Sunday, November 22, 2015

Brain dump stake conf.

Feed sheep, not necessarily  when it is convenient.

Best example by living the gospel is the ideal way to share our testimony.

Preach my gospel or teavher no greater call, is not just someone else's calling or responsibility.

We are all teachers.

It is important to teach with love from scriptures and lesson manual.

Involve others to ensure the message is going to stick.

Do not loose the lesson in the presentation.

We must strive to teach with the spirit, it teaches not us.

Prayer to accept God's will, it brings peace even when things do not go well.

Courageously, live the gospel.

Maybe write a blog of observations of gospel living.

When was the last  spiritual experience you had? Would you share it?

How does the temple bless you?

The Lord started attending the temple often in his youth, and he continued to do so through out his life, and he has set the example for us.

The youth are very diligent in doing temple work. Not a single requirement to do so, the youth go because they are invited.

(That would be such a great thing to plant in the hearts of my children to genuinely WANT to find peace and wisdom in the temple)

Come follow me is a literal quotation, we need to follow his example.

Plan of salvation is real.

Study scriptures enough that our children not only find our savior, but our family.

Many have seen the Lord in the temple, but everyone can feel his prescence.

"I will not leave you without comfort " The LORD said it, in reference to the Holy Ghost. That is how we can KNOW what to do. This knowledge is undeniable.

If we worithily partake of the Holy Ghost, it will be a protection for our family. This is through our sanctification, we no longer desire to do or like things contrary to and offensive to God.

As we surround ourselves with Godly things, we will be more likely to hear or understand the impressions that come from heaven.

We can actually feast on the words of Christ they are so available to us.

Wash with blood means to sanctify, which we do each week when we partake of the ordinance of the sacrament.

All things denote there is a God who loves us.

Do we talk "like" Christ? Tenderness

Kindness govern your tongue. Children hear another language, and our words might not be even understood.

Behold means more than see.

When the youth are strong, everyone is strong.

When we are offended, rebuke with love.

When we speak up or for the church we are doing so for the Savior of the whole world.

The Lord wants us to be happy, we become happy when we share we are happy.

It does not matter how the football is taught, that is likened to the teaching presentation, it matters more how it would was recieved and led to a score.

Teaching is not for the knowledge of the world, but as, teaching our children it is suited for our audience.

Power of the Temple is in the spirit of it's work. Not the physical aspects.

We find more than peace and escape, but hope. It is before the throne of God.

We need to have the ho lyghost with us so that our children can feel it.

Do not try to speak out of anger.
Story about a girl cleaning bath with too much cleanser.

Never make a big deal out of anything. Even if it is a big deal.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Stake adult session

Music sets the mood, just everyone singing invites the spirit.

Spirit invited into home through just the display of a singular painting of the savior.

Felt the love and concern of hone and visiting teachers.

Obedience to commandments does not limit what we can do but instead allows us to do more.

Keep up the work and comittment of fellowship, even when change isn't apparent.

Letters from missionaries to family and friends is different than the one sent to father. That is a lot like our prayers.

"I had the faith but didn't  trust the Lord." This is often the lament of those who hesitate. But, instead think of Nephi and how he believed that a way would be provided.

Neverthless, not my will, but thine be done. An angel strengthened him. Jesus was not absolved, but strengthened.

Only eveough faith to believe in Jesus Christ is required to be bsptised. That puts a new perspectuve on a false offense taken by those who are denied baptism.

Faith is action.

If we fail to respond, we will get countless opportunities.

5 Pillars of missionary work.

Faith in God includes faith in his timing.

It is easier to build a soul than to save one.
1) find members - start looking in family then friends and coworkers.

Elder Haight asked if those who had ever been inactive, and 1/3 of people stood.

2)teach. Call elders if need be.


4)retention. What good does it do to baptize them if they don't stay.

5)Reactivation. The Lost sheep. No matter how good you are there are people better than that which are less active.

The Lord has prepared someone to do this.

