.

God will never discourage us ever, that is Satan's tool.

If you are on a negative train of thought stop and change, you can only think one thing at a time and if you are thinking a positive thought you will push out any negative thought that there is no room for now, anyway.

Don't strive for perfection, but strive for progress.

Immediate perfection would deny us the power to improve.

Heavenly Father knew the end from the begining and he pushed us on and considered the cost worth it.

Topic of imperfections, One said, I coild speak about my imperfections for 10 minutes easy.

We can be happy regardless of what happens around us.

"We can't change the wind, but we can adjust the sails." Thomas S. Monson

When I showed Joseph where to find the composer for the hymn he responded, "cool." As I pointed to one he added, " Is that a friend of yours?".

When driving instead of seeing imperfections, he started seeing all the loving people around made him weep out of love for the strangers.

There would only be one saved person without the atonement.

But we are told to "work out our salvation".

Lesson is on the fall. I prefer the spring.

"Everyone is better than Moses in one way or another."

Adam and Eve had bodies made from dust of the earth, but they were not mortal.

No choices had been made in the Garden of Eden... why couldn't Adam and Eve multiply, they knew that it was a commandments.

Part of the viel was removed when they ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

So when became mortal they could have children.

Convinced Eve to eat... and she made a choice to eat.

It was pointed out that Eve was foreordained to be the mother so she would be predisposed to eat the fruit, which might be seen as,her being wiser, and perhaps she was wiser than Eve, but she was merely the one who had the attributes.

God cannot make any imperfect thing, so man had to make himself mortal.

But, Satan says that it was done in other worlds. But he did not know what the mind of God was, but if he didn't know the mind of God...was the whole plan presented and satan heard it and such, so not knowing the intent of God seems odd.

Knowing what will happen does not change making a thing difficult.

We sang a song about being sunbeam song, it was used to teach lesson about sharing the restored gospel.

It is not a program to share the gospel but to help others.

It is so interesting to me how I honestly believe that somehow everyone knows exactly what I have been thinking about because it is the very thing that they are discussing. This last time a woman spoke about a woman who was doing a thing and it was the same thing I do.

The gospel has answers for people. When they ask.

Missionary work is optional, that is important to remember.

When you do not have a badge it is harder to share the gospel.

Being a missionary is as easy as setting an example.

Having knowledge is not necessarily a conversion.

"What can I do today to be an instrument in thy hands?"

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Brain dump

Missionary served in Tacoma, told stories and how they all taught the plan of salvation and that is what people are "hungry" for.

Missionary mentioned that thpugh all things taught are true the plan of salvation is easiest because of how true it is and it will surely be well recieved.

Instead of re reading his talk to prepare, the high councilman listened to music and the spoken word and it amazes me how much is taught "eloquently in verse".

D & C 93 answers how exercising faith can bring the answer of all things.

"Unto the heart"...then we must bring that into the heart. It is hard to do, and countless people (with no respect of persons) have failed to embrace with faith that which is true.

When struggles we some sotuations where we can only turn to our God. We will find the evidence that our father loves us.


Before anything is built is must be planned. Like a garden, so earth must be planned out.

It is important to have a testimony of the creation, then the science will not trip you up.

God loved Saturn so much he put a ring on it.

We need that much space regarding the universe expanding, and our individual potentials.

Time is only identified in mortality.

Don't let what we don't let what we don't know upset what we do know.

We are here to walk by faith, so for now we cannot have factual knowledge of things.

We are trying to be like our father in Heaven, cause we saw what he had and wanted to get that.

(Going to Ghana MTC)

We have an innate desire to create something that did not exist prior.

Hinkleys from canada/new york border

Ira got baptized in Nauvoo, he was young. When going west his wife and half brother passed away on the same day.  Became stk. Pres in Filmore (was originally to be the capitol of Utah)

It is interesting how her pioneer heritage is noting how generation by generation they buildt a family of faith that would be able to reach the point where we are today...hence the did as much for their family as any of the Utah saints did for the church.

"Faith, Hope, Work, and Dream, do you best" that is the pioneer spirit.

GEORGE WASHINGTON was a gift of God. In the right place at the right time. This is the same foundation taught by my philosophy professor regarding political leaders. America needed to be prepared.

The lord knows exactly where we need to be to handle the sacrifuce required.

We need to be seeking out how to help other pioneers.

Story of Sister who thought she was the pioneer and first of her family, but then she discovered that her mom had lost touch with a brother as a lucky find lead her to discover that he had come to Americas and become a latter-day saint.

Sunday, February 12, 2017


When Bishop mentioned that we needed a speaker and she stood perfectly still like on jurasic park, thinking no one can see you if you do not move.

Prayers are answered in three ways.

A burning in our heart
Or not right now, which feels like nothing, it is time.

We never know if the spirit will strike, so I will go get chalk.

