Sunday, October 30, 2022


The gospel seems simple when I am at church...but, it is a bit like I heard a guy say how he was gullible, and I think that I might be like that because I am hearing opinions that I agree with.

And when I read ans hear very intelligent things is other places that are very easy to believe, I do believe them, until I get back to church.

I loved what the Bishop said about discerning the truth when contrary opinions both seem great. If looking to know if Joseph Smith is a prophet we would not look for the best and most intelligent article, we would look at the results or as Latter-day Saints say, the fruits, so if The things taught at church is true, and it happens weekly, the way God has church every week is a fruit of his idea of wisdom.

If a thing is Good, then it comes from God. If it just makes sense to me today, it might not make sense in a bit, like my psychology teacher in college said about if a thing changes.

How do you feel about that? (When making a chpice)