There is something so significant about the gratitude expressed in the opening prayer even of this meeting. Every single person here is playing a significant role.

The Lord' s reckoning is not ours, so the fact that it is the last days means it is surely in his eyes.

If you think you can not take this, it is too difficult to bear, we are right. We cannot do it without the Savior.

It is harder to allow others to help us than to help others.

It is by helping others that we are blessed, so we can suffer so that others can help us heal.

This stake is a place where the Love of God is palattable.

Angels are deployed in our behalf when we give up to say " thy will be done". It is all about giving up our will...

You never even invited me? When you had this truth?

We do our part, the rest is his work, we must trust it is enough, to do our part.

Have the missionaries into your home, it will bless your children.

Leaders, lead children back to Heavenly father.

Mind the gap in the subway in London. This is an exercise of faith that the shepherds went to go see the Savior when they knew only where generaly to go.

We all have gaps in our lives between what we expect to have happen and when, then how and when it actually happens. Be willing to accept things and do not start to doubt, because we are in the gap. As sis Warner planned her wedding, but didn't  marry until 37.

Not only mind the gap but, accept that it is a gap, and it will be overcome.

There is something that captivates and physical beauty might be a part it is something more.

An understanding of all things comes from a desire to know (feasting)

The more we learn, the more we realize that we do not know.

Cry unto the Lord that is when our hearts are softened.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Brain dump

When you honestly love those in your class they will understand that and respond accordingly. Nothing is conveyed as powerfully as love and genuine concern for others.

The concern for others can displace the concern for self.

Take action. It is sign of faith. The children of Israel  started crossing the red sea before it parted.

Obedience produces results, Christ being the ultimate example of this, never being anything but humility and sincerity.

Manage your resources, we are in servitude to our debts.

Work, take resonsibility.

Solve problems. Brother of Jared provides the best example of how he turned to the Lord for his solution.

We will be blessed in all of our affairs if we serve diligently in the temple.

We can solve our own problems.

Unity is important.  Zion.

Communication requires listening. Prayer provides lift.

Integrity means doing what is tight regardless.

Seek learning and wisdom.

My mouth gets dry and I swear so much,  so I apologize if I have to put my foot in my mouth.

Peter was asked to go be a disciple not a fisher. God does not need fish.

Sunday School-

Post mortal Spirit World. Mortal life is very temporary, so pur wants and happiness shifts.

We are  eternal beings. We are all children of Heavenly Father.

We are born on earth to get mortal bodies and learn to live by faith.

Heaven was seen as a place not flying around.

Feelings are so real they are as certain as,our other senses, because the spirit world is around us.

Family relationships are also important. President Jedediah M. Grant, a counselor to Brigham Young, saw the spirit world and described to Heber C. Kimball the organization that exists there: “He said that the people he there saw were organized in family capacities. … He said, ‘When I looked at families, there was a deficiency in some, … for I saw families that would not be permitted to come and dwell together, because they had not honored their calling here’”

Unrealized dreams when people die it is the same as when we get old or suffer a terrible malady, but ww have a hope.

Relief society spiritual and temporal well being.

It is important that we keep our thinking straight, my brothers and sisters. Let us ever keep in mind that all material things are but a means to an end, that the end is spiritual, although the Lord is anxious and willing to bless his people temporally. He has so indicated in many of the revelations. He has pointed out, time and time again, that we should pray over our crops, over our livestock, over our households, our homes, and invoke the Lord’s blessings upon our material affairs. And he has promised that he will be there and ready and willing to bless us. …

Moses 3, everything was spiritual first.

Spiritual clue by four.

The Lord's hand was in everything to get us here, though it was not really a place they would have otherwise chosen.

We pray alot for temporal, but those prayers can be answered, too.

Ours is a gospel of work—purposeful, unselfish and rendered in the spirit of the true love of Christ. Only thus may we grow in godly attributes. Only thus may we become worthy instruments in the hands of the Lord for blessing others through that power which can lead to changing the lives of men and women for the better.
We should be humbly grateful for this challenge, this heritage, this opportunity for service and its abundant rewards. How fortunate are those who may follow the Lord’s plan to develop this power and use it for the blessing of others. That is what the Christ did. That is what we are privileged to do.