Lesson 4 Freedom to Choose

Two teachers one said Freedom after first mentioned Choosing so many times.
The other says mostly freedom. Maybe that is hos portion of a two-part choice.

You can pick your friends you can pick your nose, but you cannot pick your freind's choice.

Make the right choice while you can or it will be made for you.

There are right and wrong choices and we need to figure out what was right to be able to choose to.

To be happy we have to make choices, and God wants us to be able to be happy.

Opposition was always there, but now with lucifer upped the powerful influence of opposition.

Accountibility creditability... for making good choices.

When we make a good choice we get the freedom to make more choices. Whereas if we make a bad choice it is,restricting.

Favorite scripture is about how we recieve more light when we choose the light.

Sought out classes for help, and was told that as long as you live the best you can, your child will be helped.

You get to see it happens to other and you wish you could take away the agency even .

"Free agency and how to Enforce it."

Never gave the kids a bed time but gave them a wake up time, and they got to learn to depend on that, and make their own choice.

Conquer by love, children will see it and learn to turn to you.

Children look to what you do and if you are doing your best, and loving  your children. Make your home a place children choose to come to.

Sometimes it is a struggle just to figure out that you have choices.

Story of woman who was sustained by a loving family  who loves you regardless of what she had done.

Atonement is ETERNAL.

We make bad choices so that we get to realize what is good.

If everyone is "Super" then no one will be....think of the Incredibles.

Best example of a prayer, he contemplated and thanked for the things taught.

If we decide if we are happy or not, it is common to believe it, so all of us should be happy.

People act as they see the truth.

We develop opinions of ourselves, and we believe. It does not matter what is true, but what we believe is true.

How we saw pictures was different because of certain things and ways we have been taught. It was strange that the one that everyone else had difficulty seeing was the one I saw instantly without difficulty.

A man who trained for a marathon wore overalls and such, no one told him the proper way to run, he was not dressed like them nor did he rest like them so he won by a few days.

Kids know if they are bring treated differently than they truly are. And you will snap back to who you are.

We have to come to a realization several times that we really are a daughter of God.

It is important to realize that you have so much ahead of you. Even at any age. And you can be free.

We believe that we are daughters of God, but believing is not enough until it is represented in our actions. It does happen that we get really low until we realize what we believe. And we cannot give that to our children, they need to have that low to learn who they are.

When children are tested or play a game, do not focus their attention on the result or how much was wrong. Rather ask if they had fun or what they learned.

In YW I had a goal of getting up 14 consequetive days being in a good mood.
Make it a choice to be happy, we can do this.

You do not have to do what is truly impossible, but you need to do your best.

My teacher said in 8th grade when I told him I could not do a thing he said, "where there is a will there is a way."

We do not need to have our ducks in a row to be happy.

You can feel sorry for your self for five minutes today, but then you have to be "gangtsa".

We might have alot of stuff that is bad, but think of all of the good things that we have.

Recognize, in action, what we claim to believe, do not apologize or be nagative about it.

Life is to be enjoyed not endured.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Brain dump

(Nothing from sacrament mtg. Although, there are things that I would like to remember)

It was decided what we would do and become. Foreordination. We had gifts and talents that needed to be decided.

Ordination is not the fufilment, but the choice must still be made.

We needed physical bodies to get and give blessing by laying on of hands.

First estate denotes there are future estates.

It makes sense that kingdoms we recieve will be the Earth, as it is an Estate.

Estate is a home.

Jesus was preordained then to be our Savior.

(Preordination is largely due to our progression to this point)

Lucifer uses truth in your lies. And uses the advantage that we see things in a finite world. Only seeing a part and not the whole a thing could be a law or rule to that little bit. Like a rule one can say it is the truth and it will be for a billion years.

The atonement is personal, it is not justice or a thing that is black and white or right or wrong.

There is a manipulation of perspective with Lucifer plan when he said that none shall fail to return, but Jesus' plan would not promise all would choose right. But, that missed the point.

That battle is not a was it is over, it is still fought daily.

I need to know the difference between lucifer's plan and the atonement and ressurrection... so, everyone who was born will be resurrected. But, I get it now! Very few even being redeemed will be able to progress forever.

We tend to look elsewhere for neat things to fo, and miss what we do have, like Seattle Space Needle.

Story of commenting how blessed they were.

Lesson on gratitude.

One comment wat peculiar in that they were thankful for running water, but really try living without it, and it was commented that we flush better water in our toilets than others have for drinking water.

Spirit of gratitude engenders a spirit of freindliness and getting along and ofcourse, optimism.

God is where ever men could go.

No one can look at the world, especially from outer space,  and can say there is no God.

When we are thankful, we will naturally be thankful for other things that we may not recognize as blessings.

Make sure you thank God. Paying tithing is a great way to show thanksgiving and love.

It is interesting to hear her, not because of the words he says but this comment: ",I cannot lie to him, he might not like what I have to say but I cannot change it."