Do work with the kids to successfully teach work.

family helps eachother to financially allow what is needed.

Grinch story, reminds us that your money just sitting there if you are keeping it how can it be used to help?

Food storage is like the ark in how it was valued at the time.

Have the food storage discussion.

And the thing Lena said in her primary program aboit why she is thankful that sje listened to the prophet.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Brain dump

Fasting is a service. We give money from our fast to do charity work for others.

Veil is thin, our ancestors are learning and choosing, there is no greater feeling of the love when they choose to acceptvthe gospel.

We do not always get clear cut answers. Sometines I talk so much that I am unable to get a moment on until we arexquiet and pondering things like acriptures.

Things unfold that are no surprise to God.

Grew alot from serving a mission. It is hard to do when doing so goes against things taught by the Lord.

People of Africa are asked to fast even though they do not have much.  When someone asked about they said it is going well, they start on Friday snd end Sunday night. The response was I think you got it wrong, it is inly two MEALS. They responded with affirmation yes. That is what we are doing.

We need to be long suffering with our children.

With the atonements help we can do anything.

If fasting isn't  a sacrifice it likely isn't doing you a spiritual good.

Book of Mormon is the word of God.

Book of Mormon is without a doubt a work of God. He knows this because of reading it daily. The book is  to be understood spiritually that is how it gives its true gift. Not intellectual.

There is nothing we can do to not be loved by the savior.

"If I stood here and told the things I was thankful for I would use all of your time."

Thankful for the truth.  Included Joseph Smith and Book of Mormon, if we live by it, it will help us be happier.

When we attend church we can proudly say that there is no other place that we would like to be.

It is far  more important to live like him and follow his example, than to literally walk where Jesus walked.

Jonah avoided what he was asked to do.
God did not let him "run away".

Maybe it is better to not be a smarty pants because then you can recognize truth via the spirit.

Study and pray and never stop and never give up, ever.

We can be comforted  through prayers. (Even squirrel mating season).

Why were families writen in Bibles?

Everyone has a stumbling block in searching out their ancestors.

Mental troubles maybe not able to baptize him. His struggle was with physical limitations. He asked,"Where are you?"

If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith is prophet and everything is true.

WIIFM- how can I apply this, to me?
Moses 1:39 not just about us.

Hell is where you meet the person you could have been.

Immortality - would be damnation, inable to progresss.

Only top of Celestial Kingdom  get to creation.

We know things but never asked why.

Ask ourselves where are we? Are we on track?

As missionaries were not allowed to preach but help.

Story of woman who had her children ripped  from her arms during the Tsunami. She was asked do you think you will ever see them again.

You can know, you get so far away from what you once knew so you need faith.

In bhudist faith can you be taught in between reincarnations?

We have the potential to become like God

What is the Holy Ghost. Light of the Holy Ghost convincing witness that something is true. The gift of Holy Ghost stays with us.

It will show you all things that you should do.

We go to places and we need to ask for directions.

Spirit continually guides us and if we are humble he will lead us home.

We are likely going ask difficult questions.

The answers we get are clear and need to be humbly and instantly followed. Holy Ghost is completely honest and gives us tailored customized instructions.

Sometimes we fail to be honest but the holyGhost tells us,what we need to hear. When we do one thing we will be able or fit to do more.

Sacrament is time to review what we need to do to achieve our goals.

When you are prompted DO it, you will recieve more and be given a greater ability  to make correct choices.

We are shown things but we,need sufficient faith to do the thing.

We will need to go beyond the grave to achieve perfection.

A time the spirit told me to get under the bed and get my son, when he refused to climb out and I could not get him, so I prayed to know what to do. Then although I doubted it,  I did it.

Things will work out. Have faith. Things work  out very strangely sometimes.

Calling put me way out of my comfort zone.